Monday, September 29, 2014

9/29/14 - 10/4/14 - Back on it?

gymnastics work
A.  BS; 23x1 tempo x 2 reps @ 75%, 80% x 1 rep x 4 @ 23x1, 65% x 5
B.  Snatch squat press x 3 x 3.. light weight here.. see how elbow does with this
C.  10 minute EMOM
odd = 50m sled push - high speed effort
even = 7 strict CTB pull ups

Gym. done. Spirit crushing doing all the amraps. So much stuff. Not great quality.
A. 335 x 2, singles at 360#, 5 reps @ 23X1 @ 295. Squats felt good. 360 pause  was tough.
B. Bar again. Mobility.
C. Done. Tough. I made the sled HEAVY. I was hurting after this was done.

10 minute swim warm up
25m kick only on the 60 seconds x 4
50m kick only on the 2 minutes x 4
50m swim on the 75 seconds x 4
75m swim on the 2:30 x 4
25m underwater swim on the 90 seconds x 3

Done. Skipped 50m kick x 4. Legs/hips were already smoked form the 25m kick x 4. Added 25m x 4 EMOM instead. Felt good today. Good session. Elbow hurts a little.

A.  DL Cluster @ 80%; 1.1.1 x 5, rest 15 sec., rest 2 minutes *concentric only here
B.  BN Snatch grip push press x 3 x 5 sets.. go off feel with elbow
C.  Frankenstein 1/4 squat @ 130% of best clean x 3 x 4 sets.. start getting use to that load on the front rack w/out stressing your wrist here

A. 430# here. These got pretty tough. All fast though.
B. Up to 255#, felt great.
C. Actually just did regular front rack. 415#. Felt pretty good.

5 rounds - 70% effort
8 heavy tire flips
50ft. yoke walk @ tough weight
50 double unders
30 push ups

19:10, 480# yoke, smaller tire today. My big one is too big for 40 flips. Each one is like a 450# deadlift. This was really fun. Breathing was good. Pushups were down to sets of 5.

gymnastics work
A.  BN jerk grip power jerk; 65% x 3, 70% x 2, 75% x 2, 80% x 1, 85% x 1 x 2
B.  BS; 80% x 4 x 5 sets
C.  double kb front rack walking lunge steps x 12 tough steps x 3 sets.. *hold kb’s up high on shoulders.. no stress on elbow or wrist .. if it does let me know

A. Up to 330#. Felt good. Easy today.

B. 360# for all sets. Whoa grindin here.
C. Only have a 53# & a 70#, just used these. did OH walking lunges on last set. No pain anywhere here. These are fun.

2 minute run @70%
2 minute AD @ 70%
x5 rounds

Did this in AM first. Felt awesome. Around 450m ran each set, then 33 cals on A/D each set. Smooth.


30 minute swim for max meters


A.  FS *with straps for no wrist flexion @ 23x1 tempo x 5 reps x 4 sets @ 60% of bs max
B.  Snatch balance x 3 x 3.. light weight.. see how elbow is
C.  14 minute emOM
odd = 30 ft. hand over hand sled pull
even = 50 double unders
D.  14 minute EmOm
odd = 15 wall balls, 20#
even = 15 cal on rower

A. Done with 275#. Alternated between front rack and with straps. Some sets tempo some not. Knees are tender.
B. Up to 155#. Felt terrible. Very tight. 
C. Done. 15 Cal on A/D instead for sled pull. 
D. Went directly into second EMOM. Breathing got a little high toward the end. 

5 rounds @ 70%
3 rope climbs *with feet
9 burpee box jumps, 30"
18 ghd sit ups

Changed this up and did it with my step bro. While partner completed 3 RC's + 9 BBJ's, other rode airdyne. Worked out well as it took me about 18-20 cals the first set while he went. 

This was a bit more powerful during the RC's + BBJ's and cool during the A/D. Felt fun to go a little fast again. RC's felt good. Quick.

