3 rounds - not for time
handstand walking work - 30-50ft.
triple unders
Done. Not a ton of improvement on TU's. Getting there though.
A. Push Jerk x 3 singles @ 65% x 4 sets.. form and speed focus here
255 for all sets. Felt great.
B. DL; 65% of max x 2 reps every 45 sec. x 10 sets
Done at 345. Felt fine. Lumbar is still a little sore from pulls on Saturday. This should get rid of it.
C. 10 minute EmOM
odd = 7 burpees
even = 4 s2OH @ 265#
Done. All sets from the ground. Felt strong. No issues here.
4 rounds - 80% effort
300m row
5 strict deficit HSPU @6-8”
10 box jumps, 30”
30m sled push @ 5 plates
30m sled pull, hand over hand @ 5 plates
400m run
rest 4 minutes bt. rounds
8"+ on depth, did 6 reps/ round. All sets unb except last, 3/3.
BJ's quick
Sled push/drag felt great. Runs were strong today.
6:00 was slowest, then faster each round. Last round about 5:30.