Sunday, December 29, 2013

12/28/13 - AM A/D Recovery + PM Training

AD 60 min @Z1
- every 5 min get off and complete 10m HS walk, 20 sec FLR 

Done. Feel great.

A. Emom 12 min – (mod load for PS/PC, work speed)
Odd – PS x 3, burpee x 4
Even – HPC x 3, box jump x 4 (cycle)

Used 165 for power snatch, 185 for hpc's. Felt really sharp today. Amped up.

B1. 5 sets - Segmented clean DL x 2; rest 30 sec (275,285,295,305,315)
B2. 3 wall walks; rest 2 min

Done. DL's felt really strong. Body feels stronger than yesterday.

10 min @ 80%:
10 CTB chin up
200m row
10 HR push ups

rest 5 min

8 min @ 85%:
50 DUs
3 bar MU
10 cal AD

rest as needed

6 min @90%:
1 PC (95#)
1 burpee
2 PC (95#)
2 burpee


5 + 70m, felt smooth. All reps UB and sharp.
5 + 45 DU's, good breathing. I was able to roll on this one. Everything just feels fast today.
10 round + 11 power cleans, kept a strong 90% pace until last 11 cleans. I went pretty hard to get those done in the 6min. All sets UB.

Feeling really good about today. Body is all good except right shoulder is a little impinged from not staying active on a wall walk. This usually goes away after a day and some ibuprofen.

12/27/13 - AM Recovery + PM Training

RTW - "round the world"
1 min walk
1 min FLR on floor
1 min crawl
1 min run easy
1 min jump rope
1 min bike
x 7 - all easy pace flush

Done. Feeling good.

A. Emom – Snatch - build to a solid speed single (add small per set)
Started at 185, stopped at 235. Felt heavy today.

B. 6 sets – every 2 min - Segmented snatch DL x 2 (245,255,265,275,285,295)
Done. Feels strong.

C. For time – 60 TTB (every fraction 3 burpees)
These felt really strong. Not sure I could have done it in 2 sets with short rest. 

Front squat (245#)


FS from ground. 8-9" parallettes. Should have gone deeper. Felt good on this.

Thursday, December 26, 2013

12/26/13 - AM A/D 30/30 + PM Training/MMM

AD 30 sec @ 90%
Slow spin 30 sec
x 36
(rest 5 min every 12 sets)

Done. Felt great. About 83-84 rpm average.

A. Jerk – build to a moderate single (mechanics focus)
365. Felt moderate today and realllllly sharp. Damn I should have gone for it. Feeling strong overhead right now.

B.  Emom 6 min - Tng PC x 3 (255#)
Done. Easy. Sharp

C. 12 min
Min 1 – CGBP x 5
Min 2 – DB bent row (DB in both hands)
Min 3 – 1 RC

230 for bench
85# for DB's
legless rope climbs

10 min amrap @80%:
10 cal AD
30 DUs unbroken
200m row

rest 5 min

10 min amrp @80%:
5 S2OH (185#)
5 CTB chin up
200m run

rest 5 min

10 min amrap @80%:
4 ring dips
5 box jumps (24”, cycle)
6 KB swing (2pd)

7 burpees

4 + 100m, good breathing. Could do this one all day.
6 + 180m, Shoulders and chest got a little tight on this. It's pretty cold out.
7 + 4 bj's, felt good. Smooth.

12/25/13 - AM Recovery + PM Recovery

Merry Christmas!

Got up, had a huge breakfast. Some gluten free pancakes with real maple syrup, eggs, bacon, sausage patties, and coffee. Great sleep last night. Brandi and I had our first Xmas eve together last night. Built a gingerbread house and watched the 1938 Christmas Carol. Awesome night.

20 minutes RTW:
Static holds
Some strict pullups
...Just got moving for the day.

Felt super ancy when I got home from visiting family all day. Could tell I wouldn't sleep well that night so did some light fast intervals then went for a walk with the dog.

5 sets:
50m row - Hard
5 slam balls
rest 2:00

12/24/13 - AM Recovery + PM Recovery

AD 60 min @Z1


AD 60 min @Z1

Both done. Moved around a bit too. Feeling good. 

12/23/13 - AM 8K Row + PM Training


Row 8k in 32 min

Done. Felt good. About 1:58 pace.

A. 10 sets – every 2 min - BS @20X1 x 2 (70%)
Done. Accidentally did doubles emom x 10 @ 305#
Felt great.

B. Emom 8 min – clean x 1 (275#, build small per set)
275# - 310#, felt ok. Technique felt good, weight felt heavy.

Row 500 m in 1:37
rest walk 3:00
x 10

(rest 6 min b/t sets 6,7)

Done. Fine. Felt strong. Sets were very consistent. Feeling good. Right leg was still a little flared up near the calf.

