Sunday, September 29, 2013

9/28/13 - AM Airdyne + PM Training

AD 45 min @Z1
(Every 5 min get off and complete 1 TGU/arm, 10 sec FLR)

Done. Feeling great. Hips are a little tight.

A. Build to a 3 RM press in 10 min
205, 210X (2/3)
Feeling stronger.

B. Emom 6 min – press x 3
165 for all sets.
C. Floor press; 3,3,3,3; rest 2 min
205, 215, 225, 235
Didn't go crazy on this one as it was my first time ever doing the movement.

3 rds for time @ 90%:
100m OH carry (heavy)
5 Tire Flips (sub tough DL heavy if aggravated)
50 DU’s 

205 OH Carry, No tire so 405 DL's, I was out of town.
WHOAA That was fun! I felt amazing
OH Carry was done in 50m lengths.
DL's just fired me up. Went 3/2 on each set. DU's UB and easy.

Rest as needed
Recovered very quickly. Rested 2 minutes.

10 min @ 80%:
row 300m
5 HPC (135#)
15 sit ups

4 + 200m

rest 5 min

10 min @ 80%:
5 strict chin ups
10 wall ball
20 cal AD

4 + 1 wallball

The AMRAPS felt great. Breathing is solid. Recovery is great. Body feels good. Recovered.

9/27/13 - AM Row + PM Training

Row 6k
(Start first 500m @2:02 pace, decrease pace 2 sec every 1k)

Done. Got a little challenging at the end. Not bad.
A. BS @20X1; 3,3,3,3,3; rest as needed (load mod, no strain, feel good)
Worked up to 275. Felt shaky so stopped there.
B. Emom 8 min – Tng PS @62% 1RM x 3 reps
Done. Felt pretty good.
C. Emom 5 min - Tng snatch x 2 (205#)
Done. Felt terrible today. Just felt tight overhead
and uncoordinated. Wasn't heavy, just unstable.
for time – 90%:
100m FW (100#/h)
10 hang squat clean (205#)
20 burpees over bar
30 KBS (106#)
10 front squat (205#)
20 burpees over bar
30 TTB
100m FW (100#/h)

Felt great.
Farmers carry done in 50's
5/5 on hsc. Felt pretty good on groin. No pain.
burpees steady
swings, 5/5 8/7/5, felt stronger this week.
FS 5/5
TTB 15/15 - VERY pumped about how good these felt.
FW 50m/50m

9/26/13 - AM Swim + PM Training


Swim 100 free
Swim 50 pull only
Kick 50 meters
Underwater (no breath)
x 2
25m (3 breath max)
rest 30 sec
x 8
25m @90%
rest 30 sec
x 14
Warm down 200m swim

Done. Felt great.

RTW - "round the world"
1 min AD easy
1 min FLR on floor
1 min row easy
1 min crawl
1 min run easy
1 min jump rope x 8 - all easy pace flush

Had to skip. Ran out of time.

Thursday, September 26, 2013

9/25/13 - AM Row Intervals + PM Training


Row 5 min @ Z1
Row 500m @ 1:39
walk rest 2 min x 5 sets
Rest 10 min
Row 500m @ 1:37
walk rest 3 min x 3 sets
Row 5 min @ Z1 cool down

Done. Felt fine. 1:37's were easy with the big rest.


A. Tng Squat Clean - 60% of 1 RM x 4 - every 60 sec for 6 min
B. Tng Squat Clean - 70% of 1RM x 3 - every 45 sec for 3:45
C. Tng Squat Clean - 80% 1RM x 2 - every 30 sec for 2 min

Did power clean instead. Hurt to squat.
205, 245, 275x
Could only handle a single on the 80%

D. Wtd. chin up; 8,6,4,2; rest 2-3 min
26, 36,53, 70
Done. Strict. Kept underestimated weight. It was easy

3 sets NFT:
3 RC
6 muscle ups
Done. Felt pretty good. 15' rope
3/3 on muscleups


3 sets for times:
10 CTB chin up
20 Cal AD
15 CTB chin up
30 DU’s
rest 2 min

2:00, 2:18, 2:08
All sets unbroken. The airdyne was just a little more
powerful on some rounds. I was pretty tired by this point.
Grip was tired. Good session.

