Tuesday, July 29, 2014

7/29/14 - AM Training + PM AER Intervals

3 rounds - not for time
handstand walking work - 30-50ft.
triple unders

Done. Not a ton of improvement on TU's. Getting there though.


A.  Push Jerk x 3 singles @ 65% x 4 sets.. form and speed focus here
255 for all sets. Felt great.

B.  DL; 65% of max x 2 reps every 45 sec. x 10 sets
Done at 345. Felt fine. Lumbar is still a little sore from pulls on Saturday. This should get rid of it.

C.  10 minute EmOM
odd = 7 burpees
even = 4 s2OH @ 265#

Done. All sets from the ground. Felt strong. No issues here.

4 rounds - 80% effort
300m row
5 strict deficit HSPU  @6-8”
10 box jumps, 30”
30m sled push @ 5 plates
30m sled pull, hand over hand @ 5 plates
400m run

rest 4 minutes bt. rounds

8"+ on depth, did 6 reps/ round. All sets unb except last, 3/3.
BJ's quick
Sled push/drag felt great. Runs were strong today. 

6:00 was slowest, then faster each round. Last round about 5:30. 

Monday, July 28, 2014

7/28/14 - AM/PM Training


Gymnastics Warmup:
-Theraband work
-Shoulder Stretches
-Scap Pullups
3 sets:
:15 bottom ring hold
7 strict ring pullups
12 angled ring turnover drills
:15 ring support holds
3 sets:
10 Strict T2B
10 Strict Knee Tucks
*1:00 rest between all stations

A.  Snatch; 2 position (ground + below knee) @ 70-80% x (1+1) x 5
200#, 205#, 210#, 225#, 225#
Felt solid today. Actually better the heavier.


B.  Block C&J (above knee if you can) - EmOM do (2+1) x 5 sets @ 70-80%
245, 250, 255, 260, 265, 275, 285, 285, 285, 285
Felt solid on all reps. Speed felt good under bar. Lots o squatting.

Last few Sets:

C.  BS; 23x1 x 3 reps @ 70% x 6 sets
315 for all sets. This felt great too. Getting strong on these. 

Took about 10 minutes and went ahead and knocked out PM. Felt pretty good.

30 sec. amrap squat clean thruster, 135#
rest 1 minute
45 sec. am rap wall balls, 20# to 12 ft. target
rest 1 minute
60 sec. amrap MU
rest 1 minute
30 sec. amrap PS @ 225#
rest 4 minutes

x3 rounds

sqclnthr - 5,6,7
wallballs - 15, 15, 15
MU's - 10, 10, 11 (5/5, 6/4, 10/1) Could have dug deeper but hands are about to shred.
PS - 2,3,4 Got stronger each set

Good session tonight. Glad to be back on track. Red eye flights kill me. Never again.

Sunday, July 27, 2014

7/26/14 - AM Training

Good time at the Games yesterday. Having fun seeing a lot of friends and feeling the energy from the athletes and crowd. I had a great session this morning. Glad I'm able to get the majority of my work in.

Dropped in at CrossFit 714 in Anaheim. Holy shit what an awesome gym! 

A.  DL; 1 rep every 30 sec. starting from 315.. building by 20# each time; no more then 10 pulls
315 - 495. Pulls felt AWESOME today. Never picked up 495 so easy. SHould have kept going and hit the lifetime PR. It's there for sure.

B.  Hang power snatch @ 205# - 1-3 UB ladder in 5 minutes
3 sets, at the buzzer. Same story here. Pull feels a little off and this is heavier than it should be. I actually got better at this as it went on.

