Thursday, January 30, 2014

1/29/14 - AM Recovery + PM Training

AD 60 min @Z1
- every 5 min get off and complete 30 sec ring FLR

Done. All feeling good. Right shoulder still hurts occasionally.

A. FS - build to a moderate double
335. Felt uncomfortable today. Not heavy, just uncomfortable and tight.

B. Snatch; 2,2,1,1,1; rest 2-3 min (2s@85%, 1s@90%+)
235 x 2 sets, 245, 250, 255
Mechanics felt solid, pull felt week. I'm happy to hit 255 on a bad day.

C. Segmented snatch DL + Snatch pull; 1.1 x 6; rest 2 min
275 - 325, increased 10# per set. Starting to love this tech work.

14 min amrap @85%:
30 DUs unbroken
3 alternating DB snatch/arm (100#)
3 HPC (185#)
300m row

rest 5 min

14 min amrap @90%:
3 squat clean thruster (160#)
5 HR push up
7 chin up
300m row

rest 5 min

14 min amrap @95%:
AD .5 miles
5 DL (160#)
4 MU

5 burpees (6" target)

4 + 70m,  Nice and easy. Everything hurts though.
5 + 110m, This felt better. Definitely speed up on this one. Movements were easier. 
5 + .3 miles, MU's ub and strong each set. I was just kinda rolling at this point. Tried to remember to end faster than the previous two. Had a great push at the end.

I'm tired now. Going to eat and sleep a lot. Body aches, good week so far. 

1/28/14 - AM A/D Intervals + PM Training

AD 90 sec @90%
slow spin AD 90 sec
x 12
(rest 6 min after 6 sets)

Done. Early this morning. Slept great though. Felt pretty good. Average 78-80 rpm, maybe 37 cal per 90 sec. 

A. Jerk; 2,2,2; rest 3 min (2s@85-90% of 1 RM)
325, 335, 345. Felt strong and sharp today. Tech is getting better each week.

B. Push press - build to a heavy single
305, 320, Big PR. Felt easy too.



C. 6 sets - every 75 sec - Tng DL x 5, burpee over bar x 6 (mod load, speed focus, build small per set)
315 for all sets. Felt pretty good. Just kept it light and fast.

6 min amrap @open pace
3 PS (100#)
3 box jump (24")
5 PS
5 box jump
7 PS
7 box jump

rest 6 min 

6 min amrap @open pace:
2 S2OH (135#)
4 S2OH
6 S2OH


13 + 4 Power Snatch, felt ok. Kinda tired tonight.
14 even. This felt strong. S2O felt really smooth. Kept t2b in short sets. Just kept moving the whole time. Not a TON of attack tonight though.



Tuesday, January 28, 2014

1/27/14 - AM Row 1k's + PM Training

Row 1k @70% Aer
rest walk 90 sec
x 6


Felt great!

A. BS @20X1; 2,2,1,1; rest 2-3 min (2S@85%, 1s@90%)
365 , 365, 385, 385
Felt heavy today.

B. 5 sets - every 2 min - segmented clean DL + clean pull (275,285,295,305,315)
Done. Felt pretty good.

C. Emom 8 min - PC + clean (sets +255#)
255, 260, 265, 270, 275, 280, 285, 290, 295
Last 2 were tough.

AD max cals in 3 min
rest 3 min
100 DUs
30 CTB chin ups
10 thrusters (185#)
20 CTB chin ups
15 thrusters (155#)
10 CTB chin ups
20 thrusters (135#)
100 DUs
rest 3 min

AMRAP CTB chin ups in 2 min

78, Not much drive today. This was like 85%
13:06, Man I just felt tired on this. CTB's were 6's and 5's. Thrusters 10, 8/7, then 10/5/5.

Intensity wasn't there tonight. I just tried to put my head down and get the work in. Happy with that.

Sunday, January 26, 2014

1/25/14 - AM A/D Recovery + PM Training

AD 60 min @Z1
- every 5 min get off and complete 3 GH raise, 25 sec L sit

Done. Feeling good this morning. Shoulder hurt quite a bit during the night. 