Tuesday, September 24, 2013

9/24/13 - AM A/D + PM Training


AD 5 min @Z1
AD 30 sec @90% Aer
AD 30 sec @50%
x 15
AD 5 min @Z1

Done. Fasted. Pretty tired this morning. Slept great but could have slept 12 hours probably. Body is pretty stiff.

Much more powerful than usual on this today.
Around 87-88 rpm for most. A few higher.

A. Tng PS cluster; 3.3.3 x 3; rest 20 sec, rest 2 min (med load)
155, 165, 175
Felt good. Back is a little sore, but felt sharp for the most part.
A little twinge in the groin during first pull, but not bad.

B. Press; 5,4,3,5,4,3; rest 2-3 min (second wave increase load)
155, 165, 175, 165, 185, 200
I'm pretty sure 200 for 3 is some kind of a pr.
It's cool to see some absolute strength gains.
Been a while.

C1. CGBP; 10,10,10; rest 60 sec
165, 185, 205 

C2. Wtd. dip; 5,5,5; rest 2:30 

35, 35, 40
Kept the dips strict and controlled.
Could have gone a bit heavier on the CGBP

3 TGU/arm (2pd)
50 DU’s
3 TGU/arm
50 Cal AD
3 TGU/arm
50 DU’s
3 TGU/arm

Whoa I felt good on this tonight. Wish my camera hadn't died. TGU's were cake tonight. DU's unbroken and fast. A/D done in about 1:45 Just felt great. Was pretty amped up. The TGU's felt so easy. I double checked to make sure I had the right KB.

Monday, September 23, 2013

9/23/13 - AM Row + PM Training/Grinder


Row 5 min @Z1
+ all moderate efforts
Row 500m
Rest 30 sec
Row 1k
Rest 60 sec
Row 2k
Rest 90 sec
Row 3k
Row 5 min @Z1

Done. Fasted. Felt great. All moderate effort.
500m - 1:45.8
1k - 3:40.4, 1:50.2 ave
2k - 7:25, 1:51.4 ave
3k - 11:18.9, 1:53.1 ave

A. Clean off high blocks - 2 emom x 8 - moderate effort - up or down as needed
Did power instead of squat. Groin.
235,245, 255, 255, 255, 260, 260, 260

B1. Emom 3 min – BS @20X1 x 3 (@70-80%)
B2. Emom 3 min – BS @20X1 x 2 (@75-85%)

Hurt groin, so did step ups.
10/ leg; rest 30 sec. after each leg x 3 sets.

C1. 3 sets - Legless rope climb x 2; rest 90 sec
C2. Strict chin up; 12,12,12; rest 2 min
Legless felt strong. Chinups were, UB, UB, 9/2/1

For time:
100m yoke (heavy)
10 pHSPU - 10"
8 burpees over wall
6 DL (405#)
100 DU’s
6 DL (405#)
8 burpees over wall
10 pHSPU
100m yoke heavy

WHAOOAOA!@# That was fun.
Yoke was around 3-4 minutes. Tough. Really tough.
PHSPUS 5/5 both sets.
Wall Burpees steady and smooth. Good breathing.
DL's 3/3 both sets. Tough, but doable. Back will still feel it tomorrow.
DU's, broke twice by trip. Felt easy though.
I just felt good on this. It was tough, but I was under control.

First set of DL's

Last set of DL's

Sunday, September 22, 2013

9/21/13 - AM Airdyne 60/60 + PM Training/MMM

AD 15 min @Z1
AD 60 sec 80%
AD 60 sec 50%
x 15
AD 15 min @Z1

Done. Felt great. Averaged a little under what I normally do for the 30/30.
Around 81-82 rpm.

A. Push press cluster; 2.2.2 x 3; rest 15 sec, rest 2 min
245, 255, 265
Felt strong and fast. Groin was cooperating on these today. I think because I skipped the Back Squats.

B. Emom 12 min – odd CGBP - 185# @ 10X1 x 2 reps; even – wall ball x 15
Done. Bench press was good. Shoulders felt strong.
Used a 14' target for the wall ball. Got spicy. I was having to jump after 8 or 9 reps.
Challenging and fun.