A.  DL; 65% x 3 reps on the 50 seconds x 10 sets
B.  3 position clean pull on the minute x 8 minutes @ 80% of clean (ground, below knee, above knee)
C.  Depth jumps to A High box x 3 x 5 sets rest 10 sec. rest 2 minutes
D.  bent over rear deltoid flies x 10 x 3
10 minute easy effort
2 strict db shoulder press
15 double unders
2 TGU (1/side)
15 cal on AB
4 pendlay rows @ 185#

A. 330#. Felt great.
B. 290#, Felt pretty good.
C. Started from below parallel seated and jumped to 40" box.
D. 10-15#. Felt good on shoulders.
4 rounds. Easy. Knees are tenders on patella still.



Monday, September 22, 2014

9/22/14 - 9/28/14 - Recovery

gymnastics work
A.  BS; X3X1 tempo x 3 reps x 5 sets.. go off feel.. 55-75% of 1 rm.. targeted is more 70-75%
B.1  7 strict CTB pull up x 4 sets, rest 60 seconds
B.2  GHD sit up x 20 reps x 4 sets, rest 60 seconds
C.  Sled push - 20 sec. @ grinder effort, rest 2 minutes x 4-5 sets

325, 325, 345, 345, 345. These felt great! Knees are a little tender today.
B1/B2. All sets UB on CTB but had to stall some. GHD decent. Don't dothese much. Not very fast at them.
C. Bam! This was fun! Felt good to hurt a bit. Got lactic. Awesome training session. 
*Did all the Mon. Gymnastics work from last week. Wrist felt great! Didn't even use wraps either! Progress.

10 minute swim warm up
25 m swim on the 60 seconds x 5
rest 2 minutes
50m swim on the 90 seconds x 3
rest 2 minutes
75m swim on the 2:30 x 3
rest 2 minutes
25m underwater swim on the 90 second x 3

Done this AM. 25's were smooth. about :22. 50's were done with flip turn, about :45-:50. 
75's felt great. Around 1:15-1:20 with a quick turn and push off. Looking forward to the 500m TT. Lats are going to be screaming. I'm not in "Distance" swimming shape. Could still pull off a PR though.
25m underwaters were good. Last one hurt so bad. Started to get dizzy. Awesome morning.

A.  DL; @ 78% (cluster) 1.1.1 x 4, rest 15 sec., rest 2 minutes *concentric portion only here
B.  Snatch lift off + Snatch pull (3+2) x 4 sets.. pause for 2 sec. @ knee for SLO… targeted training here is 80-85%.. go off feel if you need to
C.  DB bent over row x 5/side @ 21x2 tempo x 4 sets
D.  Half kneeling landline press x 5/side x 3… just see how this feels out the shoulder is here

2 minute AD ride
2 minute row
1 minute rest
x6 rounds

*70% effort here.. steady breathing

Combined sessions. 
A.  425# for working sets. Felt strong. Had to set down metals in my garage. Don't want to break Gymmy. (That's my gyms name)
B. 205, 235, 235, 235. This felt great. HEre's vid.

C. 85# DB for all sets.
D. With barbell, 45#, 55#, 60#. These felt awesome. Big fan.

AER Intervals:
45-50 cals on A/D each set
Row was held at 1:45-1:47. A little above 70% but I was feeling good. All aerobic.

Good day today. Hip Flexors and abs are sore from GHDs.

gymnastics work
A.  BN jerk grip push press x 3 reps x 5 sets.. nothing over 70% here… hold each rep OH for 2 sec.
B.  BS; 5XX1 tempo x 5 reps x 4 sets
C.  Clean pull off 3” riser @ 80% x 4 reps x 3 sets

swim -
500m TT

Had to switch Wednesday and Thursday. Had a family emergency and didn't sleep Tuesday night so I took wed as a rest day. Did Wed on Thursday.