C.  Clean lift off + clean grip DL (2+2) x 3 sets @ 80% of clean
285 for all sets. Felt good.

20 minute amrap
5 bar MU
10 strict HSPU
15 ghd sit ups

rest 5 minutes

20 minute amrap
15 t2B
30 cal on rower

60 double unders

7 + 1 HSPU, First few sets of Bar MU unbroken then had to start breaking as it was really humid in the gym. Bar was really slippery and they don't allow chalk. Good breathing. Abs are sore today from GHD's. HSPU's were 5/5 for a few sets then 3's & 2's.
6 + 15 Cal, First 10 min was good, then started to get a bit tired. Once again tough to grip on T2B so did 8/7 every set. All DU's unbroken and around 1:55 row. Felt great to just work for a while. I was pretty toast afterwards.

7/25/14 - AM (Missed) + PM Training

Gymnastics warm up:
5 Rounds:
5 Wall Walks
:10 body tighteners/:10 off x 6 rounds
Partner Handstand Holds x 4 sets - 30 sec.
Strict MU work - doubles. Still working on false grip improvement.

A.  Snatch; 70% x 1 x 2, 75% x 1 x2, 80-85% x 1 x 6 - rest as needed
200 x 2, 215 x 2, 225, 230, 235, 240,245x,245
I feel strong pulling off the ground but my positioning is way off right now. Just not moving the bar correctly. Early pulling. Easy to complain about it without showing on vid. I'll get more vid. Just feeling a little heaver than it should.

B.  Clean and power jerk - 1 rep EmOM x 10 sets @ 70-85% of max.. build and level off where needed

Squat clean and power jerk all sets. 245, 255, 265, 275, 280, 285, 290, 295, 305, 315
This felt like a toy.



C.  BS; 2 reps @ 80% x 6 sets
365 for all sets. Felt great.

3 minute row for max calories

rest 8 minutes

hang squat clean @ 95#
burpee over the barbell

rest 8 minutes

3 minute amrap
20 thrusters, 135#
10 MU

amrap cal on AD

Missed this. Traveled to LA for the CF GAmes and was short on time. Did AM training in the PM and had a great session! Thanks to Eric at CrossFit Aviator for letting us drop in and do our thing!

Thursday, July 24, 2014

7/24/14 - Rest

Great sleep last night. Easy day. Traveled home. Mowed the lawn, got some sun and sweat. Rolling and mobility work tonight.

7/23/14 - AM Training/Lift + PM A/D Intervals


Warm Up:
3 sets:
100 Single Unders
Shoulder Thera Work
25 Hollow Rocks
3 sets: Short on time.
15 sec. Ring Support Hold
Max handstand hold facing wall in good hollow position
10 tap towel swings
10 pushups with shoulder touches
15 sec false grip holds w/lax ball

A.  Hip Clean x 2 x 5 sets.. light and off feel.. nothing over 70%
215 for all sets. Felt good and fast. Felt good to pull under quick.

B.  FS; (5 reps @ 60% of BS, rest 2 minutes, 1 rep @ 60% of FS @ 5.10.x.1 tempo) x 4 sets, rest 3 minutes bt. sets

245 for all sets. Not bad. Last set was only a little challenging.

C.  BB bent over row x 5 reps @ 21x4 x 4 sets, rest 60 seconds
135, 145, 155, 155
Tough tempo. This felt great on back and shoulders.

Traveled to Murfreesboro for work today. Long day with customers but luckily had enough time to escape and grab a quick nap before PM session. Also grateful for all the friends in the area that have gyms.

10 minute warm up
30 sec. Airdyne @ max effort
rest 2:30
x3 sets
rest 5 minutes

10 minute cool down

Done. Woof. Around 25 cal's per set. Last 3 were pretty gnarly. Legs were blowed the eff up at the end. I feel in good lactic shape though as this was all legs and no nausea. 

7/22/14 - AM Training/Lift + PM Training/AER intervals

warm up _ 3 rounds not for time
handstand walk x 40-50 ft.
strict Mu x 1-2 reps
triple unders

Worked some freestanding handstand and free HSPU's. Not much room to walk at my garage.
Strict MU felt good. Holding a strong false grip is a weakness of mine.
Did 5-7 each round. Found the right rope for me to use for these.


A.  Push Jerk x 2 singles x 5 sets @ 75-80% of reg. jerk
285, 295, 305, 305, 305

Stayed tng on the doubles. These felt strong. 