C. HSPU AMRAP x 60 sec x 3; rest 3 min
All Kip. Felt pretty good. Shoulders were pretty tired from previous work.
But my kip feels very strong. Happy with this.

3 rds for time @ 90%:
50 m FW (100#/h)
10 Tire Flips 300#
50 m Yoke Heavy

Rest as needed

10 min @ 80%:
run 400 m
20 DU’s

rest 5 min

10 min @ 80%:
20 Cal AD
4 Bar Muscle ups
6 HPS - 135#

Tough. No yoke where I was at today so I used 225# on a barbell with a 2pd hanging
from a band on each end. Did a 25m down and back. Very challenging. Awesome!
Used 110 for farmers walk. Easy
No tire, so I used 205# power cleans as a sub.
Fun workout. Feeling good.
Rested 5 min.
3 rounds + some running.
Felt good. Quads started to lock up a little but it calmed down during the 5 min. rest.
4 rounds + 5 cal
All Unbroken. HPS felt strong. BMU's felt even stronger.
Just flat feeling good right now. Huge improvement on the MMM over the
passed several weeks.

Weekend summary. Groin is hanging in there. I was able to set it aside the passed few
days and throw everything else I had at the training. It feels really good.
I am fired up and hungry for next week. Let's go.

Friday, September 20, 2013

9/20/13 - AM Row + PM Training

Row 3K @ 1:57/500 m pace
Rest 1 min
Row 2k @ 1:56/500 m pace
Rest 1 min
Row 1k @ 1:55/500 m pace

Done. All about a second under pace. Felt great.

A. BS @31X1; 5@60%%,3@70%, 1@75%, 1@80%, 1@85%
B. BS – emom 5 min x 2 (85% + 10# from previous week)
C. Build to a 5 RM Tng squat snatch in 15-20 min

A. BB russian step up @ 1110; 6-9/leg x 3/leg; rest 1 min b/t legs
185 for all sets. Felt pretty good. Groin was slightly affected. Damn.
B. Build to a 5 RM Tng squat snatch "moderate" in 15-20 min
Stopped at 205. Felt strong. I am getting low. Movement feels much
better since the Games. Focusing on better warmup

for time – 90%:
30 KBS (106#)
20 OHS (205#)
10 Burpees over wall
20 DB snatch (100#)
30 Cal AD

13:58. Tough. It was sooo damn humid today.

Swings took about 2:30
Snatched the first set of OHS, then cj's
all sets of 5. Felt uncomfortable
Everything else was fine.

9/19/13 - AM Swim + PM Recovery

Easy 200 choice swim
8 sets:
25m underwater
rest 30 sec
25m easy
rest 30 sec
25 fast
rest 1 min
6 sets:
50m sprint
rest 90 sec
Warm down 200m swim
25's felt awesome. Was getting pretty tired 
by the end of it. 
50's were tough. Felt a little gassed by the last 10m.
This was nice.
RTW - "round the world"
1 min AD easy
1 min FLR on floor
1 min row easy
1 min crawl
1 min run easy
1 min jump rope x 8 - all easy pace flush
Done. Feeling 100%

AM Row Intervals + PM Recovery

Row 5 min @ Z1

Row 500m @ 1:40
walk rest 3 min x 4 sets
rest 5 min
Row 500m @ 1:39
walk rest 4min x 3 sets

Row 5 min @ Z1 cool down

Done. Felt great. Easy today. First one was the hardest.
Just getting warm.

A. FS @30X1; 5,3,1,1,1; rest as needed (floss, CNS warm up)

Shut it down after groin pain. Stopped at 255.
Jeez the weight feels light though. I can't wait
to be healthy.

B. Emom 10 min – Tng squat clean 205# x 4
Done. Got a little tough. Heavy breathing, never felt heavy.

C. 8 sets - every 120 sec – 3 RC 15', 6 GHD sit up, 12 cal row

Skipped row on this. Did first set and by the time
I completed 3 RC's and 6 GHD's it left about :50 to
row 12 cal. Finished the 12 and only had 5 seconds.
Couldn't have kept that pace.