Sunday, December 22, 2013

12/21/13 - AM A/D Recovery + PM Training

60 min AD @Z1
- every 5 min 30 sec FLR, 10m HS walk

Done. Felt good.

A. Build to a heavy – press + push press x 3
220, Felt strong. Push press were really easy. All about the press.

B1. 5 sets - CGBP x 3; rest 30 sec
215, 225, 235, 245, 250 This felt good. 

B2. Single arm DB row; 6-8/arm x 5; rest 2 min
70# KB was all I had for these. Setup to make them challenging. Felt great on the shoulders.

10 min @ 80%:
3 DL (315#)
35 DUs
200m run

rest 5 min

10 min @ 80%:
Row 200m
3 HPS (155#)

rest 5 min

10 min @ 80%:
5 PJ (185#)
3 MUp
5 burpees


6 Rounds + 1 DL, Good pace. DL felt strong. DU's were sharp. Run was tough as it was thunderstorming, but still fun.
5 Rounds even, This got a little tough. Fun though.
4 + 5 Push press. Misread and did push press for all sets. Shoulders were SMOKED at this point. Had to start breaking parallettes. Had a strong finish, definitely ended a bit over 80% though.

12/20/13 - AM 2K Row x 4 + PM Training

Row 2k @70% Aer
Rest walk 90 sec
x 4

7:34.3, 1:53.5
7:33.6, 1:53.4
7:33.2, 1:53.3
7:33.0, 1:53.2

Felt great.

A. BS @20X1; 3,2,1,3,2,1; rest 3 min (2nd wave more difficult)
315, 335, 365, 365, 385, 405
Not bad, better than Monday. Right calf still lit up.

B. 8 sets - every 75 sec – thruster x 3 (155#)
Done. Easy but knees are tender. Hurt to be on my feet afterwards because of the calf.

C1. 4 sets - Wtd. chin up x 2; rest 15 sec
C2. Leglees RC x 1; rest 2 min
70#, 80#, 85#, 90#
Legless felt good.

Row 1k @90%
rest 2 min
50 TTB
50 burpees
50 box jumps (30”, step down)
50 clean and jerk (95#)
rest 2 min

Run 800m

3:45 ish, I need to measure a good 800m. I just ran for a while. It was pretty ugly too.

Tough tester. T2B were great. Flew through them. 25/10/8/7
Burpees good n steady
BJ's slow and tough.
CJ's were 10/5/5/ then single until 5 left. Could have pushed a lot harder here but I was still on the ground afterwards. I was smoked. These were mental. Good session.

12/19/13 - AM Walk + PM Recovery

40-60 min walk

RTW - "round the world"
1 min walk
1 min FLR on floor
1 min crawl
1 min run easy
1 min jump rope
1 min bike

x 7 - all easy pace flush

Done. Feeling good. Right calf was a bit irritated from the jump rope so I doubled up on Airdyne.

Thursday, December 19, 2013

12/18/13 - AM Row Repeats + PM Training/Heavy Tester


AD 10 min @Z1
Row 500 m in 1:37
rest walk 2:30
x 5

rest 6 min

Row 500m in 1:39
Rest walk 2:30
x 5
Cool down walk 1 mile

Done. Felt ok. Not as strong as last week. It was no problem holding pace, but maybe last week helped being with others during the session. And it was faster intervals with more of them. Worked on cooling it a bit during the beginning. I went directly to pace and stayed there, rather than gaming it.

A. Emom – C&J - build to a solid speed single (add small per set)
305#, started at 235#. This felt terrible today. Body just doesn't feel fresh. Soleus or peroneus, at least in that area, is still lighting up when I squat. It's not a sharp direct pain, just a throb.

B. Segmented clean DL; 2-3 x 3; rest 2 min
305, 345, 355
Felt good.

C. for time - 100 CTB chin ups
5:44, Did a few extra. 
Didn't feel that great on these today. 10/10/10 then 5's with 4's, 3's and singles on the last 20. I still feel like this is improvement even though its not my best day.


Clean (255#)


Tough, but I definitely underestimated myself. Struggled to get fired up for this so I just went at it.
Cleans were easy singles. S2O was easier than I thought. I'll do bigger sets next time.
S20 was 4/3/2, then 4/3, then 5 UB.


On all cleans today I just felt sooooooo slooooooow under the bar.

Wednesday, December 18, 2013

12/17/13 - AM A/D + PM Training

AD 30 sec @ 90%
Slow spin 30 sec
x 30
(rest 5 min b/t sets 15,16)

Done. Around 83-84 RPM. This flew by today. Felt strong.

