Wednesday, October 30, 2013

10/30/13 - AM Row Intervals + PM Training

Row 1k @Z1
Row 500 m in 1:38
rest walk 2 min
Row 250m @1:35/500m
Rest walk 2 min
x 6
AD 5 min cool down

Done. Most sets under 1:38. The 250 was great. It doesn't even start to hurt yet. Feeling really good this morning.

A. RDL @3211; 3-5 x 3; rest as needed (knee tracking, feel good)
225, 255, 275
Wasn't really sure where to start on these. 5 reps per set. Brought the weight down to about 2" off the ground. Watching some vid I'm please with how straight my back stayed. Huge improvement in my mobility.

B. Emom 12 min –
Odd – Tng PC x 5 (205#+, feel this out, more mechanics)
Even – 7 chin ups + AD 10 Cals

205, 205, 210, 215, 225, 235
chinups + A/D done in about :30
Got a little spicy towards the end. Made the rest of training fun.

C. Wtd CTB chin up (2pd) – max effort x 3; rest 90 sec
2pd (3 at chin over bar)
3 @ w/ 1.5 pd
3 @ w/ 1.5 pd
I'm not sure if this is normal or not but getting my chin over is no problem.
I could NOT get my chest to the bar with a 2pd. Even with a kip and mixed grip.

4 sets @80% -
Unbroken MUp x 5
50 DUs
RC x 3
200m run

Felt good. MU's and DU's unbroken and smooth. Rope climbs with about 10 sec b/t each rep.
Run was fast enough to shake out the shoulders. Crampy combo.

10/29/13 - AM Airdyne/Row Intervals + PM Testing/Training

AD 30 sec @90%
Slow spin 30 sec
x 15
Row 10 cal @90%
rest walk 30 sec
x 12

Done. Not as powerful as usual on the airdyne today. I felt a little fried from last nights tester. Legs were a little gassed. The row got tough. Maybe I was pulling a bit harder than 90%

A. 2 rep - Press ladder – start at 95#, inc by 10# every 45 sec
205#, Missed 215 on the first rep. Very close though. Would
not have gotten a second.

B. Strict HSPU max effort in 3 min
Sets of 5 from the start then 3/2's .
My 50 for time kipping is about 2 min. Shoulders were a bit tired from the press ladder. 

C1. Clean pull + HC pull; 1.1 x 4; rest 30 sec
C2. PC + Jerk x 2; rest 3 min

225,255, 275, 285
Not sure it was right but I did it in this format:
cln pull + h cln pull; rest 10 sec. x 2
rest 30 sec.
power clean/Jerk; x 2
rest 3 min.

Either way it was awesome training. Felt good to really hammer down
on my pull.

3 sets for time:
5 KB push press r
5 KB push press l
3 TGU/arm
3 wall walk
rest walk 90 sec

6:56 Total time.
Everything felt amazing tonight. Energy was through the roof. Feeling good. I'm considering ordering an 88# kb. Would like to start using it on the short rep scenarios with TGU's. 70 was feeling strong tonight.

Monday, October 28, 2013

10/28/13 - AM 8K Row + PM Training

Row 8k in 32:00

Done. Averaged a 1:58
Felt pretty good. Butt was pretty cramped by the end of it.

A. BS @41X1; 3,3,3,3; rest 2-3 min
275, 275, 285, 305
Still took it easy on the squat.
Groin isn't 100% but there wasn't any serious pain today.
Just felt kinda tight.

B. Emom 12 min –
Odd – Tng PS x 3 (tough, mechanics focus)
Even – burpee box jump over x 6, DU x 25
Done. Used 185.
Snatches felt ok today. Not heavy, just not sharp.

C1. Strict chin up; 12-15 x 3; rest 30 sec
12 for each set and I mixed up the grip.
C2. Wtd. pronated wide grip chin up; 3-5 x 3; rest 2 min
35#, 35#, 15#
Dropped weight on last set to make sure chin was
getting completely over.
These were tough.