B.  Strict Shoulder press @ 51x1 tempo x 3 reps x 6 sets
135, 155, 175, 180, 185, 190

Done. Felt strong. Tough tempo.

C.  DL; 63% of max; 3 reps Every 45 sec.x 10 sets

Done at 325.

For time:
10 deficit HSPU @ 10”
15 deficit HSPU @ 5”
20 strict HSPU

4:52, A little deeper than 10 and 5 with the plate setup I had.
Went 5/5, 5/5/5, 3's and 2's on strict. Tri's started to lockup towards the end.

rest 10 minutes

3 rounds - 80% effort
400m run
10 DB alternating power snatch; 70#
15 T2B
500m row
100 double unders

rest 4 mintues bt. rounds

6:04, 6:00, 5:50

These felt great. Used 80# DB, no 70#. All movements UB. Row was most difficult part to stay cool as it was after the DB's and TTB. Felt really good doing something aerobic. Breathing was good.

Monday, July 21, 2014

7/21/14 - AM Gym Skills/Lifting + PM Training

gymnastics warm up work

3 sets:
10 Scap Pullups
Shoulder Theraband Work
3 sets:
5 Ring Dips @ 55X1
25 Pike Ups
5 Ring Pullups
HS Box Walks
25 Med Ball Pushups
*Rest about 45-60 sec b/t movements

A.  Snatch; E2MOTM - 3 position snatch (ground, below knee, above knee) - starting @ 60% and building, level off where needed.. for 14 minutes

175 x 4 sets, 185 x 2 sets, 195 x 1 set. 
* There is a ton more here but first day back with wrist and shoulder feeling AWESOME so I wanted to work technique and speed. 

B.  Block C&J (above knee) 2+1)  x3-5 sets @ 70-80%

Easy peasy. Felt awesome. Good practice.

C.  BS; 23x1 x 2 reps @ 70% - every 90 seconds x 6 sets

315 for all sets. Felt very healthy. Strong.

3 rounds for Reps:
45 sec. amrap wall ball, 30#
rest 45 sec.
45 sec. amrap CTB pull up
rest 45 sec.
45 sec. amrap double under
rest 45 sec.
45 sec. rope climb
rest 45 sec.
45 sec. amrap squat clean thruster @ 165
rest 4 minutes

*No 30# wallball so used 20# and wore a 20# weight vest and threw to a 12' target.

Set 1: 20, 20, 82, 3, 9
Set 2: 21, 22, 84, 4, 9
Set 3: 21, 23, 82, 2, 8X (stopped :15 early, thought time was up. Would have gotten 10. That's what I was aiming for.)

-Wallballs UB each set
-CTB's About 10 Butterfly, then 5 butterfly, then I had to start kipping to finish it out. Kind of a weakness here.
-DU's ub each set. Didn't try to fly just smooth and quick.
-15' RC's. 2 pulls each time. 4 kinda of lit me up on the second set. Had to push for that. Happy with these though. Miles ahead of where I used to be on RC's.
-All singles here. Attacked the bar on last set. Tough ending. 

Great session tonight. Felt really healthy. Good push mentally too. Confident. Feeling good.

Vid of Set 1:

Sunday, July 20, 2014

7/19/14 - Training

Slept great the passed few nights. Body is feeling good. Wrist and shoulder especially. 

Gym. Warmup (Made up my own):

3 sets: 6-8 reps of each
Towel swing from rings
Static Ring Hold - 20-30 sec.
Strict T2B
Deck Squats

A. Build to heavy PC/PJ for the day.
Worked up to 305. Power clean felt a little weak. Just don't think I was awake yet.
Quick set of 5 PC/PJ @ 275 to jazz me up.

B. Build to Heavy BTN split Jerk
385, Missed 405 a few times. Just wanted to play today. 400 over head has been a goal of mine for a long time. It's there for sure next time!