A. 235,245,255,265,275. All sets were tng except 275. Had to stop and pause for rerack.

B. Used 275 for back squats here. Knees are tender from Monday session. Pause in the bottom irritates.

C. 295# for all sets. Felt strong.

Rest an hour

9:40, lifetime pr but I will crush this next time. About 100m in my feet started cramping and it made it tough to flutter kick. I couldn't straighten my feet. I backed off and went about 90%. I swam 100m for warmup, did everything right, I could just feel the accumulation of the stress from the last two days kick in. No worries here. I can break 9 next time. Which is a great sign. Swimming is getting better.

off - 40-60 minute hike

gymnastics work
A.  BS; 2 reps x 6 sets.. build upon last week a bit here
B.  Squat snatch press x 4 reps x 4 sets.. hold each rep for 2 sec. OH.. see how this feels on wrist and arm… light weight
C.1  Pendlay row @ X1X2 x 5 reps x 4 sets, rest 30 seconds
C.2  Weighted CtB pull up x 3 reps x 4 sets (after 3rd rep do a 10 sec. chin over bar hold)

12 minutes - steady effort
50 ft. sled push @ 5 plates on top
2 TGU (1/side)
15 double unders
5 strict T2B
15 calories on AB

Combined sessions. Had enough time to hit it hard.
A. Skipped as I BS'd thursday. Adding it in tomorrow.
B. Just the bar. In flats. I want trevor mobility. Working on it. No pain. Good. Incomplete Sentences.
C1. Up to 205#.
C2. Up to 10#. Going easy on elbow. Felt pretty good.
4 rounds + 10 DU's. Sled was a biotch. Just dragged because I didn't want to get the yoke out.

Good day. Felt good.

A.  DL; 63% x 3 reps on the 45 seconds x 10 sets
B.  3 position snatch pull (ground, below knee, above knee) -1+1+1 x 3 sets @ 80%
C.  Strict DB shoulder press x 5 reps x 4 sets.. tempo is 41X2.. feel this out here

A. 340#, felt like a toy. Pulling feels good.

B. 225# for all sets. This felt reaaaally good.

C** BS from yday: Doubles up to 365#. Felt ok. Kinda heavy after all the pulling. HEaviest I've squatted in over a month though.
C. DB SP: 65#, Waawaaweewa shoulder jack. Felt good to pump. "Ahnold, Ahnold, Ahnold"

60 minute hike

Long walk w/ dog, no hike. There's nothing but concrete here.



Thursday, September 18, 2014

9/15/14 - 9/21/14 - Recovery

Gymnastics work
A.  BS; 23x1 tempo x 5 reps x 4 sets.. go off feel here and what feels good
B.1  Pendlay row x 5 reps @ 21x2 x 4 sets
B.2  Feet elevated ring row x am rap @ 21x2 x 4 sets
C. Sled push - 15 sec. @ moderate weight x 4 sets, rest 1:45.. go off feel for weight

A. BS done with 315. Felt really good. Knees are feeling strong again.
B1/B2. Done up to 205# for rows, 10-12 reps for each ring row.
C. Skipped.

10 minute swim warm up
50m swim (rest 30 sec.)
x5 sets
25m underwater swim on the 90 seconds
x5 sets

Done. Felt pretty good. Did this in the AM instead of PM. Was a little tired after the 50's as I was trying to keep with the flip turn. It's faster, definitely not more efficient yet. Fun to work on though.

A.  Dl @ 75% of clean x 8 reps x 3 sets
B.  Snatch pull x 3 x 4 sets.. based off feel here
C.  10 minute EMOM
odd = 10 gH raises
even = 30 sec. hollow rock

A. 275, felt strong and fast.
B. Up to 225, worked on speed and strong back.
C. No GHD, so modified with partner hamstring eccentric curls.

40 minute steady AB.. easy effort
Done. Nice. Mitochondria.

gymnastics work
A. BN Jerk grip push press x 3 x 3-5 sets.. based off feel
B. BS; 23x1 tempo x 2 reps x 6 sets.. based off feel here
10 minute easy effort
4 pendlay rows
15 doubel unders
10m yoke walk - based off feel
15 cal on AB
2 TGU (1/arm)

Done in PM:
Gym. work done. Felt great! Wrist is slowly coming along.
A. up to 265. Felt strong. 
B. Up to 325. Feeling strong again.
4 rounds. 2 pd KB, 135# rows (too light), 300# yoke. Fun. Felt good to move. Energy is coming back slowly.
Rode bike for 10 minutes
4 sets with Brandi:
3 min A/D @ 85-90%
2 min. spin @ 50%
7075 cal per set.

10 minute swim warm up
25m swim on the 45 sec. x 4
50m swim on the 90 seconds x 4
75m swim on the 2:30 x 4

Skipped. Swimming with a buddy tomorrow on rest day.


