Sunday, December 28, 2014

12/22/14 - 12/28/14 - Training

4 minutes on the AD @ 70%
rest 2 minutes x 4
(rest 5 minutes)
2 minutes on the AD @ 80%
rest 1 minute x 4

Done EARLY this am. Felt great. Averaged same cal per set. 

gymnastics session
Done. Great session. Got that pump.

A.  Snatch balance + OHS; 7 sets @ 1+1.. feel this out on the build with your wrist
Up to 245. Missed 255. Just threw it a little forward. This is feeling better.

B.  BB back rack angled step ups @ 20” box; 5/side x 5 sets…

135,155,165, 175, 185. These felt great. Stronger for sure.

C.  Clean - comfortable HS for the day 

345. 20# PR. This felt "comfortable" today. Just one of those days that you know it's there.
Sets were: 225, 255, 275, 295, 305, 315, 345. 

345 PR:

14 minutes on the clock
30m front rack kb carry - 55#/hand
5 bar MU
15 bS @ 95#
20 double unders
10 T2B

4 + 15 back squats at the buzzer. Was going to go easy pace on this tonight as it was a really long day, but started feeling good in the middle so hit it hard from then on.
All movements unbroken and smooth.

10 minute warm up
20 sec. on rower @ damper of 10 —— goal is sub 1:20/500 hold
rest 2:30
x7 sets

This felt strong today. Long time to wake up though. Definitely a little groggy from yesterdays training. No problem holding pace. Last one was really strong. 1:16 for most.

A.  BN Squat jerk + frt rack SJ (1+1) x 5 sets.. just off feel here… work in hip mobility work bt. each set

Up to 295#. Not much squat in there but split jerk felt good. OH work is really paying off.

B.  Power Clean  @ 80-85% x 10 total reps.. done as doubles in the beginning
295 for all sets. A little heavy today.

C.  SDL @ 95% x 5, 100% x 5, 105% x 5 x 2.. mimic set up and pull for snatch here
265, 285, 305. Felt good. Strong.

3 rounds @ 85% effort
10 strict HSPU
10 DL @ 275
10 box jump overs, 24”
10 T2B
500m row @ 1:44 pace
rest time = work time bt. rounds here

Done. Great session. Close to same time each set. 3:27, 3:33, 3:23
Everything unbroken. A little faster that 1:44 each set for row. 

This felt great. Hands hurt quite a bit and a little tired but GREAT breathing.


Short on time for Xmas eve. Combined all sessions. GREAT gymnastics session.

60 minutes steady AD ride here
*every 5th minute do some hip mobility work + handstand walking

gymnastics work

HS Walk Turnaround. Some improvement here. BTW, shoulders were SMOKED from 60 strict ring dips.

Ring Support Tuck Hold:

A.  Front rack walking lunge step x 10-12 steps x 3 sets
165, 175, 185. Knees hurt on this today.

B.  Snatch squat press x 3 x 3.. hold each rep OH for 2 sec.

65, 75,85. Feeling better on position

C.  1/4 FS @ 80-90% x 5 x 3 sets
Used 365 for all sets. Felt great. Good CNS jazz up

active recovery day today in the pool - 
40-60 minutes.. you choose here

Nothing open. Busy day travel. Some mobility work in evening.

7 rounds
250m row @ 1:31/500 pace
50m FW  @70#/hand
30 sec. amrap double unders
rest 90 seconds

Done. Around 57 DU's each set. Felt great to breathe. Love these intervals.


Done. Great sessions with buddies. False grip is getting better.

A.  Snatch; 85-90% x 6 total reps
235, 245, 255, 255, 255, 255 Feeling a little better. Still not as sharp but getting there.

B.  High Hang Clean;
235, 255, 275, 305, 325, 305 

Ohhhh feeling good and jazzed up tonight.

305 x 3 UB:

C.  Box Squat x 2 reps @ 60-65% on the minute x 12 sets
295 for all sets. Strong.

10 minute amrap
3 S2OH @ 135
3 FS @ 135

Made it to 18 S2O + 10 FS.  This felt awesome tonight. CTB's all unbroken and butterfly each set. BIG improvement here. Just felt great. 