2 sets @ 90%:
15 CTB chin up
50 DU’s
12 CTB chin ups
50 DU’s
9 CTB chin ups
50 DU’s

Done. Felt pretty tired by this point. Grip was a little tired.
First set felt not so great. Second set felt awesome.

Wednesday, September 18, 2013

9/17/13 - AM A/D & Burpee MAP + PM Training

AD 30 sec @90% Aer
Walk/rest 30 sec
Burpee 30 sec @ 80%
Walk/rest 30 sec
x 15

Done. Felt good this morning. Breathing was great. Averaged 88-87 rpm, and 10-11 burpees per set. 152 total burpees total

A. Push Press cluster; 2,2,2; rest 15 sec, rest 2 min x 3 sets
255 for all sets. Tough. This irritated my groin pretty bad.

B. 6 sets – PC x 1 + TNG PJ x 2 + SJ x 1; rest as needed (all tough sets)

Shut it down. Groin. The power clean wasn't that bad, it's just the stability it requires during the first pull. 
Then the push jerk really irritates it.

C1. CGBP @21X1; 3-5 x 3; rest 60 sec
195, 205, 215
C2. AMRAP ring dips (-2 x 3; rest 3 min
3 rounds for time:
50 m watiers walk L (2pd)
20 burpee box jump overs - 24"
5 TGU/arm - 2pd
20 T2B
50 m waiters walk R

Burpees box jumps were slow. TGU were slow.
Everything else was easy. T2B in 10/10

Monday, September 16, 2013

9/16/13 - AM Row Intervals + PM Training

Row 4k in 16 min
REST 3 min
Row 2k in 7 min
REST 3 min
Row 1k in 3:30


Slept like a baby last night. Felt pretty stiff this morning.
Rowed 500m then had a good warmup. Flossed and stretched.
4k was great. Felt easy. 2k I felt so loose and smooth. Hips
felt awesome. Legs got pretty spicy toward the end. No problems though.
1k was fine, last 250m got a little tough but all aerobic with some burn.

A. 6 sets - every 2 min - BS @ 20X1 x 2 (increase load per set - NOT maxes)
315, 325, 335, 340, 345, 350
Groin felt ok. Didn't want to push. Otherwise felt strong, easy effort.

B. BS @20X1; 1,1,1; rest 3 min - see how it feels
Did one at 365 and called it. Just didn't feel safe
C1. Wtd. chin up; 3,3,3; rest 60 sec - mix grips per set
C2. Max effort strict chin up x 3; rest 2 min
12, 13, 10
This got tough

For time:
15 Burpee MU @ 100%
rest 3 min
5 rounds:
4 squat clean thruster (185#)
6 pHSPU - 10"
8 FR walking lunges (135#)
rest 3 min
Row 1k @ 95%


15 BMU -

Happy with this tonight. Part 2 was tough. Lower back was tight
for most of it. Tough combo as usual. Sqclnthr were singles.
Parallettes were 2's and 3's. Lunges were fast and east tonight.
I mean they felt really strong. Pumped.
Row hurt like hell but felt strong.
Really pumped with how part 1 went.

Sunday, September 15, 2013

9/15/13 - Weekend Summary

A lot of traveling this week, but with plenty of prep and time management I was able to turn it in to a solid training week. Big thanks to Dwayne, Darron, and Matt at CF Salina for being so welcoming into their gym. It was so helpful having the flexibility to train when I needed to.

The last few weeks have been a little up and down dealing with some injuries but I am managing. I see a specialist tomorrow for an update on the groin/hernia issues. Hoping for some great news. Either way I'm just excited to get some type of analysis on what it is that's going on and what steps I can start taking to fix it.

Energy leading into the weekend was much better than the last 3 weeks. Could be a combination of the weather cooling off and I'm finally adapting to the training cycle, or partly that my groin didn't act up and limit me from any of my training. (Which usually ignites an avalanche of stress). All is good. I still feel I am moving forward, and that is the bigger picture.

|I'm pretty sore from the volume this week, but am starting to recover quickly again. I'm excited for the week to come. Onward!

