Saturday, November 30, 2013

11/27/13 am row intervals + pm training


Row 1k @Z1


Row 500 m in 1:38

rest walk 3:00

x 5


rest 6 min


Row 500m in 1:39

Rest walk 3:00

x 5


AD 10 min cool down

 Done. Felt great. All sets a second under pace. Feeling strong.


A. Gauntlet - every 90 sec – Tng squat clean x 2 (build, start @65%, you choose inc. per set, max 10 sets)

225-315. Felt strong as crap. There's more there. Hope to max clean in az.

B. Segmented clean DL; 2-3 x 3; rest 2 min

275, 295, 325, 345

C. 20 min:

Min 1 – 2 RC

Min 2 – 5 pHSPU

Min 3 – 7 TTB

Min 4 – 9 CTB chin up

Min 5 – 11 cal Row

Done. Surprisingly easy.










63/37' tried to go unbroken. Feeling good.

11/30/13 - pm training - Dublin, ga


A. Press @1012; 2-3 x 4; rest 2-3 min
185, 195, 205, 215x2

B. 2 sets - CGBP; amrap set (225#); rest 4 min b/t attempts
12/10 happy with this. Big improvement. Shoulders are tired today but felt strong.


10 min @ 80%:
run 200 m
row 200 m
AD .3 miles

rest 5 min

10 min @ 80%:
50m FC (100#/h)
9 WB
7 T2B
5 ring dips

rest 5 min

10 min @ 80%:
25 DU's
5 HPS - 135#

6+3 ttb
5+ 1ps

11/29/13 PM Training - Dublin Ga


Row 8k (1:57/500m pace)

No rower, 30 min elliptical.


A. BS @ 20X1; 3,2,3,2,3,2; rest 2 min (each step heavier, floss, feel this out)

275, 295, 305, 325, 355, 370
No pain. 370 felt light. Slight pull still but getting better!!!!

B. Snatch – build to a heavy double
245, missed 2nd rep of 255. Hips don't feel as powerful today. Technique was feeling good today though.

C. Build to a 10rm – Tng PC (max 5 sets)
245, missed 255 (6/10) I feel like I've got more in this. 

AD 2 min @95%
rest 2 min
In 12 min
25 burpee MU's
15 manmakers (35#)
Amrap chin ups in remaining time
rest 2 min
AD 2 min @ 95%

65 cal 
53 chin-ups
44 cal

This was tough. About 5:30 on the burpee muscle ups. Too hard on the first 2 min, I was smoked.

Wednesday, November 27, 2013

11/26/13 - AM A/D + PM Training

AD 30 sec @ 90%
Rest walk 30 sec
x 24
(straight through)

Done. Felt powerful.
Legs are a little tired but not bad.

A. Press; 3,3,3,3; rest 2-3 min
185, 195, 205, 210
Shoulders are tired tonight. Still decent numbers.

B. Emom 8 min - Tng HPS x 3 (155# start, add small per set)
155-190, 5# jumps
Felt strong, but not that smooth. Shoulders are tired.

C. DB paused BP; 6-8 x 4; rest 2 min
85# Dumbbells and 8 reps for all sets. Heaviest I have so it was just right. +
10 min amrap:
TGU (2pd) – alternating arms
31 nice and smooth.

11/25/13 - AM Row 2k/5k/2k + PM Training

Row 2k in 7:00
rest 120 sec
Row 5K in 20:00
rest 120 sec
Row 2k in 7:00


Felt great! Second 2k got a little spicy but not
too bad. All aerobic.

A. BS @20X1; 3,3,3,3; rest 2-3 min
Felt pretty good. Stopped at 335
Groin is slowly getting better each week still.
Just going to hang in there.

B. Emom 8 min - Tng squat clean (225#) x 2
Done. Felt fast and strong.
C. 30 TGU for time (2pd)
Felt really really fast on these today.
Had to double check to make sure I was
using the 2pd.