Row 1k
100m yoke (HEAVY)
30 KBS (88#)
100m yoke
30 TTB
100m yoke
Row 500m @90%

500# for yoke
Got tough. Walked on the street tonight and it was much
smoother than the yard.
No 88# KB so I used a 70# & a 53# in each hand
Switched hands every 10. Got pretty spicy trying to stabilize.
15/15 on T2B
Abs folded in half on last set of yoke walk after the T2B.
That's the weirded feeling ever. I wonder what it actually looks like
when it happens. Had to take about :30 to let it chill out.
Then I went to town on the last yoke walk.
500 was a 1:45, Tough after that last carry.

Saturday, October 26, 2013

10/26/13 - AM Airdyne/Recovery + PM Training/Testing

45 min AD @Z1
(get off every 5 min and perform 20 sec FLR, 15 m HS walk)

Done. Body feels great. Neck is all good. Glad I was smart and took care of it all week. Ready to attack today.
A. Build to a 1 RM press
220 PR, 225, PR, 235X, 230 PR
Whoa I'm pumped for this! Great progress. Best all time press was probably 215


B. CGBP; 3,3,2,2,1,1; rest 2 min
225, 245, 255, 265, 285, 305 PR?
Bench felt strong today. I know I've never Close Gripped over 300# before. Very happy.

3 sets:
50m Yoke (HEAVY)
10 burpee over wall
50 m OH walk with barbell (225#)
rest 90 sec

Last set (pardon my french):

3:33, 4:43, 4:37
Yoke with 550#, broke every 25m
Wall Burpees are spicy
OH Carry was tough as well today. Had to break at 25m.
Honestly thought I would get it unbroken.
I think a lot of it had to do with it all being done in my backyard.
Street walking is wayyyy easier.

10 min @ 80-90%:
1 rope climb leg less
3 strict depth HSPU (-4”) plates
5 man maker (30#/h)
AD 20 cal

rest 5 min

10 min @ 80-90%:
10 KBS (72#)
Crawl 25m
30 DUs
HS walk 25 m

3+1 Man Maker
2 + 10 KBS

First AMRAP was fine.
Second was tough. All done outside. HS walk on the sidewalk needs work.
Double Unders in the wind are a new challenge as well.

10/25/13 - AM Row + PM Training

Row 2K @ 1:54/500 m pace
Rest 60 sec
Row 2K @ 1:56/500m pace
Rest 60 sec
Row 2k @ 1:58/500m pace

Done. Easy peasy. Groin is feeling better. Neck is all good now.
A. BB reverse lunge; 6-8/leg x 3; rest 3 min
155 for all sets. Kept it moderate. Didn't feel great.
I think after this week I'll be good to go on back squats again. Groin is getting better and better.

B. Emom 5 min - Tng Snatch x 2
205, 215, 225, 230, 235
VERY happy with this. Felt freakin strong.

C. 8 sets - every 90 sec - TnG Power Snatch x 4, 12 Cal Row (mod load, mechanics, speed focus)
Used 135 for all sets. Felt smooth and sharp.
Snatch + Row took about :47 per round.

for time:
100m FC (100#/h)
30 cal AD
20 Tire flip
10 PJ (225#) – from ground

Farmer Carry done with 120#/hand broke at 50m
A/D just cruised. Didn't see a point to kill myself before I flip a tire for 10 minutes.
Tire flips took about 10 minutes. Much faster than a few weeks ago though.
Push Jerks UB and pretty easy. Happy to have knocked these out so fast.
Good session. It was cold and dark tonight. Trained outside. Different element.

10/24/13 - AM Row + PM Recovery

swim 100m free
kick 100m
Swim underwater (no breath)
Rest 2 min
x 4
25 m free @ 90%
rest 30 sec
x 20 straight
Swim 5 min cool down easy
Row 10 min @ Z1
Row 5K in 20:00
Did this instead of swimming.
Neck is better but not great yet.
RTW - "round the world"
1 min AD easy
1 min FLR on floor
1 min row easy
1 min crawl
1 min run easy
1 min jump rope x 7 - all easy pace flush
Done. Felt good. Neck is getting
much better. Lots of ice and stim.