9/14/13 - AM Recovery + PM Training

45 min AD
(Every 5 min get off – 10 wtd. sit up)

Felt great to get moving. I was soooo stiff this morning.
Energy is great though. My head is in it. Ready to rock.

A. 6 sets - Press x 2 + PP x 1; rest 3 min (build to a max complex)
205, 210X

Missed 2nd press at 210

B. Pendlay row @21X2; 6-8 x 3; rest 2 min
135, 145
These are TOUGH at tempo! Pulling felt great.

C. HS Walk x max effort x 3; rest as needed
Didn't measure exactly but around 70', 90', then 80'. Did this in a gym today and it was wayyyy easier.
for time:
KB waiters walk 100m on left - HEAVY
Tire Flip 100m - 300#
KB waiters walk 100m on right - HEAVY
FW 100m (100#/h)


10 min @ 80%:
300 meter run
25 DU’s
10 Wtd. sit ups

rest 5 min

10 min @ 80%:
Row 200 m
5 HPS (115#)
3 bar muscle ups
AD 10 cal

3 + 300m
5 rounds + 180m

Quick round of the last part:

Everything felt good today. Way more control on MAP than usual.
Feeling good. Very sore, but energy is great.

9/13/13 - AM Swim + PM Training

100m swim
100m kick
4x25 underwater (no breath, off wall)
Rest as needed
12 x 25 hard from dive (Max 1 breath, shoot for :13-:15 sec)
Rest 30 sec
6 x 100 moderate pace (long stroke)
Rest 2 min
Done. Warmup was great.
Damn that's a lot of kicking.  It's getting stronger though.
Underwaters were a failure. Had to take a breathe each time.
I'll get it next week!
Dove in for the first one and felt fast. Then I was 
told to stop diving. Lame. So I had to push off wall.
I was able to limit it to one breath though. Happy with that.
These sets hurt like hell. Most were around :18
Probably like 95%.
These felt great. Averaged 1:45-1:50
Nice and smooth. Shoulders were tired 
at this point though.
A. BS; 5@60%,4@65%,3@70%,3@75%,3@80%; rest 3 min
260, 280, 300, 325, 345
Felt good. Groin was hanging in there.
B. BS – emom 5 min x 2 (85%)
Done. 365, Felt strong. They got faster as time elapsed.
C. Tng Sq Snatch emom - 185# x 3 – 6 min
Done. Felt powerful, but pretty tight. Breathing was great.
For time:
1k row
50 meter front rack walking lunge (155#)
20 DB Snatch - 10/arm alt'ing (100#)
100 meter sled pull (HEAVY)
20 OHS (155#)
50 meter prowler push (HEAVY)
.5 mile Cal AD
24:35, About 45 minutes setting up.
Easy on 1k row, ended fast
Walking lunge broke 4 times
easy pace on db snatch, these really get my breathing up.
Sled pull was a nightmare. I was dragging the yoke in the
backyard. Very tough. Kept catching grass.
OHS were terrible. Super tight in flat shoes.
Prowler was terrible as well. Tough in the yard.
Awesome to grind. Destroyed the .5 a/d, close to a minute.

Friday, September 13, 2013

9/12/13 - AM Row Intervals + PM Training

Row 5 min @Z1
Row 500 m in 1:38
rest walk 90 sec x 6
Row 500 m in 1:36
rest walk 2:00 x 3
Row 5 min @Z1

Had to shut it down after first 1:36. Actually I was pretty much done after the last 1:38.
Just not there today.

A. Tng HC; 2,2,2,2; rest 2 min (mod load, hip speed)
215, Kept it light and fast.
B. 6 sets - every 2 min - Clean DL + PC + S Clean (build to heavy complex, bar does not leave hands)
255, 265, 275, 285, 285, 305X
Was just lazy on the power clean.


C. 3 sets for times of:
25 CTB chin up
50 DU’s AFAP
Rest 2 min
1:01 - UB, 1:11 - 20/5, 1:40 - 15/5/5
Spicy! Butterflied the first set. Still practicing a little. Would love to have these down smooth. It's getting there.