AMRAP CTB chin ups in 2 min
rest 3 min
10 pHSPU - 10"
20 BB front w lunges - 185#
10 pHSPU
10 DL (405#)
10 pHSPU
20 BB front w lunges - 185#
10 pHSPU
rest 3 min
AMRAP CTB chin ups in 2 min

40 :/

Awesome tester. First set of CTB's did not feel
great. Second set did all 5's and felt better. Paced wrong. 5/5 on phspu's and then 3 and 4's for the rest of the sets.
BB lunges were sets of 10. Felt strong.
DL's 5/5 felt really strong.
Smoked. Great session tonight.

Sunday, November 24, 2013

11/23/13 - AM A/D Recovery + PM Training

45 min AD @Z1
(get off every 5 min and complete 15 sec FLR, 5 air squat)

Done Felt good. Shoulders are tired.
A. Press; 2,2,2,2; rest 2-3 min
195, 205, 215, 220X (1/2)
Missed the 2nd rep on 220.
Nowhere close on 2nd rep but I went for it.

B. CGBP; 3,3,3,3; rest 2 min (build to a heavy triple in sets)
Only 4 sets.
185, 225, 255, 275X (2/3)
Had a weird press on the 3rd rep. No issues though.

C. 20 tire flips for time – heavy tire, jump in and out every rep

Rained a lot yday. The big boy was really muddy.
Couldn't get enough grip to flip it so I did
40 flips/jumps with the small(er) tire instead
Tough, lower back was lit and it was wet and muddy as well.
It's so freakin cold here now this shit is not fun.

10 min @ 80%:
AD 15 cal
50m OH carry (185#)
25 DU's

rest 5 min

10 min @ 80%:
run 200m
10 T2B
10 WB's
10 cal row

5 + 50m carry
4 even

So cold and windy I was getting pretty frustrated.
Decent session. Pretty tired now.
Ready to relax and prep for next week.

11/22/13 - AM 2k Row Repeats + PM Training/Grinder

Row 2k @1:53 pace
Rest walk 60 sec
Row 2k @1:55 pace
Rest walk 60 sec
Row 2k @1:57 pace
Rest walk 60 sec
Row 2k @1:59 pace

Done. Strong. All rows about a second under pace.
Lot of rowing this week.

A. BS @ 30X1; 2,2,2,2; rest 3 min (floss, feel this out)
Stopped at 335. Not as good as Monday but still getting better. Played it safe
B. Emom 8 min – Snatch x 1 (build)
215, 225, 235, 245, 255, 260, 265, 270X
Felt ok tonight. Pull didn't feel that strong. Legs feel tired from the week.

C. Every 75 sec - Tng PC x 2 + 20 DU’s (start 185#, increase 10#/set, max 10 sets)
Wow these felt strong though. Super easy. 275 felt like a toy. I wanted to keep going.
Row 1k @90%
rest 2 min
for time:
50 m FW - 100#/h
3 rope climb
100 m HS walk
60 chin ups
100 m crawl
3 rope climb
50 m FW - 100#/h
rest 2 min
Row 1k @90%

32:15 total time

3:30 ish rows
Quick rope climbs
HS walk took forever tonight. Shoulders just felt toast.
20/10/10/10/10 on pullups. These felt soo good. Moved very fast.
Quick breath every 25m on crawl.
Fast climbs and UB FC
3:20 ish row

Smoked. Long session. Shoulders are tired.

11/21/13 - AM Row Intervals + PM Swim

Row 1K easy
Row 500 m in 1:38
rest walk 3:00 x 3
rest 5 min
Row 500 m in 1:39
rest walk 2:45 x 4
rest 5 min
Row 500 m in 1:40
rest walk 2:30 x 5
walk 1 mile cooldown
Done. All a bit under pace. Felt really good.
A little more tired than usual as I do this on Wednesday
mornings. But glad I was able to make it up. 
I'm plan to skip the RTW and swim in the evening. 
swim 100 m IM warm up
kick 100m
pull 100m
1 effort – max swim with no breaths, record distance.
(prefer with someone there)
25 m free @ 90%
rest 30 sec
x 25
swim 200m cool down
Hit 25m no breath. First time ever doing it and it was
actually really easy. I couldn't turn and keep moving so
I just did a few more 25m.
Everything was good. 25's felt strong.
200m cool down was great.