10/23/13 - AM ROW + PM Recovery

Row 5 min @ Z1
Row 500 m in 1:37
rest walk 2:30 x 6
(rest 7 min b/t sets 3,4)
walk 10 min cooldown
Done. All sets as RX with a few 1:36's. These felt strong today.
A. Build to a 5RM Good Morning @3010 in 10-15 min
B. Emom 8 min - TnG PC x 3 – 205#-225# (snappy, fast, good mvmt)
C1. Wtd Chin Up x 1; rest 10 sec (build to heavy single in 4 sets)
C2. Unbroken TTB; 12,12,12,12; rest 2 min
D. Amrap RC in 5 min
Skipped. Neck is still pretty tweeked.
Did some A/D & light movement for about 90 minutes.

Wednesday, October 23, 2013

10/22/13 - AM Airdyne 30/30 + PM Training

AD 30 sec @ 90%
Slow spin 30 sec
x 20
(rest 3 min after 10 sets)

Done. Had a good warmup this morning. Lots of traveling yday so was pretty tight but this helped.
I felt powerful on these. Feeling good.

A. Press cluster; 1.1.1 x 3; rest 15 sec, rest 3 min
B. Emom 5 min - Clean pull x 1 + HPC x 1 + TnG power jerk x 3 - emom - 60% 1RM (efficiency, speed)
5 sets for time:
5 burpees over box
4 TGU/arm (alternating arms, 2pd)
3 wall walks

Finised my first set of presses at 200#. After racking the bar my neck locked up on the left side. Extrememly painful and had to shut it down. Couldn’t do anything.
Immediately starting icing and took ibuprofen.
Huge bummer. I was feeling really good today.

Thursday, October 17, 2013

10/17/13 - AM Off + PM Training/Testing

BS @32X2; 4,4,3,3; rest 3-4 min (solid warm up, tester)
225, 255, 275, 285
Feeling better each day. Still not 100% but felt safe today.
Happy with the progress.

B. PS ladder – start at 115# - emom - increase 10# per min (20 DU’s after each completed rep)
255, PR!, no go on 265.
Very excited about this. Felt great! 245 was a PR as well

C. 10 RC for time
2:10, 15'
Good progress on these as well.

for time:
10 strict HSPU
250m row
20 strict HSPU
500m row
30 strict HSPU
1k row

10 UB, 5/5/5/5, 5's then 3's and 2's
250 and 500 were about a 1:35, and a 1:50
Then the 1k was a 3:15. Spicy. Felt good to hurt.

Wednesday, October 16, 2013

10/15/13 - AM Off + PM Training

A. Press @2012; 2-3 x 4; rest 2-3 min (heavy, tough)
185, 190, 195, 200
At first my press didn't feel that strong today. Still feel like these are great improvements.

200# x 3:

B. Good morning; 3,3,3; rest 2 min (knee tracking, floss, light)
135, 145, 155
No pain. Felt good.

C1. Tng PC x 3; rest 5 sec (tough)
C2. Burpee x 8 AFAP; rest 15 sec
C3. CTB chin up amrap in 45 sec x 4; rest 3 min

255, 21 CTB's
260, 21 CTB's
265, 17 CTB's
275, 22 CTB's

First & Last Set:

This got spicy. I was pretty buzzed afterward.
For the first time, it wasn't my grip and pulling that was fatigued.
It was more breathing.

3 sets:
500m row
25 S2OH (115#)
25 KBS (2pd)
50 DU’s
Rest 3 min

4:56, KB 15/10, all else UB
4:58, KB 15/10, all else UB
4:31, all UB

This was tough after the previous triplet. Felt pretty lactic. Had to really focus on breathing. Row was smooth and steady. Good session.

Tuesday, October 15, 2013

10/14/13 - AM OFF + PM Training/Testing

A. BS @3111; 5,5,5,5; rest as needed (floss, continued knee tester, shut it down if any pain)
225 for all sets. Stayed extra safe. Felt pretty good.
No serious pain, but the pull isn't completely gone. Movement feels really good though.