A. Emom 6 min - Tng PS x 3 (185#)
Done. Felt good. 

B1. DB paused BP @1211; 6-8 x 4; rest 30 sec
85# DB's

B2. Pendlay row; 6-8 x 4; rest 2 min
165,175,185, 205

for time:
3 wall walks
24 DB snatch (100#)
3 wall walks
48 TTB
3 wall walks
24 DB snatch (100#)

3 wall walks

Only had an 85# db so I duct taped a bunch of plates to it. Worked great, it was just really wide. Tough. TTB felt great. 12/12/8/8/8.

Here's a great Xmas Idea for anyone reading this. Sure could use some 100# dumbbells.

12/16/13 - AM 7 x 1K Row + PM Training

Row 1k @70% Aer
Rest walk 90 sec
x 7

1:50.6/ 500m

Felt strong. Good pace.

A. BS @20X1 – build to a heavy triple
375, felt a little heavy today.

B. Emom 8 min – HC + clean (255#)
Done. Felt sharp.

C. TGU; 3-5/arm x 3; rest 2 min
Done. Felt good to warmup shoulders.

for time:
amrap MUp in 2 min
rest 3 min
5 rounds for time:
5 PC + jerk (245#)
rest 3 min

amrap MUp in 2 min


This was tough. Muscleups felt ok today. I think with better strategy I could get 25 in 2 minutes.
I did 11/4/3/2/1
All hspu's unbroken and fast. CJ's were tough today. I was just winded. Breathing was crazy.
I think I did 4 then a 2 then singles. Just grinding at this point. Fun session. I was smoked after this.

5 RFT:

Sunday, December 15, 2013

12/13/13 - Scottsdale - AM AD Testing/Training

AD test
Starting at 50 RPM, increase 4 rpm every 3 min. until no longer sustainable.
70 RPM, Had to call it there. So tired this morning. Felt run down and sick before I arrived.

Rest 15 min.

Aerobic Test
5 Sets: Total time is score
Row 400m
20 KBS – 53#
20 CTB Pullups
20 Push Press – 95#
80 DU’s
Rest 5 min.

*Each set the order of movements were rearranged. Some might say this made some sets more difficult. Some may not.

5:09, 4:51, 5:10, 5:00, 4:40
I felt terrible on this. Nothing special just tired. Glad to have stuck it out though. Bummed I ended the training week on this kind of note. I have a sick feeling in my stomach about it.

Overall it was a great week at OPT. It was awesome to see so many old friends and make plenty of new ones. There is such a good thing going there. Can’t wait to come back!

12/12/13 - Scottsdale - AM Testing + PM Training 30/30 Intervals


A. PC – Build to a heavy single
297, Not feeling strong this morning. I mean this is way off.

B. Build to a 5 RM Tng PC
275#, Felt ok. 285 if I’m fresh for sure.

C. 4 min AMRAP @ 90% of A:
267# x 19 reps

2 sets for time:
PC (115#)
Rest 10 min b/t sets


I want beserkers on the first one. This absolutely crushed me for the next. Happy with my speed on the first very unhappy with my recovery for the second. I expected to feel fine and to just walk away from it. Nope. 

30 sec Watt Bike @90%
rest 30 sec
30 sec AB @90%
rest 30 sec
30 sec row @90%
rest 30 sec
x 15

Done. Felt good. The transitions helped keep the power really high. Pretty tired before we started this.

12/11/13 - Scottsdale - AM Testing + PM Row Intervals

Big Dawg Comp - OPT 3
(3 RM FS, 2 RM snatch, 1 set unbroken CTB)
375 FS
253 Sn
44 CTB’s

FS was a grind. Took a lot out of me for the snatch.  Still super happy that there was zero groin pain! CTB’s is a big PR from a few years ago. Happy with the scoring but I know there is more there.

PM - with lactate scoring
Row 500m @1:37/500m
Rest walk 2:30 sec
x 12

Done. Except we added a 5:00 rest halfway to keep it aerobic. Felt good. No issues.

12/10/13 - Scottsdale - AM Training + PM A/B Intervals

A. CGBP – build to a 1RM
320# Lifetime PR! Felt strong. I think there’s 5-10# more there.

B. Wtd. chin up 1 RM
120#, A little bit more there maybe.

C. for time - 30 PC (225#)
9 Unbroken then singles. The first 15 were very fast. The last 15 were tough. This smoked me.

Rest 20 min.
for time:
50 box jumps
50 KBS (2pd)
50 burpees

I was smoked going in to this. Did not feel recovered. BJ’s slow n steady, KBS were 4 sets. Burpees really slow. HSPU’s really fast.

AB 30 sec @ 90%
Rest walk 30 sec
x 30
(5 min rest ever set of 10)

Done. Felt great. Held around 80 RPM, but we had a bit more rest as we were switching every 40s.