Set 1:

Rest as needed
for time:
10 Legless RC - 16'

*Missed last one by probably 4" and made myself redo. Otherwise it would have been under 8.
These were tough after the pullups.

9/11/13 - PM Training

A. Press @20X1; 5,5,3,2,2; rest 2-3 min
165, 165, 175, 185, 185 Press is feeling good.

B. Emom 10 min – odd – PJ x 3; even – SJ x 2 (increase load every 2 min)
225, 255, 255, 255, 275 
Felt strong.

C. CGBP @30X1 – build to a 3RM in 6 sets or less
255, def have more but used up my sets. +
for time 12/8/6:
TGU (2pd)
Strict pHSPU - choose deficit that is tough and grinding
- TGU is total, not per hand

TGU felt great. PHSPU I had to keep changing the depth. Started
wayyy to deep.

Slept terrible last night. Laid down around 9:45 and dozed off.
Woke back up around 10:20 and couldn’t fall back asleep until about 1:30
What a nightmare. Stress is like a snowball effect when I can't go back to sleep.
I planned on getting up before my work training to knock out the
row, but decided against it as I would have only had a few
hours of sleep. Luckily I was able to find time to get out for my PM session that
I missed on Tuesday night.

9/10/13 - AM Airdyne

AD 30 sec @ 80% AER
AD 30 sec easy
x 12
AD 30 sec @90% AER
Rest/walk 30 sec
x 8

Done on an elliptical in the hotel. Good breathing, and this actually got pretty tough.

No time for PM today. Bummer.

9/9/13 - AM Row + PM Training

Row 1k (1:58/500m)
Rest 1 min
Row 2k (1:56/500m)
Rest 2 min
Row 2k (1:54/500m)
Rest 1 min
Row 1k (1:52/500m)

Done. Pretty easy. Felt good.
Flew to Kansas, Salina this morning. Extremely fortunate to have
found gym owners kind enough to let me come by and train when I wanted.

A. Sots press; 3-5 x 3; rest as needed (control, light load)
45#, 55#, 65#, Felt really good on shoulders.
B. Rack Concentric Back Squats @03X0; 3,2,1,3,2,1; reset for 3 sec on rack each time; rest 2-3 min
Worked up to about 315 and called it. This really irritates the groin.
C. Amrap wtd. strict CTB chin up x 4; rest 3 min (1/5 BWT attached)
40#, 4,5,4,3
Chin over bar is no problem, pulling my chest to it was tough. Mixed grip for all sets.

For time:
1k row
15 Tire flip (300#)
5 RC
200 meter OH BB carry (205#)
5 RC
15 Stone 2 Shoulder
800 meter run

Subbed 205# power cleans for the tire flip and stone 2 shoulder
OH Carry was fun. Broke around every 25m. This was a fun workout. 16' rope.

Saturday, September 7, 2013

9/7/13 - AM A/D Recovery + PM Training

45 min AD
(Every 5 min get off – 10 sec FLR immediately into10 sec free HS Hold)

Done. Felt great. Good practice for HS Holds

A. Strict Press @ 11X2; 4-5 x 4; rest 2 min
165 for all sets. Last two sets were grinders.
B. heavy SA DB row; 5-7/armx 3; rest 90 sec
85#, slow and controlled. Felt great on the shoulders and elbow.
C. Push Press x 30 reps for time (225#)
Felt great and powerful until the last few reps. I felt my
groin tweak again. Slowed me down a bit, but I just
went ahead and finished it.

for time:
15 tire flips (300#)
20 burpee box jumps (on tire)
15 stone 2 shoulder
20 burpee over wall

30 KB Swings - 2pd
20 bbj - 24"
14 DB Snatch - 85#
20 Burpee pullups

rest 5 min
10 min @ 80%:
10 cal AD
10 T2B
20 DU’s
rest 5 min
10 min @ 80%:
Row 200 m
3 MU’s
5 HPC (135#)
run 200 m

Made the switch because the other movements hurt my groin pretty bad.
Frustrated right now.
6 rounds
3 + 5 HPC

9/6/13 - AM 7K Incremental Row + PM Training

Row 7K
(Start at 2:00/500m, increase pace 1 second every 1k)