Thursday, November 21, 2013

11/20/13 - AM Row Intervals + PM Training

Had to skip the intervals this morning. Up at 4:30 am for work travel. Going to make it up tomorrow morning in place of my swim.

A. Tall Clean + segmented clean; 1.1 x 3; rest 2 min (seg clean – pause at mid thigh)
225 for all sets. Worked on speed. Felt ok. Knees are tender.
B. 8 min - Tng Clean x 4 (start at 185, build small per set)
185-225. Breathing was pretty tough. Felt strong though.
Lower back was lit up.

C1. Unbroken CTB chin up; 15,15,15,15; rest 15 sec
C2. Row 10 cal hard; rest 15 sec
C3. 2 rope climb leg less - 15'; rest 3 min

CTB's UB and fast. RC's were pretty good. Last 2 were difficult.
Accidentally misread and did the RC's first and CTB's last.
HUGE pump after this.

for time:
50 TTB
- every break 30 DUs

30/20, Surprised myself on this. I'm going for 50 next time.
Thought I would do terrible because of the previous pulling work. Felt really strong actually.

11/19/13 - AM A/D 30/30 + PM Training

AD 30 sec @ 90%
Slow spin 30 sec
x 30
(rest 3 min after 10 sets each time)

Done. Felt great! More powerful each 10 sets.
Feeling good. Glutes are wrecked.

A. Press Cluster @12X2; 2.2.2 x 4; rest 15 sec, rest 3 min
165, 175, 180, 185
Felt strong.

B. Emom 10 min - Tng PC x 2 + TnG power jerk x 2 - 60-70%

Done. Felt really strong.
205, 210, 215, 220, 225, 230 x 5 sets

C. for time:
100m HS walk
10 TGU - 2pd (alt)
10 wall walks
10 TGU – 2pd (alt)

HS walk was around 7 min. I think about 10-15m longer than usual
TGU's felt great. WW's were good.

11/18/13 - AM 10K Recovery Row + PM Training

Row 10k in 39:30
38:56, 1:56.4 Ave
Felt really good today. Could have held this and more
for the hour.

A. BS @20X1; 3,3,3,3; Rest 2-3min
295, 305, 325, 345
Felt pretty good! Still a slight pull, but no serious pain
or anything residual after moving on. Big improvement

B. PS + HS + Snatch; 1.1.1 x 5; rest 2 min, not tng
205, 210, 215, 220, 225

225 actually felt the best. Probably could have gone a bit heavier
but knees were a little tender and achy tonight. Hips
didn't feel that strong either.

C. EMOM x 8 min. - Wtd. Chin Up x 3-4; 2pd
3 reps all sets. Barely. Got tough.
For Time:
5 RC - 15'
100m Prowler - Heavy
20 Burpee Box Jumps - 30"
30 Front Rack Walking Lunges - 155#
20 Burpees
100m Prowler - Heavy
5 RC - 15'

Tough. RC's were fast.
Prowler was just rough.
Lunges were not as strong as I wanted.
Used the driveway so couldn't move fast. 10/10/5/5
Did the last 5 climbs really fast. Felt good to end strong.

Sunday, November 17, 2013

11/16/13 - AM A/D Recovery + PM Training

AD 45 min @Z1
(every 5 min get off and complete 20 sec FLR on rings)

Done. Feeling good!
A. Seated behind the neck press; 3-5 x 4; rest 2-3 min
115, 125, 135, 140, 5 reps for all sets
Felt good. Weird position

B1. Ring push up (feet elevated); 25,25,25; rest 30 sec
B2. OH carry 100m (225#); rest 3 min

Ring pushups unbroken and strong.
Feet were about 10" above rings
Broke every 50m on OH Carry
I could NOT get my left arm to lock out overhead today.
Really strange. Shoulders didn't feel sore tired, just couldn't get a strong bone on bone lockout.