A. 10 sets - every 2 min - Jerk x 1 (HEAVY sets)
345 for all sets. Wanted to go heavy, but not so heavy that I couldn't get some practice in. I think this is the first time I have backed off the weight a little bit and drilled. Felt good.

B. 8 sets - every 30 sec - PC x 1 (255#+)
Ended at 295. 5+ jumps. Did a few extra sets. Felt pretty good. Changing weight used up all the rest time.

C. Unbroken CTB chin up ladder 4->10->4
5:16, Can go much faster. Did a regular kip but it felt really strong and sharp. Happy with how my pulling felt today. Didn't feel fatigued.

for time:
1:28, huge PR. 25/10/8/7 Felt great. Kip was on.

rest as needed

12 min amrap @open pace:
15 PS (75#)

30 DU

8+9 snatches. Felt ok. I was pretty tired rolling into this. Just tried to keep attacking and moving. All DU's unbroken. Did 2 sets of 8/7 on snatches, then quick 5's. I think my score from 2011 was 7+30 DU's + 9 snatches in 10 minutes. It started with the Double Unders.

Great week of training. I feel like I'm finally back in a good groove. Best I have felt in a while. Let's roll!

Friday, January 24, 2014

1/24/14 - AM Recovery + PM Training

RTW - "round the world"
1 min walk
1 min FLR on floor
1 min crawl
1 min run easy
1 min jump rope
1 min bike
x 7 - all easy pace flush

Done. Sub row for run. Balls cold and I didn't want to go in and out of garage. Did some scap work during the 1 min walk.

A. BS @20X1; 2,2,1,1; rest 2-3 min (only last single tough)
335, 365, 385, 415

415 felt great. 

B. 10 sets - every 2 min - Snatch x 2 (build)
185, 195, 205, 210, 215
220, 235, 235, 240, 245

Damn these felt great tonight. I was trying to be conscious of my shoulder so the result was me nailing my technique tonight. Felt soo good. Didn't plan to go really heavy and I just felt good.

C. 6 sets – every 2 min - Segmented snatch DL + snatch pull (275,285,295,305,315,325)
Done. Felt strong.

3 sets for time @90%:
500m row
25 unbroken wall balls
15 burpees (6" target)
rest walk 3 min

3:25, went a bit faster on burpees.

These felt great tonight. Breathing was awesome. Rowed just under a 1:50/500m. Maybe could have speed that up? But figured any faster might have been a bit more than 90%

rest as needed

for time:
10 FR axel bar lunge (160#)
30 TTB
20 FR axel bar lunge (160#)
20 TTB
30 FR axel bar lunge (160#)

10 TTB

First 10 lunges UB
TTB - 10/10/5/5, real quick
10/10  on lunges 2nd set
TTB - 10/5/5
15/10/5 last set of lunges. Tried to go 15/15 but broke on last set. Unhappy with that. I was grinding though.
Last 10 TTB UB. Happy with this tonight, but I can go much faster. Great training the last two nights. Feeling good.

1/23/14 AM A/D 60/60 + PM Training

AD 60 sec @ 90%
AD slow spin 60 sec
x 16
(rest 5 min after 8 sets)

Done. This felt great. Rode inside because it's so cold here right now. Heater doesn't work well enough in the garage. Averaged 25-26 rpm the first 8 sets. Then 27-28 the last 8 sets. Would like to get that around 31-32.

A. 10 sets - every 2 min - Jerk x 1 (build)

315, 325, 335, 345, 355, 360, 365, 370, 375, 380PR
Boom. Didn't expect that today. Technique feels a bit better. Back leg is still straight and there was a little press out, but I'm starting to split. Improvement. 400# overhead will be cool.


B. Emom 5 min – 5 Tng PC + J (135#), 5 burpees over bar

Done. Great breathing work. Did bar facing burpees for practice. 