B. Barbell step up; 5-7/leg x 3; rest 3 min (take 30 sec b/t legs)
185 for all sets. Felt strong. Actually bothered right groin a little bit today.
C. Snatch pull; 1.1 x 4; rest 10 sec, rest 2 min
275 for all sets. Felt really strong. Great tech work.
D. Emom 8 min – HPS x 2 (70-80%)
165, 175, 180, 185 for the rest.
Felt amazing after the pulls. Super fast and shar

for time:
Row 1k
20 KB front rack reverse lunge
10 MUps
20 KB front rack lunge
10 MUps
Row 1k

First 1k around 3:40
Lunges with a 70# & 53#. Switched after 10.
MU's were 6/4 - Felt great
Reverse lunges were way more comfortable. Switched at 10 again
MU's were 4/3/3
Last row was spicy as hell - around 3:40 again. Had to push for this one.

Fun workout. Felt great to hurt.

Sunday, October 13, 2013

10/12/13 - AM Airdyne + PM Training

45 min AD @Z1
(every 5 min get off, complete 3 push ups, 10 sit ups)

Done. Feeling good.

A. Press; 3,2,1,1,1; rest as needed (build to a heavy)
185, 195, 205, 215, 225X
215 press is a lifetime pr. Super fast too. Juuuuuust missed 225.It'll be there next time for sure.
Would have tried again but today didn’t call for a max. 


B. Lateral Raises with plates; 10,10,10; rest 2 min -
15# plates. This felt good. Smoked the delts.

for time:
20 pHSPU
100m OH carry (heavy)
20 tire flips (jump in and out on every flip)


10" Parallettes, done in 10/5/5
245 for the OH Carry, 4 sets
Big boy tire took way to long.
It was rainy so I couldn't flip in the grass, had to do it in the drive way. This made getting my
fingers under it damn near impossible. Each flip was like a 500# deadlift.
Tough but good challenge.

Rest as needed

10 min @ 80%:
row 300m
5 CTB chin ups
5 burpees
5 lunges/leg

rest 5 min

10 min @ 80%:
10 Cal AD
10 sit ups (anchored)
2 TGU/arm (2pd)

4 sets + 100m
6 sets
MMM's were fine. Felt good. CTB's were sharp today. I wanted more.

10/11/13 - AM Row + PM Training

Row 500m @ Z1
Row 500m @ 1:51/500m pace
Decrease by 1 sec every 500m
x 6
(Continuous for 6 sets)
10:48, ave/1:48.1
Felt good. Got a little spicy towards the last 750m
A. BB split squat; 6-8/leg x 3; rest 3 min (mod/light load)
Done, 135, 145, 155
Felt ok. Felt strange on the groin for both sides. Should have taken some vid.
I was basically setting up my feet in a split and then dropping into a lunge and back up.
B. Build to a heavy complex - Clean pull + Hang clean pull + HPC (bar does not hit floor)
275, caught just at parallel. Stopped there. The hang power clean was harder than I thought
after the two pulls. Felt good. I really want my power clean up.



C.  Every 90 sec for 6 sets – 5 Tng snatch (light/mod), 50 DU’s
135 for 3 sets then, 145, 150, 155
DU's UB. This got pretty tough.
for time – 90%:
25 Cal AD
100m FC (100#/h)
50 strict HSPU
100 FC (100#/h)
25 bar muscle ups
AD done fast, used 120# for the FC. Broke into 2 sets. 
This lit up the shoulders for the HSPU
HSPU done in sets of 5, not very fast.
BMU in 5 - 6 sets. Felt good.

10/10/13 - AM Swim + PM Recovery

200 yards easy swim
(rest between laps if needed)
50 yards pull, 50 yards kick
Sprint 25 meters
Rest 60 sec
x 6
Swim 25 yards @80%
rest 30 sec
x 15
200 yards crawl warmdown
(swim slowly and relax)

Done. Fasted. Great warmup.
Sprints felt good. Been a really long time
since I've done an all out sprint. Around 13-15 sec.
The 200 yard warmdown felt great too. Non stop.
Shoulders were getting tired though.

RTW - "round the world"
1 min AD easy
1 min FLR on floor
1 min row easy
1 min crawl
1 min run easy
1 min jump rope x 8 - all easy pace flush

Done. Felt good.