Rested about 20 minutes then jumped into a Big partner workout with my mom on a team at Faction tonight. Nothing crazy, just some burpee box jump overs and light power cleans. Good fun. Energy is really good right now.

A.  power Clean from pause above knee + clean from pause below knee x 2+1 x 4 sets.. nothing over 75% here

Up to 255. Hands and collar bone is chewed up today. Skipped squat at just did 3 hang powers at pause position. Knees are tender.

B.  SDL @ 120% x 3 x 5 sets.. mimic set up and pull for snatch

345 for all sets. Strong.

C.  BN jerk grip push press x 3 x 5 sets
225, 255, 275, 285, 295 Felt strong here. All tng. 

3 rounds for time
7 DL @ 365
14 strict ring dips
rest 60 seconds
max effort handstand walk in 3 minutes

rest 7-10 minutes

3 rounds for time
50 cal row
150 double unders

50m Bb OH walk @ 185#

1:40 All Unbroken. Whoa this felt great. Rings dips felt reallllllllllly strong. DL's easy. Felt GREAT to say f it and sprint.
45m. Kinda bad here. I was a little toast from 3 RFT.
18:35, Row was a little slow feeling. Around 1100 cal/hr. 2:40 or so for 50 cal. DU's in 2 to 3 sets each time. Tough. 50M OH walk unbroken, dropped to shoulders halfway to turnaround. Easy here. 

Another great day. Felt awesome. Good energy. Going to work hard to rest up well and prep for another amazing training week!

3RFT Tester:

Thursday, December 18, 2014

12/15/14 - 12/21/14 - Training

1K row @ 1:58 pace
rest 1 minute
1K row @ 1:54 pace
rest 1 minute
1K row @ 1:48 pace
rest 1 minute
1K row @ 1:42 pace

Done. 1:42 was a little spicy. No issues here though. Felt good.

gymnastics work
Done immediately after rows. Felt great!

A.  Snatch balance + OHS; 3+2 x 2 sets then 1+1 x 4-6 sets.. work on new catch with flexed wrist
Stayed light here. Up to 225. Felt tight and heavy today. Shoulders are a little tired from so much OHS work.

B.  BB back rack angled box step ups @ 24” x 5/side x 4 sets… step to 45 degree angle.. not box @ 45 degree angle

135, 155, 165, 185. Felt strong. 20" box.

C.  1” Clean - 8 total reps @ 80% (lift bar 1” off ground pause and then clean… this works with tightness off ground)
295#. Felt pretty heavy today.

For time:
60 barbell facing burpees
30 OHS @ 135#
15 MU 

9:22, Burpees in about 4:30-4:45. 12/10/8 on OHS. Slow here. 6/5/4 on MU's felt strong. This stung but was fun.

10 minute warm up - 
20 sec. AD sprint @ max effort
rest 2:40
x10 sets

Done. Really powerful this morning. On my A/D 20-21 cals per set. 24 last set. 

A.  BN squat jerk + frt rack SJ (1+2) x 3-4 sets… off feel
Up to 275. Felt decent. Actually push jerked by mistake.

B.  Power Clean - 85% x 8 total reps.. done as doubles in the beginning
Used 300# for all sets. Feeling good.

C.  Snatch grip rDL x 5 reps x 3 sets @ 90% of snatch
255#. Strong.

20 minutes on the clock - top of every 5 minutes complete the following:
600m row
10 db power snatch; 70#
15 ring dips

3:12, 3:10, 3:12, 3:00
Felt strong on these. Everything fast. About 1:50 row pace.

40 minute steady AD ride
every 5th minute get off and complete the following:
10 ghd sit ups
50 ft. handstand walk

Done. No room for HS walk so practice HS Hold. 

gymnastics work
Combined with PM. AWESOME work on this stuff today. 

A.  Front rack bulgarian split squat x 5/side x 3 sets.. build a bit from last week
135# for all sets.

B.  Snatch squat press x 3 x 3.. hold each rep OH for 2 sec.
Super light here. Really trying to fix this position. 65# for all sets.