C. Every 30 sec x 10 sets: BTN split Jerk at 345#
Done. Easy. Good Tech practice. I like these a lot because it lets me feel how the bar should feel over head. Shoulders inline. It feels different than reg split jerk overhead for sure.


EMOM x 20:
Min 1 - Farmer Carry 250#/hand - Just went length of driveway and back. Probably 60' total.
Min 2 - A/D 15 cals
Min 3 - 8 TTB - 5# weight on feet
Min 4 - 8 S2O w/85# Dumbbells

Great session today! I felt really healthy for the first time in a while and was able to dig in. The EMOM was a blast. Farmer carry actually challenged my grip. It's not usually a limiter. The DB S2O SUUUUUUCKed. 

7/18/14 - Recover

Took today off. Wanted to let my body catch up. Spun on the airdyne for a while and loosened up. Feeling good.

7/17/14 - Training

A. BS: 3,3,2,2,1,1; rest 2:00

355, 365, 385, 405, 415, 425
Felt ok. Not super strong.

B. 15 Hang Power Snatch for Time - 205#
4:00, Did sets of 2's and 3's. Left shoulder and wrist were bugging so I didn't push hard. I can usually hit sets of 7-8 on this. Good practice though.

2 Sets:
Run 100m
10 DB thrusters  - 70#/hand
rest 45 sec.
L-sit Rope Climb - 17'
Legless Rope - 17'
10 Burpee Box Jump Overs - 24"
Rest 45 sec.
10 CJ's - 135#
10 Bar MU's
Rest 3:00

Everything unbroken on first set. Then just held on for the second. These are brutal. All singles on CJ's and BMU's 2nd set. I was gassed.

A/D - :20 hard
Walk/Rest - 1:00
x 5 sets

Felt good. 

Wednesday, July 16, 2014

7/15/14 - Training

A. 10 sets - every 10 sec - PC x 1 (255#)
Done. Felt powerful. Easy

B. CGBP - 1 RM
305, 330 is my best from December last year.

C. for time:
10 HSPU (-5")
rest 60 sec
20 pHSPU 
rest 60 sec

6:53, first 10 UB, 7/4/3/3/3 (12" on parallete, felt strong), 11,8,3's to finish. Fun tester.

3 sets @HIGH effort:
Sprint 100m
20 unbroken CTB chin up
rest 45 sec
10 DB pistols (50#)
10 burpees over bar
rest 45 sec
10 TTB
50 unbroken DU

rest 2 min

Done. All unbroken. This is the first time I've finished these as written. Starting to adjust and maybe it was just a bit easier as there wasn't a super heavy element involved. These are tough as I know what speed I want to go but If I go out flying it starts to fall to shit.

7/14/14 - Training

A. 3 sets - Amrap Tng PS (155#); rest 2 min

Could definitely go deeper and hit more on first set, but I wanted to keep things sharp and healthy. Going to have to nurse wrist for a few weeks if I want to be fresh for game day. This got breathing pretty high. 

B. BS @20X1 - build to a tough double (fast build)
395. Felt heavy today.

for time:
Snatch (185#)
RC - 15'

8:07, All singles. Heavy breathing on this. Felt pretty good though. 

for time:
15 squat clean thrusters (135#)
rest 30 sec
100m sprint
15 box jump over (26")
rest 30 sec
10 burpees (8' ring)
rest 30 sec
30 S2OH (135#)
rest walk 90 sec
5 sets:
20 sec AD HARD

rest walk 1 min

Thats good for today. Wasn't planning on training so easing back in. Great training session. 

7/13/14 - Rest

Pro Athlete Orientation

7/12/14 - AM Training with the team

30 min. A/D Z1
40 min. Mobility work
EMOM x 10:
even - 15 cal Row
Odd - 35 DU's
even - 15 cal Row
Odd - L-sit rope climb
EMOM x 10:
Even - 35 DU's
Odd - 10 m HS Walk

Pretty fun day. Ready to let my body heal up a bit. Especially my left wrist and shoulder.