Wednesday, October 9, 2013

10/9/13 AM Row Intervals + PM Training

Row 5 min @Z1
Row 500m @1:38/500m
Walk rest 90 sec
x 4

Rest 5 min

Row 500m @ 1:37/500m
walk rest 2 min
x 4
walk cool down 10 min

Done. Felt fine. Last 500m of each set got a little spicy but not bad. I actually ended very strong.

A. Emom 30 min
Min 1 - Tng PC x 5
Min 2 – 2 RC
Min 3 – Row 15 Cal
Min 4 – 15 CTB chin ups
Min 5 – KB waiter walk 50m (alternate arms)

Done. 185# for power cleans. Thought about going heavier and glad I didn't. This was pretty tough for me tonight. CTB's got rough. Had to break last 3 sets. Barely finished in the minute of the last set for the ctb's

10/8/13 - AM Airdyne + PM Training

AD 10 min @Z1
AD 30 sec @ 90%
Walk rest 30 sec
x 15
(straight through)
AD 5 min @Z1 cool down

Done. Felt good. Nice sesh to clear out the weekend.
A. Tng HPS ladder – 2,3,4,5,6 x 2; rest 3 min between ladders (second ladder heavier)

185, 175, 165, 155, 145
205, 205, 205, 195, 185
Felt snappy on these today. 

205 x 4:

185 x 6:

B1. Press; 2,2,2,2; rest 15 sec (start at 195#, inc load per set)
195, 200, 205, 210
Felt strong! 210 was a grind though after all the ring dips

B2. Amrap ring dip in 30 sec x 4; rest 3 min
20, 22, 18, 17
Felt ok.

C. Single Arm DB Row; 6-8/arm x 3; rest 2 min (heavy sets)
85 for all sets. Felt good on the shoulders.
3 sets for time:
10 TGU (alternating, mod load)
10 CGBP (unbroken)
10 Cal Row

12:20, 185# on bench & 55# kb
TGU's were cake. Bench press was tough. 2nd set I failed on 9, so I did 3 more. 3rd set was an epic grind but I got it.

10/7/13 - Rest

10/6/13 - OPTathlon 5.0

1. Clean and Overhead in 10 min
Cleaned 330# and tried to push jerk but missed it. Just wasn't really aggressive with it. Going in to this I was
supposed to only power clean and I caught 330# low and had to squat it. So I just shut it down after that. Wanted to be safe with the groin. Tough but good call.

(short rest)

2. Standing Triple Jump
26' 3"
Held back some for hip. Not much pain but wanted to be smart.
(short rest)

3. Row Repeats 
Row 500m
Rest 90 sec.
Row 500m
1:27.6, 1:25.6
Feeling better each year on these. Surprised myself

(1 hours rest)

4. 3 minute amrap Ladder:
60% of Event 1
1 C/J, 3 Burpees, 2 C/J, 3 Burpees, etc.

6 rounds + 4 CJ's
Short and sweet. Bar was bouncing all over the place.

(2-3 hours rest)

5. Reverse Shot Toss
36' - 4.25", A lot worse from last year. I guess I just suck at throwing.

(short rest)
6. 3K Run
Felt pretty good. Happy with this considering I haven't run over 200m since the games.

10/5/13 - Rest/Recovery

Came to OPT and did some A/D and Mobility Work.

10/4/13 - AM Rest + PM Training/Scottsdale


A. Build to a heavy power clean in 15-20 min
296#, felt awesome.
B. Emom 6 min - Tng squat clean x 2 (mod load, snappy), 4 burpees, 20 DU’s
185# for all sets. Took about :24 per set +
for time – 90%:
300m row
50m FC
200m run
30 KBS (88#)
200m run
50m FC (100#/h)
300m row

Felt like I was flying today. Tried to keep it down some.
Swings in 10/10/10. FC UB

10/3/13 - AM Swim + PM Recovery

Easy Swim
Did a ladder
25m rest :30
50m rest 1:00
75m rest 1:30
100m rest 2:00
75m rest 1:30
50m rest 1:00
25m rest :30

Some mobility work and some
drills for shot toss and triple jump

Thursday, October 3, 2013

10/2/13 - AM Row Intervals + PM EMOM


Row 5 min @Z1
Row 500m @ 1:39
walk rest 2 min x 8 sets
(b/t sets 4,5 walk 400 meters)
AD 5 min @Z1 warm down

Done. Felt easy.
1:39, 1:39.1, 1:39.2, 1:38.5
1:38.8, 1:38.1, 1:38.8, 1:38.6
Lower back got suuuuper tight and cramped after last set. Could barely
finish the cool down.
It's been feeling really "tired" lately.