C. for time:
20 HR burpees
20 MU
20 HR burpees

Steady on first 20 hr burpees
5/4/2/2, then all singles. These felt kind tough today.
Fast on last 20. These were really tough. Pushers were gone!
Burpees took about a minute

12 min amrap @85%:
35 DUs unbroken
6 CTB chin up
200m row

rest 5 min

12 min amrap @90%:
3 PS (185#)
5 HR push up
200m row

rest 5 min

12 min amrap @95%:
5 DL (135#)
7 S2OH (135#)

9 box jumps (24")

6+110m, Felt smooth. All ub.
6+130m, Snatches felt kinda heavy. Shoulder was bugging me on it. It's power snatches in particular that cause an issue. And sometimes CTB's when I butter fly. Internally rotated.
9 + 7 S2O. Whew. This was hard to push. I was just tired. Tried to stay in control and get a good push out of it. Everything UB and BJ's smooth. Just tried to keep moving. These will get better. I was just trying to adjust to the volume. Pretty smoked.

1/22/14 - AM Swim + PM Recovery

easy swim
(1K continuous easy pace) 

100m warmup. Stopped after first 50m, then the next 100m. Then did the remainer non stop. Got into a really good groove. Felt really relaxed and smooth. Could have gone all day today.

20 min AD easy
15 min row easy
10 min run easy

5 min FLR on floor

Done. FLR done in 5 sets with about 20-30 sec rest. Legs are still pretty sore. But feeling good otherwise.

Tuesday, January 21, 2014

1/21/14 - AM A/D 30/30 + PM Training

AD 30 sec @90%
walk rest 30 sec
x 40
(rest 3 min after 10 sets each time)

Done. Felt great. Used a different airdyne this morning while out of town. This old thing feels like an assault bike. I seriously might try to buy it from by buddy. Had a good push on this. Felt strong.

A. Push press cluster; x 4; rest 15 sec, rest 3 min
245, 255, 265, 275

Felt strong. Tough to get arms and wrists arm, but finally started feeling good.

265 & 275:

B. Emom 8 min - PC x 1/TnG power jerk x 3 (75% of 1RM)
235#, Done. Felt sharp.

C. for time: 50 TTB
- every break 5 HR burpees

2:21, Broke three times. 30/10/10. Grip and lats didn't feel strong tonight. Last time I did this I went 35/15, with double under penalty. Not sweating it. Just wasn't there tonight.

7 min amrap @open pace:
5 PS (75#)
5 box jump

20 DU

8 + 5 bj's. This felt good. Everything UB and fast. Just moved.

Monday, January 20, 2014

1/20/14 - PM Training

A. BS - build to a tough single (for the day)
395#, felt good.

B. 10 sets – every 75 sec – clean x 1 (275#+)
275 - 320, 5# jumps Felt pretty good. Got better as it went on.

AMRAP CTB chin ups in 2 min
rest 3 min
30 BB front rack lunges - 155#
20 BB front rack lunges - 175#
10 BB front rack lunges - 195#
rest 3 min

AMRAP CTB chin ups in 2 min

45, 10 then sets of 5. No butterfly today. Letting shoulder heal up. Felt pretty good, but I felt kinda heavy on the bar.
8:05, All HSPU's unbroken and strong. Lunges were 15/15, 10/10, last 10 ub
Tough, but felt good to grind. My glutes and adductors are shredded right now.
30, Pretty smoked doing this. 

Monday, January 13, 2014

Support for Kevin Ogar

Everyone please keep Kevin Ogar and his family in your thoughts and prayers. He is a friend and a fellow athlete who suffered a severe injury to his spinal cord in competition at the OC Throwdown. I don't know all details, but help is needed to ensure he and his family have all the support they need. You may not know Kevin, but you know me and I am asking for your help.

1/7/14 - AM Training + PM A/D

A. BS @20X1; 1,1,1; rest 3 min (90%)
385 for singles. Felt ok.

C. Build to a heavy snatch (for the day, fast/snappy)
265, Felt good. Gave 280 a shot. Just missed it. 

D. Every 2 min; C&J x 1 rep (40%, 50%, 60%, 70%, 80%, 90% of 1 RM)
Built to 305. Felt pretty good.

Complete as many rounds and reps as possible in 5 minutes of - go hard
4 wall balls (20#)
6 burpees

8 rounds even. Went as fast as I could. Felt a little slow and sluggish from the day off yday. 

