Sunday, December 28, 2014

12/22/14 - 12/28/14 - Training

4 minutes on the AD @ 70%
rest 2 minutes x 4
(rest 5 minutes)
2 minutes on the AD @ 80%
rest 1 minute x 4

Done EARLY this am. Felt great. Averaged same cal per set. 

gymnastics session
Done. Great session. Got that pump.

A.  Snatch balance + OHS; 7 sets @ 1+1.. feel this out on the build with your wrist
Up to 245. Missed 255. Just threw it a little forward. This is feeling better.

B.  BB back rack angled step ups @ 20” box; 5/side x 5 sets…

135,155,165, 175, 185. These felt great. Stronger for sure.

C.  Clean - comfortable HS for the day 

345. 20# PR. This felt "comfortable" today. Just one of those days that you know it's there.
Sets were: 225, 255, 275, 295, 305, 315, 345. 

345 PR:

14 minutes on the clock
30m front rack kb carry - 55#/hand
5 bar MU
15 bS @ 95#
20 double unders
10 T2B

4 + 15 back squats at the buzzer. Was going to go easy pace on this tonight as it was a really long day, but started feeling good in the middle so hit it hard from then on.
All movements unbroken and smooth.

10 minute warm up
20 sec. on rower @ damper of 10 —— goal is sub 1:20/500 hold
rest 2:30
x7 sets

This felt strong today. Long time to wake up though. Definitely a little groggy from yesterdays training. No problem holding pace. Last one was really strong. 1:16 for most.

A.  BN Squat jerk + frt rack SJ (1+1) x 5 sets.. just off feel here… work in hip mobility work bt. each set

Up to 295#. Not much squat in there but split jerk felt good. OH work is really paying off.

B.  Power Clean  @ 80-85% x 10 total reps.. done as doubles in the beginning
295 for all sets. A little heavy today.

C.  SDL @ 95% x 5, 100% x 5, 105% x 5 x 2.. mimic set up and pull for snatch here
265, 285, 305. Felt good. Strong.

3 rounds @ 85% effort
10 strict HSPU
10 DL @ 275
10 box jump overs, 24”
10 T2B
500m row @ 1:44 pace
rest time = work time bt. rounds here

Done. Great session. Close to same time each set. 3:27, 3:33, 3:23
Everything unbroken. A little faster that 1:44 each set for row. 

This felt great. Hands hurt quite a bit and a little tired but GREAT breathing.


Short on time for Xmas eve. Combined all sessions. GREAT gymnastics session.

60 minutes steady AD ride here
*every 5th minute do some hip mobility work + handstand walking

gymnastics work

HS Walk Turnaround. Some improvement here. BTW, shoulders were SMOKED from 60 strict ring dips.

Ring Support Tuck Hold:

A.  Front rack walking lunge step x 10-12 steps x 3 sets
165, 175, 185. Knees hurt on this today.

B.  Snatch squat press x 3 x 3.. hold each rep OH for 2 sec.

65, 75,85. Feeling better on position

C.  1/4 FS @ 80-90% x 5 x 3 sets
Used 365 for all sets. Felt great. Good CNS jazz up

active recovery day today in the pool - 
40-60 minutes.. you choose here

Nothing open. Busy day travel. Some mobility work in evening.

7 rounds
250m row @ 1:31/500 pace
50m FW  @70#/hand
30 sec. amrap double unders
rest 90 seconds

Done. Around 57 DU's each set. Felt great to breathe. Love these intervals.


Done. Great sessions with buddies. False grip is getting better.

A.  Snatch; 85-90% x 6 total reps
235, 245, 255, 255, 255, 255 Feeling a little better. Still not as sharp but getting there.

B.  High Hang Clean;
235, 255, 275, 305, 325, 305 

Ohhhh feeling good and jazzed up tonight.

305 x 3 UB:

C.  Box Squat x 2 reps @ 60-65% on the minute x 12 sets
295 for all sets. Strong.

10 minute amrap
3 S2OH @ 135
3 FS @ 135

Made it to 18 S2O + 10 FS.  This felt awesome tonight. CTB's all unbroken and butterfly each set. BIG improvement here. Just felt great. 

Rested about 20 minutes then jumped into a Big partner workout with my mom on a team at Faction tonight. Nothing crazy, just some burpee box jump overs and light power cleans. Good fun. Energy is really good right now.

A.  power Clean from pause above knee + clean from pause below knee x 2+1 x 4 sets.. nothing over 75% here

Up to 255. Hands and collar bone is chewed up today. Skipped squat at just did 3 hang powers at pause position. Knees are tender.

B.  SDL @ 120% x 3 x 5 sets.. mimic set up and pull for snatch

345 for all sets. Strong.

C.  BN jerk grip push press x 3 x 5 sets
225, 255, 275, 285, 295 Felt strong here. All tng. 

3 rounds for time
7 DL @ 365
14 strict ring dips
rest 60 seconds
max effort handstand walk in 3 minutes

rest 7-10 minutes

3 rounds for time
50 cal row
150 double unders

50m Bb OH walk @ 185#

1:40 All Unbroken. Whoa this felt great. Rings dips felt reallllllllllly strong. DL's easy. Felt GREAT to say f it and sprint.
45m. Kinda bad here. I was a little toast from 3 RFT.
18:35, Row was a little slow feeling. Around 1100 cal/hr. 2:40 or so for 50 cal. DU's in 2 to 3 sets each time. Tough. 50M OH walk unbroken, dropped to shoulders halfway to turnaround. Easy here. 

Another great day. Felt awesome. Good energy. Going to work hard to rest up well and prep for another amazing training week!

3RFT Tester:

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