Thursday, October 30, 2014

10/26/14 - 10/28/14 - Back from honeymoon

30 minutes on the AD
top of every 3rd minute ride @ 400+ watts for 30 sec.

Actually hit these pretty hard. Felt good and spicy at the end. No wattage on my airdyne so went off feel.

gymnastics strength work

A.  Muscle Snatch + Muscle Snatch from above knee (1+3) x 3-5 sets
B.  Clean pull under x 3 x 3 sets.. light weight.. just work on form here
C.  BS; 60-65% @ 35x1 tempo x 3 reps, 2nd and 3rd rep are no pauses x 3-4 sets

Combined Afternoon & evening.
Gym: Complete each before moving on.
HSPU: 5 x 5, strict 3" deficit
Ring back off drills: 3 swings + back roll off rings
Tempo Dips: 3 x 3 @ 55X1, 35# for all sets
V-Ups: 3 x 35, Had to break these a lot.
Wall Walks: 5 x 3 sets; bleh

A. Up to 155#. Felt pretty good. I start to rebend the knees a bit to protect shoulders. Starts to feel shaky the heavier I go and am in weird positions. All good here though.


B. 185. Light and easy.
C. 300# for all sets. Felt great.

10 minute AD warm up
20 sec. @ 90%
1:40 off and rest
x12 sets

Felt good. Hit these hard. Closer to 97-100% for the :20

A.  Snatch squat press x 3 x 3 sets.. hold final rep for 5 sec. OH
B.  BN jerk; 65% x 3, 70% x 3 x 3 sets
C.  Clean grip RDL to knee @ 51x1 tempo x 5 x 5 @ 80% of clean max

A. Up to 95#. Feeling stronger here.

B. Up to 275#. Felt strong. Took a bit to get used to splitting again. I feel stronger now power jerking just because we've been doing a lot of it.


C. 300#. Strong. Grip was getting tired by the end of these. No straps, silly!

gymnastics work

Strict CTB Chinups:7 x 3 sets, These felt good. Small elbow twinge but went away quickly. I think we're good to go here.
Maltese Pushups: 15 x 3 sets, felt good. Used parallettes
HS Hold: :10 x 5 sets. No partner so practiced freestanding. Best it's ever felt.
Ring L-Sit Holds: :10 x 3 sets. Unbroken but had to internally rotate rings a lot to keep feet up. As soon as I turn out, feet drop. 
Strict T2B: 7 x 5 sets. Done. Felt great.

A.  Back rack lunge step x 5/side x 5 sets
*after each set do 3 high seated box jumps (from 20”) to high level box
B.  BB bent over row x 5 x 4 sets @ 41x1 tempo
C.  SLO; 80% x 5 x 3
10 minutes @ 80%
2 TGU - 1/side
15 cal on aD
4 MU
15 double unders

6 box jumps w/ step dow, 24"

Felt sick and tired so I skipped. Resting up for the next day and a half. Maybe travel caught up. I had plenty of sleep, just happens.

I saw an Octopus in Australia. 

Friday, October 10, 2014

10/6/14 - 10/12/14 - Wedding Week!

gymnastics work

Did this seperately as a noon session. Felt great to not be rushed. I'll continue this.

A.  BS; 78-80% x 3 reps x 3-5 sets
B.  Snatch squat press x 3 x 5 sets.. hold each rep for 3 sec. OH
C.  14 minute amrap
odd = 15 cal on rower
even = 5 strict CTB pull ups + 5 box jumps, 24” w/ step down

Done in PM. 
A. 365# for BS. Felt really good tonight.
B. Felt good as well. Up to 105#.
C. Done. All good except couldn't keep up with strict CTB. Varied it. 

4 rounds; 70/80/90% effort
400m run
15 T2B
50 double unders
rest 3:00 bt. rounds

Did this in AM
These felt awesome. Subbed 30 cal A/D instead of Run. Had a buddy with me and my knees hurt.
All sets UB and smooth. T2B got tough. Hip flexors and grip.
2:28, 2:09, 1:58, 1:48.  Last one bit hard.

A.  DL Cluster @ 83% *concentric only; 1.1 x 4, rest 20 sec., rest 2 minutes
B.  BN snatch grip push press x 3 x 5 sets.. build from last week
C.  Snatch lift off + snatch pull (2+2) x 4 sets @ 80% of snatch

A. Used 450#. Felt strong.
B. Up to 275. Felt like a toy. Ready to push here.
C. 235. Felt strong too. 


Sn Pull + SnLO:

Good morning session.

Tire flips
HSPU - do these on db’s or p-bars to stay off flexion of wrist.. elevate to a level surface.. you can kip these

8:20. HSPU's UB. this was fun! Good push here.

gymnastics work
Done for noon session.

A.  BS; 70-75% x 5 reps x 5 sets 1 sec. pause up top for each rep
B.  FS - concentric portion only.. start from just above parallel and use straps for this to protect your wrist.. done @ 75-80% of FS x 3 reps x 3 sets
C.  Clean grip RDL to knee @ 32x1 x 3 x 4 sets @ 85% of clean max

Done in PM.
Friends in town so did ...
EMOM x 20
1 - 15 Wallball 30#
2 - 10 burpees
3 - 15 cal row
4 - 15 cal A/D
5 - 50 DU's

A. 3 x 3 BS - 325#, tender knees
B. Skip
C. 305# for sets. Felt strong.

swim session -

500m @ 70%
rest 5 minutes
200m @ 80%
rest 5 minutes
100m @ 90%
rest 2 minutes x 3 (at the 100m only)

Done in AM. Didn't feel that fast today. Well at least the 500m was slow. ARound 11:00.
200 was under 4:00.
100's were fast. under 2:00.

active recovery day here

30 min. A/D Spin.

gymnastics work
A.  Snatch balance x 2 x 5 sets.. build from last week
B.  BN Power Jerk + BN split Jerk; (3+3) @ 65%, 2+2 @ 70%, 1+1 @ 75%, 1+1 @ 80%, 1 rep at BN SJ only @ 85%… drop and reset for each one here
C.  Clean lift off @ 100% of clean max; 3 reps x 4 sets.. pause for 2 sec.  @ knee for each lift
D.  50 strict CTB pull ups for time

For time
500m row
1 mile sled drag @ bwt 
500m row

Wedding day - 

A.  Sumo DL @ 3 reps @ 70-75% of reg. DL on the 90 seconds x 6 sets
B.  PS off blocks @ 60-65% x 3 singles on the minute x 6 sets
C  CDL to mid thigh @ 100% of clean x 3 reps x 3 sets
*after each set do seated High Box jump x 3 reps
250m row @ 1:34/500 split
rest 60 seconds

x8-10 sets