27:07 I think. Felt fine. Pretty much a second faster on pace every 1k than was needed.
A. BS @20X1; 60% x 4, 70% x 3, 80% x 2, 85% x 1; Rest no more than the time it takes you to change weights (should not exceed 45 sec)
260, 300, 345, 365
B. BS @20X1; 90% x 1, 90% x 1, 95% x 1, 95+% x 1; rest 3 minutes
385, 385, 405, 415X
Went a little forward on 415 so I bailed rather than trying to grind up and hurt the groin. Tempo was difficult.
C. Snatch cluster; 1.1 x 5; rest 3 min (build to heavy)
215, 225, 235, 245, 255X (1/2)
Damn it felt good to snatch. These felt so sharp today. So grateful

Complete as many reps as possible in 3 minutes of:
20 CTB Pull-Ups
40 Kettlebell Swings (70)
60 Wall Ball Shots (20 lbs)

Rest 3 minutes

For time:
20 CTB Pull-Ups
40 Kettlebell Swings (70)
60 Wall Ball Shots (20 lbs)
Row 1000 Meters

Rest 3 minutes

AD 100 cal @97% :)

15 wallballs. CTB's UB butterfly, swings were 18/10/12
Could have gone UB but, the next part would have been pretty bad.
Just chipped at everything. Row was slow, about 3:55
Didn't feel super strong. I was pretty tired by this point.

9/5/13 - AM Swim + PM Training

swim 100 m IM warm up
25 m free @ 90%
rest 30 sec x 35 straight
swim 100 m breast cash out

Felt awesome today. Worked on taking less breaths. Had a consistent rhythm of completing 25m in only 4 breaths.
A. HPC - build to a moderate 2 in 10 min
275. Felt good.

B. HS walk - 100 m for time
Didn't feel good. Sidewalk isn't ideal.

RTW - "round the world"
1 min AD easy
1 min FLR on floor
1 min row easy
1 min crawl
1 min run easy
1 min jump rope x 8 - all easy pace flush

Threw the football and frisbee for a while too.

Sunday, September 1, 2013

AM Airdyne + PM Training/MMM

45 min AD easy
get off every 5 min and perform 15-25 m HS walk

Skipped. Slept in. Needed some rest.

A. Push Press - 225 every 45 sec for 10 sets
Done. Felt really strong.
B. CGBP - 165# @ 10X1 x 3 reps - emom - 12 min
Done. Easy.
3 rds for time @ 90%:
yoke heavy 50 m
10 burpee over wall

10 min @ 80%:
run 200 m
row 200 m
AD .35 miles

rest 5 min

10 min @ 80%:
15 WB's
10 T2B
5 ring dips

rest 5 min

10 min @ 80%:
25 DU's
3 MU's
6 HPS - 135#

3 rounds
5 rounds + 10 Wallball
4 rounds + 20 du's

3RFT was tough. Gassing. Used 470# for yoke. Wall burpees were so damn fun. This was a grind. Tried to keep it at 90%. Tough combo.

The first two AMRAPS were good breathing. Then I just got tired. It is soooo freakin hot today.

8/30/13 - AM Row + PM Training

Row 5K @ 1:57/500 m pace

1:56.6 ave/500m
Felt good. Had a great nights sleep. Rowed about 500m for warmup then did some dynamic stretching. These 5k's are flying by.

A. BS @ 30X1; 60% 1RM - 3 set of 2; rest 1 min
B. BS @ 30X1; 70% 1RM - 3 sets of 2; rest 2 min
C. BS @ 30X1; 80% 1RM - 3 sets of 2; rest 3 min

Skipped. Groin was irritated.

D. Snatch - 1 emom - build to a solid speed single, add slow per minute

Worked with power snatch instead. Wanted to avoid a deep squat. Started at 185, increased by 5# ended at 230. Felt powerful and sharp. I could PR right now.

AD 3 min @ 95%
rest 2 min
for time:
20 burpee MU's
40 KBS - 106#
60 pull ups
rest 2 min
AD 3 min @ 95%

Terrible. No energy.
Just cruised through at like 70%
70 cal
70 cal