gymnastics work
A. BS; 23x1 tempo x 2 reps @ 75%, 80% x 1 rep x 4 @ 23x1, 65% x 5
B. Snatch squat press x 3 x 3.. light weight here.. see how elbow does with this
C. 10 minute EMOM
odd = 50m sled push - high speed effort
even = 7 strict CTB pull ups
Gym. done. Spirit crushing doing all the amraps. So much stuff. Not great quality.
A. 335 x 2, singles at 360#, 5 reps @ 23X1 @ 295. Squats felt good. 360 pause was tough.
B. Bar again. Mobility.
C. Done. Tough. I made the sled HEAVY. I was hurting after this was done.
Gym. done. Spirit crushing doing all the amraps. So much stuff. Not great quality.
A. 335 x 2, singles at 360#, 5 reps @ 23X1 @ 295. Squats felt good. 360 pause was tough.
B. Bar again. Mobility.
C. Done. Tough. I made the sled HEAVY. I was hurting after this was done.
10 minute swim warm up
25m kick only on the 60 seconds x 4
50m kick only on the 2 minutes x 4
50m swim on the 75 seconds x 4
75m swim on the 2:30 x 4
25m underwater swim on the 90 seconds x 3
Done. Skipped 50m kick x 4. Legs/hips were already smoked form the 25m kick x 4. Added 25m x 4 EMOM instead. Felt good today. Good session. Elbow hurts a little.
Done. Skipped 50m kick x 4. Legs/hips were already smoked form the 25m kick x 4. Added 25m x 4 EMOM instead. Felt good today. Good session. Elbow hurts a little.
A. DL Cluster @ 80%; 1.1.1 x 5, rest 15 sec., rest 2 minutes *concentric only here
B. BN Snatch grip push press x 3 x 5 sets.. go off feel with elbow
C. Frankenstein 1/4 squat @ 130% of best clean x 3 x 4 sets.. start getting use to that load on the front rack w/out stressing your wrist here
A. 430# here. These got pretty tough. All fast though.
B. Up to 255#, felt great.
C. Actually just did regular front rack. 415#. Felt pretty good.
5 rounds - 70% effort
8 heavy tire flips
50ft. yoke walk @ tough weight
50 double unders
30 push ups
19:10, 480# yoke, smaller tire today. My big one is too big for 40 flips. Each one is like a 450# deadlift. This was really fun. Breathing was good. Pushups were down to sets of 5.
19:10, 480# yoke, smaller tire today. My big one is too big for 40 flips. Each one is like a 450# deadlift. This was really fun. Breathing was good. Pushups were down to sets of 5.
gymnastics work
A. BN jerk grip power jerk; 65% x 3, 70% x 2, 75% x 2, 80% x 1, 85% x 1 x 2
B. BS; 80% x 4 x 5 sets
C. double kb front rack walking lunge steps x 12 tough steps x 3 sets.. *hold kb’s up high on shoulders.. no stress on elbow or wrist .. if it does let me know
A. Up to 330#. Felt good. Easy today.
A. Up to 330#. Felt good. Easy today.
B. 360# for all sets. Whoa grindin here.
C. Only have a 53# & a 70#, just used these. did OH walking lunges on last set. No pain anywhere here. These are fun.
2 minute run @70%
2 minute AD @ 70%
x5 rounds
Did this in AM first. Felt awesome. Around 450m ran each set, then 33 cals on A/D each set. Smooth.
A. FS *with straps for no wrist flexion @ 23x1 tempo x 5 reps x 4 sets @ 60% of bs max
B. Snatch balance x 3 x 3.. light weight.. see how elbow is
C. 14 minute emOM
odd = 30 ft. hand over hand sled pull
even = 50 double unders
D. 14 minute EmOm
odd = 15 wall balls, 20#
even = 15 cal on rower
A. Done with 275#. Alternated between front rack and with straps. Some sets tempo some not. Knees are tender.
B. Up to 155#. Felt terrible. Very tight.
C. Done. 15 Cal on A/D instead for sled pull.
D. Went directly into second EMOM. Breathing got a little high toward the end.
5 rounds @ 70%
3 rope climbs *with feet
9 burpee box jumps, 30"
18 ghd sit ups
Changed this up and did it with my step bro. While partner completed 3 RC's + 9 BBJ's, other rode airdyne. Worked out well as it took me about 18-20 cals the first set while he went.
This was a bit more powerful during the RC's + BBJ's and cool during the A/D. Felt fun to go a little fast again. RC's felt good. Quick.
Changed this up and did it with my step bro. While partner completed 3 RC's + 9 BBJ's, other rode airdyne. Worked out well as it took me about 18-20 cals the first set while he went.
This was a bit more powerful during the RC's + BBJ's and cool during the A/D. Felt fun to go a little fast again. RC's felt good. Quick.
A. DL; 65% x 3 reps on the 50 seconds x 10 sets
B. 3 position clean pull on the minute x 8 minutes @ 80% of clean (ground, below knee, above knee)
C. Depth jumps to A High box x 3 x 5 sets rest 10 sec. rest 2 minutes
D. bent over rear deltoid flies x 10 x 3
10 minute easy effort
2 strict db shoulder press
15 double unders
2 TGU (1/side)
15 cal on AB
4 pendlay rows @ 185#
A. 330#. Felt great.
B. 290#, Felt pretty good.
C. Started from below parallel seated and jumped to 40" box.
D. 10-15#. Felt good on shoulders.
4 rounds. Easy. Knees are tenders on patella still.