A. emom - 14 min
Odd - 3 snatch TnG - 65% 1RM
Even – 12 CTB chin up
B. emom – 14 min
Odd – Tng PC x 2 + Squat clean x 2 (start mod load, ascend per set)
Even – 10 Cal row + 3 MUps

A. Done, 175# on tng. Felt good. Butterfly all but one set of ctb's. Feeling better at

B. Had to take a 5 min. break after A. Tried to go
right into it and was not recovered.
Then had to skip another minute in the middle.
I finished it out, but it was not fun. Lower back was so tight.
Stayed at 135# for all sets. I feel out of shape after that one.
The barbell work was fine, as well as the muscleups. The 10 cal
row + 3 mu's was taking almost 40-45 seconds. Couldn’t recover.

Wednesday, October 2, 2013

10/1/13 - AM Airdyne + PM Training

AD 5 min @Z1
AD 30 sec @70% Aer
Slow spin 30 sec
x 8
AD 30 sec @80% Aer
Slow spin 30 sec
x 6
AD 30 sec @90% Aer
Rest walk 30 sec
x 4
AD 5 min @Z1

Done. Fasted. Energy was good this morning but body is smoked
from last night. CNS feels fried as a residual effect from the long heavy session.

A. Seated press behind the neck with chains @30X0; 5,5,4,4,3,3; rest 2 min
No chains. Working on getting some. Took a while to warmup shoulder ROM.
95,105, 115, 125, 135, 145

B1. CGBP @3111; 4,2,1,2,4; rest 60 sec
B2. Wtd. dip; 2,2,2,2,2; rest 3 min
CGBP: 225, 245, 275, 255, 245
WTD Dip:70, 80, 80, 80, 80X (1/2), 75
Press is feeling strong

C. 100m OH carry x 3; rest 2-3 min (heavy)
225 for all sets.
First set broke once. Second set Unbroken. Third set tried like hell
but broke the last 5m. Felt strong.

3 sets:
5 TGU/arm (2pd)
20 Cal AD
5 KB floor press/arm
20 DU’s

Slow start on TGU's but after first round I flew through everything.
Everything is feeling good.

Tuesday, October 1, 2013

AM 2K Row's + PM Training/Testing

Row 5 min @Z1
Row 2k (1:53/500m)
Rest 1 min
Row 2k (1:52/500m)
Rest 1 min
Row 2k (1:51/500m)
Row 5 min @Z1

Done. Fasted.
Felt great. Good warmup.
Last 500m on last 2k lower back started to get raw. But settled down quickly
after I stood up.

A. 6 sets - Every 90 sec - Tng squat clean x 3 (start at 185#, ascend if feeling good)
185,195, 205, 215, 225, 235
Done. Felt pretty good. Hips feel really mobile.
Slight pain in the deep of the squat so I was careful.
Felt powerful otherwise.

B. Russian BB step up; 6-8/leg x 4; rest 3-4 min (mod load)
All sets at 185. Felt really good. No pain.
C1. Amrap wtd. chin up; rest 30 sec
C2. Amrap wide grip chin up; rest 60 sec
C3. Amrap strict medium grip chin ups x 3; rest 3 min

All wtd sets at 35#: 7,6,6
Wide grip: 6, 7, 6
Strict med grip: 8, 8, 6

For time:
100m yoke (heavy)
10 stone to shoulder
100m sled drag (heavy)
100 DU’s
100m yoke (heavy)
10 stone to shoulder
100m sled drag (heavy)

Used 400# for the yoke, then added another 100# during the sled drag.
180# stone. DU's were fine.
The Sled drag was an absolute grind. Did this in the street.
Yoke walk felt strong. But that drag was nutty. Was only getting 10m spurts.
Felt awesome to throwdown on something I knew I couldn't just walk all over.