Thursday, April 11, 2013

4/11/13 60 min row + MAP Training

Row 60 min for max meters

15,515m Ave 1:56.0
Felt pretty good actually.
Had a good warmup. No serious cramping.
Butt starting to get uncomfortable but that's inevitable.
Tried to stay positive the whole time and it paid off.
Negativity is like poison during something this long.
Mind games help too. I was counting 45-47 strokes every 500m.
Had to do that 31 times (30 x 500m). Helped having something to chip away at.
Pushed hard on the last 500m. Ended in a dead sprint.
Body was pushing limits at that point. I rolled off the rower and
puked in my t-shirt because I couldn't get to a trash can.
Pain went away quickly though, then I was fine.
There is definitely more there, but I'm happy with this for today.
I haven't been on the rower for a long distance in a few weeks.

Airdyne 10 min @85%
rest 10 min
Run 10 min @85%
rest 10 min
Amrap 10 min @85%:
30 double unders
20 burpees
10 squat clean 135#

Rearranged on accident today. Might have worked out for the better.
Was short on time so used the 10 min. run as a warm up. More like 5 min. of it for warm
and then finished strong.

Airdyne felt good - 215 cal. Legs are really tired from row I think.

Mixed AMRAP: 3 rounds + 13 burpees.
Fast on DU's, smooth and steady on burpees. Cleans were all singles.
Good session tonight though. Feels good to get some good training in again.
Glad to be feeling normal again as well.

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