C.  1/4 FS @ 105% of clean x 5 x 3 sets
Used 365# here. Didn't do last weeks and didn't want to over do it. These are brutal.

D.  Weighted pull up x 5 reps x 5 sets 
15,20, 25, 30, 35. Full ROM completely strict. NO PAIN IN ELBOW!! Felt really good. Also did 7 legless rope climbs in the gymnastics on the :45. 

active recovery day here…. 
pool day here - 
10 minutes - max distance

500m in about 10:30. Chest is sore today from maltese pushups. Hammered them super strict yesterday. New motivation and respect for the movements after finishing Sommer's book. 

7 rounds - 
250m row @ 1:25/500 pace
30 double unders
60 sec. plank hold
rest 90 seconds

Was able to hold pace for first 3 rounds then fell to 1:27-1:28. Was having to take a big break between DU's and plank. This was tough!

gymnastics work

Done. Great session.

A.  Snatch; 80-85% x 10-12 total reps.. done as doubles in the beginning.. then switch to singles
Up to 235. Felt heavy today. Missed 240 once. Called it there. Felt off. 235 felt good though.

B.  BN PJ + BN SJ (1+2) x 3 sets
255, 275, 285
Felt heavier than normal. Sharp though. Went from the front rack for split jerks. Misread.

C.  Box squat x 2 reps @ 63% on the minute x 10 minutes

285. Felt good. Did 3, oops.

In front of a clock set for 12 minutes with a 135-lb. barbell:
1 minute of squat cleans 
1 minute of push jerks 
2 minutes of calories on AD
2 minutes of thrusters 
3 minutes of CTB pull ups
3 minutes of calories on rower

10 cleans (singles, kinda sandbagged)
22 push jerks - 3 sets (12/7/3)
11 cal on Assault Bike (woof)
18 thrusters
45 CTB (No more than sets of 5, almost all butterfly! Felt actually easier to butterfly than my old kip!)
755, yowch. 

This was fun! Not a ton of attack tonight but just made the best out of it. Movement felt great.

A.  Power Clean from pause above knee + clean from pause above knee x 2+1 x 5 sets.. build off feel here
Up to 275. GREAT practice in getting bar to hips.

B.  SDL @ 115% x 3 x 4 sets

325, ohh my thumbs. No straps. Worked on tight back and strong pull off the floor.

C.  Clean RDL @ 90%  x5 x 3 sets
330. Felt strong. Good on the hammy's

*after each set do 3 tall depth jumps
+ — >`1
Heavy Tire Flip
Strict HSPU

rest as needed

400m run @ 1:20-1:25 pace
30 sec. double kb front rack hold @ 55# per hand
rest 60 seconds
x7 sets

Made some mod's on testers/training. Had a bunch of buddies in town so we did...

30" BJ's
Strict HSPU's

4:37, HSPU's unbroken. Felt great! Bounded box jumps after set of 7 from there on out. Was stepping down at first. BReathing felt great on this.

Rest 5:00

5 Sets for time:
Run 400m @ hard effort (200m down and back)
KB's while partner ran to halfway point
Rested while partner ran the back. (200m, so about :40 rest) 

Oh man this hurt. Two teams of us and it turned into a race. First 400 was probably 1:30. Great training day!

Sunday, December 14, 2014

12/8/14 - 12/14/14 - Training/Milford Traincation

20 minutes on the AD -
30 sec. @ 80%
30 sec. @ 50%

Done. Felt great.

gymnastics work

Great session.

A. Snatch balance + OHS; 3+2 x 2 sets, 2+1 x 2 sets, then 3 snatch singles building from here on the 2 minutes

165,185, 205, 225
Built up to 245 snatch. Felt a little heavy.

B.  BB back rack angled box step ups @ 20” x 5/side x 5 sets

C.  2 position clean (ground + above knee) @ 65-75% - EMOM x 12 minutes
235-275, about 5# increments. Felt STRONG and fast here.
front squat @ 225 *taken from ground
lateral burped box jump over, 30"
muscle up

4:45, ouch. Everything unbroken but stung bad. 5 and 7 fast, then last 5 I hit a wall. Had fun though!