10 min @ 80%:
Run 200m
30 DUs

rest 5 min

10 min @ 80%:
Row 200m
25m FC (100#/h)
10 cal AD

6 + 5 TTB
5 rounds + 5 cal

Felt great today. Legs were a little sluggish feeling for some reason.
Good weather, breathing was awesome.

Saturday, November 16, 2013

11/15/13 - AM Row/Run + PM Training/Testing

Row 2k
Run 400m
Row 2k
Run 400m
Row 2k


Felt awesome. Could have gone all day. Pace was like 1:52-1:53

A. Power Clean – build to a heavy
315, 325x, 330x
315 was really really easy, Just could NOT catch 325 or 330 high enough.
I could have pr'd my squat clean today. I'll save it for another day.
I want to keep building and blow this out of the water.

315 PC:

325 Miss:

325 Miss 2:

330 Miss:

B. Tng Snatch cluster; 2.2.2 x 3; rest 15 sec, rest 3 min (push this, depending on groin)
215, 220, 225
Felt gooooooooooooooooooood.
I was amped. Probably cutting the 15 sec a little short.

225 cluster:

C. for time @hard effort:
20 cal AD
20 strict HSPU
20 CTB chin ups
20 cal AD

HSPUs - 15/5
CTB UB and fast. Felt great!
Went hard on A/D
This burned for a good bit afterwards. Took about 10 minutes until I started the next part.

20's sprint

100m yoke
Bear complex (225#)
Row 200m b/t each set
(tough effort, we can change it up depending on how groin feels)
100m yoke

18:43 total time
520# on yoke, wrecked me for the 54321 - First set was like 2:30, second was around 3:00
Complexes weren't that heavy but my lower back was so lit up from yoke.
I think time on the 54321 portion was around 11-12 minutes.
Good push at the end on the 2nd yoke. Only broke twice.
Fun session. Feeling good.

11/14/13 - AM Swim + PM Recovery

10 min light swim easy
25m swim (90%)
30 sec rest
x 24
(rest 3 min b/t 12,13)
10 min cool down

Done. Slept great last night. Mixed warmup, some kicking & diff strokes.
Pushed on the 25's today.
Feeling strong on these. Powerful.
200m cool down swim

RTW - "round the world"
1 min AD easy
1 min FLR on floor
1 min row easy
1 min crawl
1 min run easy
1 min jump rope x 7 - all easy pace flush

Skipped. A little short on time. Took care of earth people stuff.

Thursday, November 14, 2013

11/13/13 - AM Row Intervals + PM Training

Row 1k @Z1
Row 500m @1:37
Rest walk 3 min
x 5
Row 1k @Z1 cool down

Done. Felt good today. Getting pretty cold here. Bought a nice little propane heater. Works great.


A. Good morning @32X1; 5,5,5; rest as needed (light, floss)
135#, Felt good.
B. Every 75 sec – Tng squat clean x 2 (build, max 8 sets)
225 - 275. 8-9 sets.
Felt pretty good. No trouble with 275.
Groin was ok. Didn't hurt but I could still feel some pulling.

C. Pendlay row @2102; 7-9 x 3; rest 2 min
135, 145, 155
Love these. Pulling feels great.

4 sets:
2 RC (15’)
rest 10 sec
10 cal row
rest 10 sec
15 chin ups
rest 10 sec
20 DU’s
rest 10 sec

9:08 total time I believe.
Had to take a few extra seconds between rope climbs
but all other movents fast and UB. Felt good.

Tuesday, November 12, 2013

11/12/13 - AM Airdyne 30/30 + PM Training

AD 30 sec @90%
Rest walk 30 sec
x 24
(walk 800m b/t sets 12,13)

Done. Felt great this morning. Slept amazing. 85 rpm ave Pretty powerful today.

A. Press; 3,3,2,1,1; rest 2-3 min
185, 190, 195, 200, 205, 215
Press did not feel that strong today. Shoulders feel a little tired from

B1. CGBP; 5,5,5,5; rest 30 sec
185, 215, 225, 235
Felt ok. More there, just didn't feel like a big push on this today.
Shoulders are a little achy.