30 sec AD @90%-95% - work these!
30 sec easy spin

x 20

88 rpm for all sets. These felt pretty good. I just feel a little tired still. 

1/7/14 - AM Training + PM Row Intervals

A. 3 position clean; 3@ 55-60%, 2@ 65-70%,1@ 75-80%, 1@ 85%, 1@ 85%, 1@ 90%, 1@90%
Rest as needed (feel crisp and fast)
B. 3 sets - CGBP - Amrap in 45 sec - 225#; rest 2-3 min
3 sets for times:
20m HS walk
60 unbroken DUs
8 unbroken MU
10 HSPU (-6")
12 burpee box jump overs
Rest until fully recovered

Row 500m @1:37
rest walk 4 min
x 4

rest 6 min

Row 500m @1:38
rest walk 4 min

x 4

Skipped. Sick.

1/6/14 - AM Training + PM Prep/Training

A. Back Squat @20X1; 2,1,1; rest 3 min (2 @85%, 1s @90%)
385, felt strong.

B. Tng Snatch - build to a heavy double
Stopped at 235. Felt really sharp.

C. Complete as many reps as possible in 3 minutes of:

20 PS (155#)
30 CTB Pull Ups
40 KB swing (2 pd)
80 DUs
Run 800m (weight vest)

Finished CTB's. Did snatches in 90s. Did 4 sets of 5 tng. Felt strong. Pullups were tough after it.

Rest 3 min then…..

for time:
20 PS (155#)
30 CTB Pull Ups
40 KB swing (2pd)
80 DUs
Run 800m (weight vest)

14:00, run took about 5:00. Had to put vest on, and run out the door. It was so cold out today. Probably not smart to run outside. Did all singles on snatches, CTB's were 5's. Lower back was really tired on swings, and DU's unbroken.

Headstand to HS work
Combine agility practice
for time:
30 OHS (205#)

- EMOM 20 DUs

This was a lot harder than I though. I finally smartened up after the 3rd minute and started cj'ing the weight over head. I was squat snatching at first. Felt strong though. I feel tired tonight. It was hard to get going.

Saturday, January 4, 2014

1/4/14 - AM A/D Recovery + PM Training

AD 60 min @Z1
- every 5 min get off and complete 3 GH raise, 20 sec L sit

Done. Felt good. No GHD so did good mornings. Feel pretty good today. Slept amazing last night.

A. Emom 12 min – PC x 1 (275#)
Done. Felt sharp.

B. Unbroken MU ladder 1 to 6 then back down to 1
5:08, Felt ok. Thought I would be a lot faster. The UB sets made it more difficult.
Had 26 done in 3:19

8 min @ 85%:
250m row
10 HR push ups
30 DUs

rest 5 min

8 min @ 85%:
8 S2OH (155#)
8 burpees (6” target)
8 cal AD

rest as needed

8 min amrap @hard effort:
1 PS (95#)
1 box jump (24”)
2 PS (95#)
2 box jump (24”)


4 + 150m
11 snatches + 8 box jumps

Felt smooth on the row and DU's.
S2O felt really strong. Burpees were ok. Slower on the A/D to recover. Felt smooth overall.
+ - Rest 12 minutes.
This was ok. Started breaking on 6, 3/3, kept the rest really short, all rounds in half. BJ's steady and smooth. Had a good push on this one. Still felt a little tired though. Good end to the week. Fired up for next week.

Friday, January 3, 2014

1/3/14 - AM Recovery RTW + PM Training

RTW - "round the world"
1 min Row
1 min FLR on floor
1 min A/D
1 min TGU 2/side
1 min jump rope
1 min Crawl
x 7 - all easy pace flush

Damn it's getting cold here. Made some adjustments. Felt good to move. Didn't sleep well last night. Going to have to nap later. Body feels pretty good from last night though.