10 minute bike warm up
15 sec. bike sprint @ max effort
rest 2:15 x 12 sets

Done. Strong here. Calories get higher each week.

A.  BN Clean grip push press x 3 x 5 sets. hold each rep for 2 sec. OH
225, 245,255,275, 285X (missed last rep) Hold was tough. Liked it.

B.  Power Clean from blocks above knee x 8-10 total reps @ 80-85%.. done mostly as doubles here
275-295. Did a double at 295. Felt strong.

C.  1/4 FS @ 115% x 3 reps x 4 sets *hold last rep for 10 sec. in front rack
Skipped. Knee was feeling weird.

3 rounds @ 85% effort
10 strict HSPU
10 hang PS @ 135#
10 T2B
500m row
rest time = work time

Around 3:00/set. Faster each set. 1:45/1:50 for row.

40 minute steady effort on AD
every 5th minute get off and do a max effort strict handstand hold + 50ft. heavy FW

Added to PM.

gymnastics work

Done. Great sesh.

A.  Front rack bulgarian split squat x 5/side x 3 sets
Pretty light here. Up to 135.

B.  CDL @ 90% x5, 95% x5, 105% x 5 x 2
330, 345,385. Strong.

C.  Snatch Squat press x 3 x 3 sets
Light. 65,75,75

D.  DB bent over row x 5/side x 3 sets
85# for all sets.

accessory work:
static weighted GHD back ext. hold - x 20 sec. x 3 sets
Strict pull up — progress just a bit from last week.. see how arm feels again

All good here. Arms feels good. Did some Glute ham raises as well.

Travel day

Friday - Sunday @ CFM (conditioning workouts will shift a bit from what is below)
gymnastics work
Great session. Took my time, which was a lot longer than everyone else, haha. 

A.  Snatch; 8-10 total reps @ 80-85%
Doubles up to 245 for 3 sets. Felt strong. Working on bent wrist catch overhead. Helps.

B.  C&J; E2MOTM complete 1 rep @ 80-85% for 5 total reps.. after each do do 2 max effort broad jumps
Done. 295-305 for all sets. Felt really strong.

C.  Box Squat x 5 reps x 5 sets… build a bit from last week
Dropped to 3 sets at 275 due to time. Had to start team Work out.. Felt fine. 

hang squat clean @ 205#
bar Mu

rest 7 minutes

7 minutes on the clock
750m row
then amrap
10 CTB pull ups
40 ft. handstand walk

3 person team: 1 person works at a time.
Row 2k
50 PC - 205#
50 Muscle Ups
50 burpees (everyone does 50)

This was fun! 750m row at about 1:40, PC in triples each. MU's in 5 sets.
Burpees fast and finished strong.

A.  Drop Snatch x 3 x 3 sets… light weight here.. just warm up work and more stretching for shoulders w/ barbell positioning

Up to 115. Light and fast. Shoulders are a little tired and tight from yday. Lot's of overhead accessory work.

B.  PC - 80% of last weeks triple - x 3 singles x 3 sets

225 for all sets. WHOA felt sharp and fast. Should have hit it.

C.  Snatch DL @ 95% x 5, 100% x 5, 105% x 5 x 2
*after each SDL do 3 jerk dips @ 90% x 33x1 tempo

275, 285, 305. 335 for jerk dips. Felt strong.

conditioning workout with crew at CFM

Leg Day Champs Team Training:
For Time:
100 Thrusters - 135# (Bar can't touch ground, switch every 10)
100 CTB Chinups (Someone has to be on bar at all times, switch every 10)
100 cal A/B (change partner every :30)
Time?? But A/B hurt like hell. Felt good on thrusters and CTB's

Rest 7 min.

Partner 2k Ski Erg for Time

Sub 7

Sunday, December 7, 2014

12/1/14 - 12/7/14 - Training

1K row @ 2:00 pace
rest 1 minute
1K row @ 1:55 pace
rest 1 minute
1K row @ 1:50 pace
rest 1 minute
1K row @ 1:47 pace
rest 1 minute
1K row @ 1:43 pace

Done. This was an awesome session. Last 1k got a little spicy but no issues keeping pace.

gymnastics work

Did the movements in this order. Didn't feel great.

