Wednesday, April 30, 2014

4/29/14 - AM Training + PM Training


5 sets @80-85%:
AD 30 cals
35 DU
HS walk MAX meters
Row 250m
6 burpees
rest walk 3 min

All sets between 3:52-4:00, Average a little over 50'+ each set on walk. I can go further in a straight line but I was having to make turns in the gym I was in. HS walk felt good.

HS walk:


A. SJ; 3@85%, 2@90%, 1@95%+; rest 2-3 min
330, 345, 365 x 2 
Double 365 because it felt good. Probably should have chased 1rm today. I was amped and splitting well.

365 x 2:

B. Push press - tough single

C. for time:

PC&J (205#)
pHSPU - Swapped for strict HSPU's

10:23, PC/J were fast today. HSPU's were 5/5/5, 3/3/2/2/2, 3/2/2/1/1
Definitely limiter here.

rest as needed

for time:
50 double KB S2OH (1.5pd) - Used 50# dumbbells
40 TTB
30 burpee box jump over

20 MU


25/15/10 on PP, Fast.
TTB 11/9/8/7/5 - Felt pretty good
BBJ's - steady but didn't stop
MU - 5/2/2/2/singles

4/28/14 - Rest/Travel

4/27/14 - NPFL Day 2

Team Races

4/26/14 - NPFL Combine Day 1

90 sec. Double Under - 201

Snatch - 285#
Split Jerk - 355#, missed 390#
Front Squat - 405#

HSPU AMRAP 90 sec. - 58
MU AMRAP 90 sec. - 18

1K Row - 3:02
5 Rounds for Time:
12 PC - 165#
6 S2O - 165#


4/25/14 - Rest/NPFL Prep

4/24/14 - Active Recovery

60 min Airdyne

RTW 30 minutes + Mobility work

Thursday, April 24, 2014

4/23/14 - AM Rows + PM Training

AM - 

Row 1K easy
Row 1 min @ 1:37/500 m pace, then into 1 min @ 1:57/500 m pace - 5 repeats
rest 3 min
Row 1 min @ 1:39/500 m pace, then into 1 min @ 1:55/500 m pace - 5 sets
rest 3 min
Row 1 min @ 1:41/500 m pace, then into 1 min @ 1:53/500 m pace - 5 sets

Walk Cool down 15-20 min

Done. Better than last week but still not full there. Couldn't hold 1:57's- and recover enough. So chose to stay on track with the sprint pace, then back off the recover pace to 2:05-2:10 or so. Looked like this.



A. FS @20X1; 3@80%, 3@85%, 2@90%, 1@95%; rest 3 min
320, 340, 360, 380 Felt heavy today.

B. Emom 15 min - 
min 1 - Tng thruster (205#) x 3
min 2 - Row 12 cals
min 3 - TTB x 12

Done. Fine. Shoulders are tired from yday. Made thrusters tougher than usual. TTB felt so smooth.


6 min @80%:
AD 10 cals
6 alt pistols
6 alt DB snatch (100#)

rest 5 min

12 min @90%:
Row 250m
8 box jump (24")
8 CTB chin up
30 DU

rest 5 min

5 min @100%:
5 hang snatch (135#)

200m run

3 + 1 DB Sn, pistols felt good. Did them in flats which is a first. Hips and knees are feeling healthy.
5 + 120m, CTB's felt really tough. Couldn't butter fly today. Hands hurt bad and grip is a bit tired.
2+ 150m, About :10 passed 5:00 when I finished the 3rd run. Tried like hell for 3 rounds. Did 5 UB hang squat snatch + 5 OHS. Felt good. Jello legs on run. Felt like Naughy Nancy again. Not fun. ha

Good training week. I'm toast. Time for Indian food and Gatorade. Feeling good!

4/22/14 - AM 30/30 AD + PM Training


AD 30 sec @85%
AD slow spin 30 sec
x 40
- rest 3 min every 10 sets

Done. Felt great. Around 15-16 cal per set. Feeling good today.


A. SJ - Heavy single

Up to 375 from rack. Felt great. Not much split there. Feeling powerful.


B. Push press; 3,3,2,2,1,1; rest 2-3 min (3s@80%, 2s@85-90%, 1s@90%+)
260, 260, 275, 295, 305, 310.
310 was tougher than usual.

C. Emom 16 min - 
odd - PS Tng x 3 (205#)
even - pHSPU x 5-6

Done. 6 phspu for all sets - 14" . These felt good today. Great practice. Lower back was getting tight by the end of it. Better though. TNG PS were kinda tough. Not bad though.

Some vid of EMOM:

10 rounds for time:
3 PC (225#)

5 unbroken bar MU

9:50X Had to stop after 4 bar MU's on last round. Hands started to tear very badly so I just moved on. All unbroken through other sets though. This was fun. Tough. Long session.

Monday, April 21, 2014

4/20/14 - Testing Day 3

Event 5 - 9:30 AM

For time:
50 C&J (135#)

3:53, youchers! Tougher than I thought. Well, I knew it would be tough but I thought I could do it in bigger sets. Not today. Just wasnt there. 13/3/3/2/ singles. Finished 30 in 2:00. I emptied it on this one. As usual, there is more there.

Went at this one fasted. I wanted to be empty as I knew it was going to hurt bad.

Event 6 - 11:00 AM

For time:
15 MU
15 DL (315#)
10 RC (15')
15 DL (315#)
15 MU

10:53, grinder. Muscle endurance felt great, I was just flat winded and tired on this. Not much rest between events. That def played a factor but it was good practice being fatigued. 