7/11/14 - Race Day

Race 1 - x

Race 2 - Felt strong on thrusters at 235#. Way more in the tank on these. Was hitting sets of 4, every quadrant.

Race 3 - X

Race 4 - X

Race 5 - Finished 10 DL's, subbed. 2 rope climbs, then started on TnG PS @ 165. Felt pretty good during this one. Rope climbs feel strong. PS didn't feel great because of wrist and shoulder.

Race 6 - Same setup - 10 DL's, subbed. 2 Rope Climbs, then TnG PS. Dug a bit deeper on this one and worked with Nick to finish them off. Lit me up. I was really lactic after this and had a lot of trouble recovering. Been struggling with this lately. I honestly feel like the lack of aerobic is making it hard to recover between efforts. Although I do feel really powerful. Still adjusting.

Race 7 - Clean Ladder - Worst I have felt on this race. I am usually pretty fresh and recovered for the ladder. I was hurting before this started.

Race 8 - A bunch of us, so didn't get a lot of work in. Knocked out 15 depth HSPU's at the 5". I can fly on these and deeper. Should definitely get in a little more on this.

Race 9 - X

Race 10 - Finished the last two movements off on this one. 10 Muscleups ups then 20 burpee box jumps AFAP. Everything felt strong. I was swinging like crazy on the muscleups. I gotta learn to adjust to the high rings. BBJ' overs hurt like hell. I was LIT up after this.

Race 11 - X

Overall decent day. Happy with how I performed but not how I felt. Ready to adjust and sharpen up.

7/10/14 - NPGL Draft - Going to Philly!

Drafted to Philly, I'm a Founder!

7/9/14 - Travel to FLL

Rest and mobility.

7/8/14 - Training

A. PC; 3,3,2,2,1,1; rest 2-3 min (build, not Tng)

275,285, 295, 305, 315, 325. These felt sharp today.

325 Single:

B. CGBP - heavy double
275, shoulders hurt today.

C. Emom 14 min - 
odd - pHSPU x 6
even - AD 15 cals

Done. Felt good on these. 12" for parallettes. All sets UB. 

3 sets @HIGH effort:
10 DL Tng (315#)
20 unbroken CTB chin up
rest 45 sec
10 alt DB split snatch (55#)
10 burpees AFAP
rest 45 sec
10 TTB
sprint 100m

rest 2 min

Holy grinder this got tough. It was hard to finish. Man I feel out of shape right now. Only first set was unbroken. The rest was bits and pieces like I was in day 3 of a 100's regionals workout.

7/7/14 Training - NPGL Draft Prep

A. Snatch - build to a tough single

255. Felt ok.

B. BS @20X1; 2,2,2; rest 2-3 min (tough sets)
385, 395, 405.

C. 3 sets for time:
Row 10 cals
10 PS Tng (155#)
10 burpee box jump over
rest walk 1 min

These got tough. Not sure why. 10 tng + bbj smokes me.

2 sets for time:
10 squat clean thrusters (155#)
rest 30 sec
100 DUs
3 L rope climbs
rest 30 sec
6 burpees to a 24" target
15 S2OH (155#)
rest walk 90 sec
AD 24 sec @97%
rest walk 3:06

x 4

Just hanging on. Not feeling great today. Winded and tired.

Sunday, July 6, 2014

7/5/14 - Training

For time:
15 DL (315#)
20 box jump (30")
15 TTB
20 burpees 
5 RC

rest 5 min

For time:
10 Alt DB split snatch (55#)
20 GHD sit up
10 Front squat (225#)
20 burpees

1 MU into 10 ring dips

4:20, 5,5,5 on DL, BJ's Step down, UB TTB, Burpees kinda slow, RC very fast.
5:00, All UB, decent push on this one. By no means a race though. I'm smoked.

Pretty tired today. Zapped from yday's intervals. Feels like a day 3. 

7/4/14 - Training

A. Emom 10 min - HPC x 3 (225#)

Done. Felt strong. Fooled around with some different techniques.
B. Build to a tough set of 6 - Tng PJ (build)
275, called it there. Felt really good. I want to go heavy on this.