Strict HSPU's - 11/15
Strict Chin Ups ( STRICT) - 12/13
Strict Ring Dips - 16/15
L-Sit - :15/:13
Ring Support Hold - :27/ :34
Hollow Rocks - 50/50
Arch Rocks - 34/40

A.  Snatch balance + OHS (1+1) x 3… then 4 snatch singles building from here.. nothing over 85%
205,215, 225. Felt good this on these.

B.  BB back rack box step ups @ 24” x 5/side x 5 sets.. starting @ 135# and building each set
Lower back got tired. Strong otherwise

C.  Clean from pause below knee + FS - EmOM x 10 minutes from 65-75% of clean
235 to 275 for two sets. 5# increments. Felt strong. 

D.  Snatch DL @ 110% x 3 x 3
315 for all sets. Strong.

bar MU
double kb front rack waling lunge @ 70#/ hand


Had a great PM session! OH work is feeling better. Much smoother today. Changed some things up on my sn balance.

Tester was good. Tore my hands up. Hard for me to push fast on bar MU's without shredding hands.

10 minute warm up
20 sec. bike sprint @ max effort
rest 2:30 x 10 sets

A.  BN clean grip push press + frt rack PJ (1+3) x 4 sets @ 65-70% of reg. jerk
B.  PC from pause above knee @ 75-80% x 8 total reps
C.  1/4 FS @90-120% of clean x 5 x 3 see… no holds on this
D.  Clean RDL @ 80-90% x 4 x 3 sets
3 rounds @ increasing intensity each round - 80/85/90%
12 DL @ 315
6 strict HSPU
50 double unders
500m row
rest time = work time
9 DL @ 315
9 strict HSPU
50 double unders
500m row
rest time = work time
6 DL @ 315
12 strict HSPU
50 double unders
500 m row

30 minute easy AD ride
30 sec. @ 80% effort
30 se. @ 50% effort

gymnastics work

A.  SPU x 3 x 5 sets
B.  Front rack bulgarian split squats x 4/side x 4 sets
C.  CDL  @90% x 5 x 3 sets

accessory skill work
static weighted GHD back ext. hold *weighted x 20 sec. x 2 sets
strict pull up work - see how this feels… if good then look to do 15-20 reps and see the response next day

Caught a bad stomach bug on Monday night. In bed all day Tuesday/Wednesday. 

active recovery day in the pool - 
500m swim
rest 3 minutes
200m swim
rest 3 minutes
100 swim

Switched order here. Swam 100m, then 200m, then 500m. Lats and body was tight from being sick the last few days so used it as a good warmup. Felt good here. No time just moved for a bit.

gymnastics work

Still coming back, just messed around in the gym for an hour with some gymnastics stuff

A.  Snatch; 65% x 6, 75% x 5 reps, 80-85% x 1 rep on the minute x 5
B.  C&J; 80% x 4 singles
C.  Box squat x 4 reps x 5 sets.. go off feel here
1-10 unbroken CTB pullup ladder

rest 5 minutes

3 rounds
21 T2B
15 clean and jerks @ 155
9 Front Squats @ 155

Still feeling pretty fatigued. Just rode the airdyne a while and mobilized.

A.  Snatch pull @ 105-115% x 3 x 4 sets
295, 305,305. Ouch my thumbs.

B.  PC - work up to a tough triple TnG
Stopped at 275. Felt a little uncoordinated but felt strong. Kept going to hit a fast single for some practice. Stopped at 315. Felt good.

C.  BN Sn grip push press x 3 x 3 sets.. nothing over 90% of snatch.. work on positioning and lock out here

Up to 285. This felt decent. 275 felt way better. Just now say nothing over 90%. My mistake.

7 minute amrap
7 DL @ 335
7 barbell facing burpees
50ft. handstand walk

3 + 10' HS walk
This was FUN. HS walk got tough. DL's and burpees fast. No pace on this, just went.

60-90 minute outside activity 
hike/walk/ play a new sport.. have some fun with this

Went to Faction and played around with buddies for a while. Some gym. work and just goofed off.