B2. Wtd. dip; 1,1,1,1; rest 2 min
83, 87, 96, 105
Felt strong.

C. For 8 sets – every 90 sec – 4 Tng HPC (225#), 5 HSPU, 40 DU’s

Done. All UB. This got tough. Like, I barely finished in time on the last set.
Breathing was really heavy. HPC's are feeling stronger though.
DU's were tough.

for time:
50m HS walk
20 TGU
50m HS walk

Broke HS Walks into 10m increments
Each 50 took about 2:30
TGU's were ok. Shoulders are tired.
Left tricep locked up on the first rep and I had to stretch it for a minute.
I couldn't use it at all.
HS walks were consistent.

11/11/13 - AM Row + PM Training

Row 3k @ 1:52
Rest 60 sec
Row 3k@ 1:54

Done. Felt great. A little under for each again. Body is completely recovered from the weekend.

A. Back Squat: Moderate Triple @ 20X1; Rest 2 min.
Worked to 275, still no good. Moving on.
B. Build to a heavy Hang Power Snatch in 10 min
Well, I felt good so I went for it. 245 PR 


C. Emom 8 min - Tng snatch x 2 (build over 8 min to mod wt., speed over load) 

155, 165, 175, 185, 195, 205, 215, 225
Felt pretty good. Right knee was hurting a little.
Didn't warm up squat snatch very well. My mistake.
Felt really strong though. I bet I could tng 245 or 255

D. Wtd Chin up - amrap in 90 sec – (55#) x 3; rest 2 min

12, 11, 11
Felt ok. No kip except occasionally at the top. Mostly strict.

100m FC (125#/h)
rest 60 sec
10 pHSPU - 12"
Row 500 m
10 MU
Run 400m
10 pHSPU - 12"
AD 30 cals
10 MU
rest 60 sec
100m FC (125#/h)


Broke once on the first 100m FC
10 PHSPU UB - 12"
Easy pace on row. 1:50
10 MU UB - pumped for this.
Strong run, around 1:40
2nd Set of PHSPU - 7/3
AD probably 1:30
2nd MU's - 6/3/1
UB on 2nd FC - Spicy

Great session tonight. Very happy with the PR and how the gymnastics felt. It was all very aerobic.
Felt nice to go fast and not have 600# on my back.

Sunday, November 10, 2013

AD 1 mile @Z1
Rest walk 60 sec
x 10

Done. Slept great. Body feels good today but a little tight. Back isn't that bad from DL's surprisingly.
A. KB Press; 5-7/arm x 3; rest 120 sec
2pd for all sets. Heaviest I have but was perfect.
7 reps for all sets. Felt strong.

B. Incline bench press; build to a 3 RM in 8 sets
250, felt really awkward. Maybe on the setup I have
on my bench. Just felt uncomfortable in the shoulders.
Way more there.

C1. Pendlay row; 6-8 x 3; rest 30 sec
165, 185, 195
Felt good.

C2. Ring push up; 20,20,20; rest 30 sec
UB and surprisingly easy.
C3. DU’s x 50; rest 2 min
Fast and UB.
5 rounds for time:
20m FW (100#/h)
10 burpee box jump overs
50m yoke (HEAVY)

rest 5 min

10 min @ 80%:
Row 250m
6 CTB chin up
6 box jumps (step down) 30"

rest 5 min

10 min @ 80%:
10 WB 20# to 10ft
run 200m
10 cals AD

125# for FW
BBJ overs slow and steady, lower back just lit up.
520# on yoke, heavy today. Lit up lower back
Felt good to grind though.
PHSPU's - 12", all Sets unbroken and easy.
Super pumped about those!


5 rounds + 50m


5 rounds + 100m run

MM MAP felt good. Nice cool down for the week. Breathing was solid. Feeling good, neck and shoulders are a bit stiff from the yoke and carry work, but other than that all is good. Ready for the next step.