C. for time: 
20 pHSPU
10 L pull ups

6:12, 15/8/7 on HSPU's, 2's on P's (14"), 7/3 on L-pullups. Made them perfect.

3 sets @HIGH effort:
8 clean (155#)
10 cal row
rest 60 sec
25 unbroken CTB chin up
25 wall balls (30#)
rest 60 sec
15 KBS (2pd)
10 OHS (185#)

rest walk 3 min

Done. Only thing I had to adjust was the CTB's and WB's. Knocked reps down to 20. Would get 20 CTB unbroken but wallballs were crushing. This was very very hard. OHS were never unbroken. I was smashed on these today. My delts are tired. This took me a long time to recover.

7/3/14 - Training

A. BS @20X1; 3,2,1; rest 2 min (build, last single tough)
385, 405, 435. feeling stronger

B. Snatch pull; 2,2,1,1; rest 2 min (2s@265#,1s@275#)
Done. Felt good.

C. Snatch - tough single (Not RM, fast, speed confidence)
255, in flats. Getting a little better.

for time:
8 Tng PS (135#)
50 DU
8 Tng PS (155#)
50 DU
8 Tng PS (175#)

3:00, Tripped a few times on DU's. Snatches felt good. Lots more there.

for time:
Sprint 100m
10 MU
15 burpees
15 box jumps over
4 PC (225#)

This was quick, can't remember time.  Was pretty lactic though from previous test. All things UB. Felt strong when I sprinted to the bar to finish the power cleans.

AD 25 sec @97%
rest walk 3:05

x 3

Yeah training with buddies it kinda turned into a game. How many cals can you get on last set all out. And it hurt like a M@#@#$%%!! Top 5 most painful leg implosions yet. Broke 30 cals though. Great training day.

Wednesday, July 2, 2014

7/1/14 - Training


A. Emom 8 min - PC x 3 Tng + PJ x 3 Tng (build)

185 - 255. Felt STRONG and sharp

B. CGBP; 3,3,3,3; rest 2-3 min
255, 265, 275, 285x (2/3)

Shoulders felt good today. Healthy on the pressing.

C. 3 sets - amrap pHSPU in 90 sec; rest 2 min
14, 12, 9

All done at 12"

3 sets @HIGH effort:
10 squat clean thrusters (135#)
100m sprint
rest 30 sec
20 unbroken CTB chin up
10 box jump (30")
rest 30 sec
10 alt DB snatch (100#)
10 single arm OH squat (2pd)
10 TTB
rest walk 3 min

2 rounds only. Shut it down after 2nd. It was getting ugly. I was completing all the reps UB but for example was almost walking on the 100m "Sprint". UB 20 CTB's, then slow BJ's. Mod speed on DB snatch, quick on OHS & TTB. Just couldn't recover fast enough today.

PM - easy aerobic

25 min jog easy

Done. It's hot.

6/30/14 - Training

A. Snatch pull + Snatch - build to 85% fast (perfect mechanics, good speed)

Up to 245#, still working on the snatch work in flats. Getting better. Favoring left shoulder a bit. You can see it in video. No pain today, just feel weird.

B. Emom 6 min - Snatch x 3 Tng (build from 185#)

Done. Stayed at 185 for all sets. Misread. Felt good though!

C. BS @20X1; 3,2,2,1; rest 2-3 min (only last single tough)
365, 385, 385, 405 Felt a little heavy. 

for time:
Row 20 cals
5 legless RC
100 DUs
3 L rope climbs
Burpee x 20 AFAP

11:12, Couldn't finish the last L-climb. I knew I would have to pace everything before to be fresh for those. The legless climbs felt like crap today so I probably put me off worse than I should have been for the L-sit. I kept getting about 2/3 of the way up and could not finish it. Finally ended up just finishing it legless and moved on.

AD 22 sec @97%
rest walk 2:48

x 4

Done. Felt good.