A.  BS; x 2 reps x 6 sets - go off feel.. don’t push your CNS too much
B.  Strict pull up x (-2)amrap x 5 sets.. go off feel here.. 
C.  BS w/ chains to a box x 2 reps on the 45 seconds x 8 sets

Done. Worked up to 325 for a double. Felt ok. Skipped Pullups as I did a ton in Gymnastics work and it irritated elbow a bit.
Instead of More BS I did a few sets of 5 CGBP @ 185#

A.  Snatch grip DL x 3 reps x 4-5 sets
B.  Clean lift off + clean pull (1+1) x 3 sets.. pause for 2 sec. over the knee with the CLO
C.  10 minute EmOM
odd = 5 DL
even = 10 push ups

A. Up to 295, Felt really, really good.
B. Up to 315. Felt strong. 
C. EMOM: Used 425 for DL's. Felt good today so pulled some weight. Used these little perfect push up things I've got. Awesome.

295 SN DL:

315 CLO + Cln Pull

EMOM Bits:

60 minute "un-wired" hike

Short on time. Rowed for 20:00 at 1:58, easy pace. Finished 5,062m



Sunday, September 14, 2014

9/8/14 - 9/14/14 - Recovery

Still hitting some off season work. Body is feeling better and slowly getting some hunger back.

Mon - 9/8/14
AM Swim:
Worked on some tech/drills. Learned to flip turn. It's not pretty but it's coming along.

Tue - 9/9/14
7 rounds - 2 minutes on the clock
250m row
10 kb swings, 70#
amrap burpees to target 8” over reach

rest 2 minutes bt. rounds

Done. Felt pretty good. 9-10 burpees each round. Very aerobic.

Every 2:00 - Swim 50m w/ flip turn. x 8 sets.
Every 3:00 - Swim 25m under water + swim 25m back freestyle x 3 sets.

Wed - 9/10/14
PM: Training
A1. Box Squat: 5 x 5; rest 1:00
A2. Ring Push Ups x 20 x 5 sets; rest 2:00
Partner Workout:
For Time:
Run 800m (hillish route)
KBS - 2pd
DL - 225#
Run 800m (hillish route)
*Run together, partner does 15-21-15 of each movement alternating. (I do 15 T2B, partner does 15 T2B, I do 15 KBS, etc...)

Up to 275# for Box Squat. RPU's felt pretty good.
Partner workout was about 21:00. 

Thurs - 9/11/14
on the 2 minutes
swim 50m x 4
rest 3 minutes
on the 3 minutes
swim 75m x 4
rest 3 minutes
on the 90 seconds x 4

25m underwater swim

Done. Felt great. Flip turned for all and some were definitely a disaster. It's coming along though.

Fri - 9/12/14
Short on time today, felt like goofing around with something fun and quick. This is basically 150 situps for time to me. Haven't done this in like 5 years.

Sat - 9/13/14
5 Rounds for Time:
60 DU's
10 BS - 185# (From Rack)
8 BTN S2O - 185#
4 MU's

17:55, This was fun! A few of us went up to CF Olive Branch for their one year anniversary and decided to make up a workout. Felt good to hurt a little bit. Took it easy for the most part but was still pretty challenging. Movement felt good. Wrist and elbow were a little irritated but I was smart about it.

Rest 10 min.

3 sets:
:30 Hollow body hold
1:00 rest
3 sets:
:30 Arch Hold
1:00 rest
1 attempt max Hang from pullup bar.
2:09, This was fun! grip was toast. Damnit Brandi beat me on this too. 

9/14/14 - Rest
Not gonna do nuttin.

Tuesday, September 9, 2014

Camp until now...

I'm not dead, it's just offseason for me. Taking a few weeks off to heal up and help set a platform for another 5 years of competing!

Some recent PR's

540# Deadlift:

365# Clean:

267# Power Snatch:

Some Gymnastics work from the AM: Wall facing HSPU's, Hollow Rocks, Wtd Ring Dips, Wall Facing HS Hold (Love these)

Be sure to head over to my website and check out some of the new products I have added. There are a bunch of good articles and links to free downloads for some self assessment and mobilizations.