A. 6 sets – every 90 sec – snatch pull + snatch (start @225#, build)
225, 230, 235, 240, 245, 250
Happy to have gotten this today. Just like last week, tech felt good and mobile but not that powerful. Better though. 

B. 5 sets – every 2 min - Segmented snatch DL x 3 (265,275,285,295,305)
Done. Felt really strong.

C. Unbroken TTB; 20,20,20; rest 2 min
Done, :30 each set. Felt fast and sharp

Front squat (265#)


Front squat from the ground again. All unbroken. got kinda heavy. Clean felt really strong.
PHSPU were a few inches deeper than last week. Tough this time.
I went: 5/4, 4/3, then 3/1/1 (missed my last rep). Great tester. Had to focus on those. I want more time under those. I want it to be second nature. I would like only to fail because of muscle failure not technique.

1/2/14 - AM A/D 30/30 + PM Training

AD 30 sec @ 90%
Rest walk 30 sec
x 40
(rest 5 min every 10 sets)

Done. Felt great this morning. Powerful. 
82-83 rpm for first 10
84-85 11-20
83-84 21-30
85-86 31-40

A. 8 sets – every 2 min – Jerk x 2 (build)
325, 330, 335, 340, 345, 350, 355, 360

Felt strong. Actually splitting now. Back leg is still straight though.


B. Emom 6 min – 5 Tng PC (225#), 5 burpees
Done. Got pretty tough.

C. Emom 10 min – Legless RC x 1
Done. Fine. Happy with how strong these felt.

10 min amrap @80%:
30 DUs unbroken
10 HR push ups
200m run

rest 5 min

10 min amrap @80%:
3 S2OH (225#)
3 strict CTB chin up
200m row

rest 5 min

10 min amrap @80%:
3 MU
5 box jumps (24”, cycle)
7 burpees

9 cal AD

6 + 3 S2O
6 + 1 Burpee

First amrap my quads started to cramp. Had to switch to airdyne for the last 2 rounds. It went away during the 5 min rest. Really cold outside. Maybe I wasn't warm enough? or contractions? Happened last week too.
Felt strong.
Felt really strong. Had a good pace going.

Wednesday, January 1, 2014

1/1/14 - A/D Recovery - Pools are closed

Happy New Year!

Was supposed to swim for an hour but all pools are closed. Instead did 40 min. A/D, got off every 5:00 and did 10 squats, 5 pushups, 10 situps. Feeling good. Excited to have a day off to knock out a bunch of projects around the house.

12/31/13 - AM Recovery + PM A/D Recovery

AD 5 miles
Row 3k easy
Jog 1 mile

16:00 on A/D
Under 12 on the row
8:30 mile

Felt good. Really cold this morning and body was tight so it felt good to get moving right away. Run didn't feel great.

AD 60 min @Z1

- every 5 min get off and complete 3 back extension, 20 sec ring FLR


12/30/13 - AM 1k Row x 6 + PM Training

Row 1k @75% Aer
Rest walk 90 sec
x 6

3:38.8, 1:49.4
3:38.1, 1:49.0
3:38.3, 1:49.1
3:37.5, 1:48.7
3:36.6, 1:48.3
3:36.1, 1:48.0

Felt really good this morning. Just hopped on and went. Body feels good.

A. BS @20X1; 2,2,2,2,2; rest 3 min (80%)
345# for all sets. Felt great. Turned my feet out a bit more and the lower calf pain wasn't as bad.

B. Emom 10 min – Hang clean + Clean (255# start, inc small per set)
255, 260, 265, 270, 275, 275, 280, 285, 285, 290
This got tough. Barely got the last clean at 290. Good training.

Row 500 m in 1:36
rest walk 3:00
x 4

rest 5 min

Row 500 m in 1:36
rest walk 3:00
x 4

rest 5 min

Row 500 m in 1:36
rest walk 3:00

x 4




Felt strong. Started to get pretty tired towards the end. Not lactic, just tired from a long ass session. Good training today. I feel really good.