11/8/13 AM Row + PM Training

Row 6k @easy aer
- feel good

Done. 23:30 or so. 1:58/ave. Felt great.
Body feels good and recovered. Great sleep.

A. BB Russian step up; 7-9/leg x 3; rest 2 min (rest 30 sec b/t legs)
185 for all sets. These feel really strong today. Better on the
groin too. Not 100% but better than ever.

B. Emom 12 min (inc. load per set)- 2 bars
Odd – Snatch grip DL x 2 + HPS x 1
Even – PS x 2

185, 195, 205, 215, 225, 230
205, 210, 215, 220, 225, 230

Felt strong and sharp. 230 on the last sets felt like a toy.

230 SNDL x 2 + HPS

230 PS x 2

C. 3 sets for times:
15 TTB
5 complex – PC + HPC + PJ
15 cal AD
rest fully

185#, 195#, 195# for each set on complexes.

These got Nasty. I was super lactic afterwards. Grip smoker. Had to rest like 6-7 minutes after set 2. I was moving though. 

3 sets for times:
50m crawl
6 burpee MU
50m sled pull (TOUGH)
6 deadlift @405#
50m HS walk
rest fully

6:30 per set. Tough at the end of the session. Just a lot
to set up and get going. Sled outside, hs walk in the driveway
Fun but just a lot of transitions. Hard to really push on it.
Turned more into a skill session. I was resting like 2-3 minutes between
sets. DL's were tough but all unbroken. Probably a little short
on HS distance.

Friday, November 8, 2013

11/7/13 - AM Swim + PM Recovery

100 m IM warm up - side R, side L, back, breast each 25
dive in + 25 m free @ 95%
rest 1 min x 3
100 m free @ 90% AER 
rest 50 sec x 6
Rest 5 min
100 m free @ 90% AER 
rest 50 sec x 6
Kick cool down
Done. Cold this morning. Hard to get going.
Sprints felt great. Helped get warm for the 100's
Averaged 2:00 this morning on 100's
No blazing fast today. Haven't done longer sets in a while.
Lats were a little tight.
RTW - "round the world"
1 min AD easy
1 min FLR on floor
1 min row easy
1 min crawl
1 min run easy
1 min jump rope x 7 - all easy pace flush
Done. Feeling good. Legs are a little sore from OC WOD but all else is good.

11/6/13 - AM Row Intervals + PM OC WOD 4/ Training

Row 5 min @Z1
Row 500m @1:37
Rest walk 3 min
Row 500m @1:39
Rest walk 2:30 min
Row 500m @1:41
Rest walk 2 min
x 4
Walk cool down 10 min
Pretty tired this morning. Took a while to warm up but started feeling better.
1:37.7, 1:39.1, 1:41.3
1:37.7, 1:39.0, 1:40.6
1:37.2, 1:39.1, 1:41.0
1:36.8, 1:38.3, 1:39.6
Got a little spicy, but apparently I only got stronger.
Negative splits on all of these. Happy with these. Tough.
Walked the dog and taught her manners. Why? She's a dog?
Why can't we let her be a dog? Control?
Probably so she doesn't eat other children and small animals.
A. RDL @5211; 2-3 x 4; rest as needed (knee tracking, inc. load from prev week)
B1.  Wtd. chin up; 4,3,2,1; rest 30 sec (last single heavy)
B2. DB row; 7-9 x 4; rest 2 min (DB in both hands)
C. 3 sets for time @90%:
8 Tng PC (215#)
20 chin up
15 Cal AD
OCT Qualifier WOD #4
3 Rounds for Time:
4 Ground to Overhead - 225#
6 Back Squats from Rack - 275#
8 HSPU - 8"
Felt pretty good. First time back squatting in a tester like this in a long time.
Groin actually felt good. This was all about the hspu for me.
First 2 rounds unbroken and had to break last round 3/3/2
No repped myself a few times. I feel good about this but I know there
is more there. Didn't go at a blazing fast pace. Need to practice game speed again.
Made some changes to tonights training. Fully recovered then knocked this out.

B1. Wtd. Chinup; 4,3,2; rest 30 sec.
B2. DB Row; 7-9 reps; rest 20 sec. (DB in both hands)
B3. 20 Chinups; x 3 sets; rest 3 min.
53#, 65#, 70#. Felt a little fatigued from earlier.
70# DB's, felt good on shoulders.
UB and fast. These felt sharp.
for time:
100 DU’s
5 RC 15'
10 MU
20 burpees
10 MU
5 RC 15'
100 DUs
DU's unbroken.
RC's steady. Prob 10 sec rest.
MU's 3/3/2/2 for both sets. Felt strong.
Good push at the end. Fun end to a great training session.

Wednesday, November 6, 2013

11/5/13 - AM Airdyne Intervals + PM Training

AD 30 sec @90%
Rest walk 30 sec
x 30
(at minutes 10 & 20 complete 50m HS walk, 2 minute FLR on rings)

Done. Power was a little low this morning. Kinda tired. HS Walk outside. Feeling better on the sidewalk.
If I can walk there I can do it anywhere. FLR done in 4 quick sets. Felt better on the last 20. I was awake and kicking.

A. Press; 4,3,2,4,3,2; rest 2-3 min (2nd wave more difficult)

165, 185, 195, 195, 205, 215
Felt strong. Especially 2nd wave load. More there.

B. Clean high pull; 1.1 x 4; rest 2 min
225, 235, 245, 255
Kept these light and fast. Felt great! Really primed me for the
hang power cleans. Great practice of getting the bar into the pocket.


C. Emom 8 min – HPC x 2 (building sets)

225, 235, 240, 245, 250, 265, 275, 280
Bam, felt great on these. 280 was sharp! The best these have ever felt.


for time:
30 strict HPSU
20 TGU (2pd)
20 kipping HSPU
30 KB snatch (2pd)

HSPu's - 10/10/5/3/2
TGU's - Slow and steady. Felt strong.
Kipping HSPU's - 10/5/5
KBS - 15/15, Went crazy on these. Easy.

11/4/13 - AM Row + PM Training/Grinder

Row 2k in 7:30
Rest walk 60 sec
Row 2k in 7:40
Rest walk 60 sec
Row 2k in 7:50

Done. All sets a seconds under target pace. Felt fine. Body feels good but a little tired. Got up earlier than usual. Good restful weekend though. Ready to kill it.

A. BS @32X1; 4,4,4,4; rest 3 min (feel this out, take it easy on the groin)

Worked up to 275, didn't feel great so backed off and worked with 225. Good ROM and shortened the rest. Still feels good to squat something.

B. Ascending ladder - PS Tng x 2 – Start at 135#, inc 10# per min

235, Missed 2nd rep at 245. Actually didn't even try it.
Ladder from 215 - 245x

C1. CTB chin up x 15; rest 10 sec
C2. Burpee x 8 to target 6” above; rest 10 sec
C3. DU; 50,50,50,50; rest walk 3 min

All sets around 1:25 Fast and unbroken. CTB's were awesome tonight! Feeling smooth with a butterfly. Big breakthrough.
Set 3:

for time - 90%:
AD 1 mile
100m FW (100#/H)
100m Prowler (HEAVY)
100m crawl
100m OH carry (225#)
100m FW (100#/h)
AD 1 mile

Less than 3 min for mile.
125# for Farmer Carry, 50m/50m
200# for prowler - Lots of breaks.
Crawl sucked.
Broke 3 times on OH carry. Shoulders were toast.
50m/50m on 2nd carry.
2:30 on last mile.

Great session. Pretty smoked.

Sunday, November 3, 2013

11/2/13 - AM Airdyne Recovery + PM Training/Shoulder blast o rama

45 min AD @Z1

Done. Stretched for a while too. Great sleep last night. Amped up for later.

A. Narrow grip press @1012; 4-6 x 3; rest 30 sec
165 for all sets. 6,5,5 on reps.
This got tough with short rest. Happy to have done 21 strict press in less than 3 minutes at 165#.

B. Snatch grip press (behind the neck); 4-6 x 3; rest 90 sec

125, 135, 145
Felt good. Have to be smart on these. Shoulders are the most mobile.

C1. Amrap ring dips in 60 sec; rest 30 sec
35, 25, 21
C2. Amrap HR push ups in 60 sec; rest 2 min
Tough. Shoulder and pecs were smoked after first set.
Haven't done a burnout like this since the Globo days.
Feels nice

3 sets for time:
100m OH walk with barbell (225#)
100m reverse sled drag (HEAVY)
100 DUs
10 min @ 80%:
AD 20 cals
row 250 m
Run 200m

rest 5 min

10 min @ 80%:
3 wall walks
6 CTB chin ups
9 WB

23:00 on tester.
OH walk was broken a few times. Shoulders are kinda toast from previous
days and pressing prior to this.
No actual sled so we but a 300# tire on a wooden crate and dragged
it with a moving strap. This was AWEFUL. Quads
were on fire. Made me a little sick actually.
DU's were 50/30/20, 50/30/20, UB
Happy with the strong push at the end.

2 rounds + 50m

7 rounds + 1 wall walk

Great training day and weekend. Shoulders are SMOKED!
Feeling good. That last amrap was fun.

11/1/13 - AM Row + PM Training

Row 8k
Every 1k – get off and complete 1 round of strict Cindy

Done. Took like 40 minutes. Felt good to get off every 1k. Th strict pullups were actually hard as hell! I had to break the last 2 rounds. Weird.

A. BS @31X1; 2,2,2,2; rest 2-3 min
275, 285, 305, 315
Stayed conservative again. No pain but I can still feel a pull. It's really frustrating but all good because I still feel strong as hell and numbers are still going up. I'm happy to be able to squat over 300# again.
I just think the progress is going to be reaaaaaaaaly slow. Like, this month, it's going to feel bad 25 of 30 days, The next month, 24 of 30 days. Hopefully not that slow. 

B. 6 sets - Tng HPS + Snatch x 2; rest 2 min
185, 195, 205, 215, 225, 235x (Missed second snatch)
Felt so freaking fast and strong. 225 was a toy. Should not have missed 235, lost the hook grip after the 1st snatch and it kinda threw me all over the place trying to keep moving. I'm pretty sure though 235 is a HPS PR!


235 Miss: :(

C. 15 min
Min 1 – Row 12 cal
Min 2 – Tng HPC x 5 (tough)
Min 3 – 12 TTB

Done. All UB. 225 for the HPC. I don’t feel strong with these (HPC). I don't feel like I can rip through them like most. This triplet was fine though. Didn't wreck me.
for time:
5 rounds:
50m FC (100#/h) - 135#/hand
5 tire flips - 255 Powerclean/push jerk
30m HS walk

Damn right I finished under 25 minutes. This was an awesome session. Trained at Faction with some turf so the HS walking was much easier than at home. No tires so I went heavy on the C/J's. Heavy enough? Either way it was fun using 255 in a tester. Push jerks were cake.

10/31/13 - AM Swim + PM Training

Swim 5 min easy warm up
Kick 100m
25 m free @ 90%
rest 30 sec treading water
x 25
(after 30 sec tread, get out and dive back in each 25m swim)
Swim 5 min cool down easy

Done. Early. Not able to dive in unfortunately and the pool I was at is only 4' deep. So I just swam 25m, pulled myself out of the pool. Walked back and jumped back in and went on to the next. Nonstop for 25 sets was actually pretty good work. Met with my buddies in Murfreesboro to swim too. Awesome having some company. Great to see you David and Evan! Those two were actually my first coaches. Kind of a reunion. It's funny how much it has all changed in 5 years.

RTW - "round the world" - while wearing a superman costume
1 min AD easy
1 min FLR on floor
1 min row easy
1 min crawl
1 min run easy
1 min jump rope x 7 - all easy pace flush

Done. Feeling good.