6/5/4 on MU's, 8/7 DL's, RC's about 3:00, 6/5/4 on DL's, 3/2/2 then singles on MU's. Last 15 MU's took wayyy to long. About 3:00. I was doing great until that. Should have gone to singles sooner. Lesson learned. Overall good testing weekend. I wasn't at my best but I still learned a lot. Looking forward to recovering getting back on track.

It's a beautiful day. I'm thankful for this life and the sacrifice Jesus gave to change the world. I believe it's hard to see if you are not looking. It's hard to feel unless you open your heart. My faith has been strengthened through doubt & curiosity. Yet, I am not seeking answers to give a logical explanation to others who question. I won't waste my time trying to convince those who require a guaranteed certainty. At what level of proof would there be acknowledgment? Sometimes never. My relationship with God is based on faith. If God proved his existence it would not be an unconditional relationship and I would love out of fear. Taking faith out of the question. Therefore not giving me a chance to love him by choice. We are blessed with a choice and this is my choice. I respect your choice as well and admire those who question and dig for their true meaning and belief. Happy Easter!

4/19/14 - Testing Day 2

Event 3 - 11:00 AM

for time:
100 DU buy in
PS (165#)
pHSPU (-10")

12:13, DU's unbroken in under a minute. PS all singles. Tough time with PHSPU today. Shoulders felt tired and this lit up my back. I was breaking into sets of 5 from the start. All about ther PHSPU here. Not to thrilled with this one. Feeling a little better today. Still not 100%. 

Event 4 - 3:30 PM

For time:
100 burpees
75 DB thrusters (50#)
50 CTB chin up

25 box jump (36")

21:14, tough. Burpees in about 6:15, slow. DB thrusters were 12/13 then 10's. Really tough. Lit up my lower back and I was wearing wl shoes. CTB's were 3 sets of 10 butterfly then 5/7 and singles. Should have gone smaller sets but I was hurting at this point. Very winded. BJ's were just a grind. Good to get one of these in. I'm ready for them now. Humbling. 

4/18/14 - Testing Day 1

Event 1 - 10:30 AM

For time:
40 TTB
40 S2OH (155#)
40 Cal Row

4:27, 30/10 on ttb, 20/10/5/5 on s2o. Row was about 1:20. This hurt bad. All the cold medicine and junk in my system made this really painful. I was really lactic for a while afterwards. Definitely did not warmup heart rate enough for this. Pushed hard but wayyyy more there.

Event 2 - 6:30 PM

Gauntlet - Every 90 sec - Clean + HC + FS

- Men start @185# increase 10#/set

325, cleaned 335 missed 335 hang clean. This got tough. Long time for a ladder. Felt strong, but not my best today. Still lethargic and sick feeling. Hanging in there.

4/17/14 - AM Recovery + PM Recovery

A/D Recovery and went for a walk. Still not feeling great.

Goofed around in the gym for a while and threw football. Feeling a little better. Still congested and a little winded.

Wednesday, April 16, 2014

4/16/14 - AM Rows + PM Training


Row 1K easy

Row 1 min @ 1:36/500 m pace, then into 1 min @ 1:55/500 m pace - 5 repeats
rest 2 min
Row 1 min @ 1:38/500 m pace, then into 1 min @ 1:52/500 m pace - 5 sets
rest 2 min
Row 1 min @ 1:40/500 m pace, then into 1 min @ 1:49/500 m pace - 5 sets
Walk Cool down

Fell way off on paces. Couldn't hold it today. Got the volume in but backed off on intensity. Don't feel great today.


A. FS @20X1 - build to a heavy single
B. Emom 15 min - 
min 1 - Tng clean (225#) x 4
min 2 - AD 20 cals
min 3 - 8 pistols
6 min @80%:
5 KB swing (2pd)
AD 15 cals

rest 5 min

12 min @90%:
12 alt'ing step ups 24" unloaded
50m FW (100#/h)
12 alt'ing step ups 24" - 35#/h
8 CTB chin up

rest 5 min

5 min @100%:
4 HPS (155#)

35 unbroken DU's

Skipped PM Session. Not feeling well. 

4/15/14 - AM A/D + PM Training

AD 60 sec @85%
AD slow spin 60 sec @50%

x 16

Done on assault bike. Felt good. Averaged 70-72 rpm.

Woke up with a lot of head congestion but started to clear up. Don't know where this comes from. I sleep like 9-10 hours a night. 


A. SJ; 3@75%, 3@80%, 2@85%,2@85%,1@90%; rest 2-3 min

290, 310, 330, 330, 350
Felt great. Sharp.



B. Push press - heavy double

285: Felt Easy.

310X: Nailed first, missed 2nd

C. Emom 14 min - 
odd - PC Tng x 5 (185#)
even - MU x 5

Done. Felt great. Pretty easy.

for time:
5 PS (135#)
6 unbroken pHSPU
5 PS (155#)
6 unbroken pHSPU
5 PS (175#)
6 unbroken pHSPU
5 PS (195#)
6 unbroken pHSPU
5 PS (205#)
6 unbroken pHSPU
5 PS (215#)

12:28, A few issues here. Used 13" paralettes. Bit off more than I could chew. Only 2 rounds Unbroken. Would have taken a LOOOOOOng time if I tried to keep UB. Tough to keep all snatches power today. Didn't feel as powerful. Lower back LIT UP last few sets. This was slow. Not pleased.

Tuesday, April 15, 2014

4/12/14 - Mayhem for Mustard Seed Ranch

Competed on a team with Brandon Phillips and Derek Robinson at Rich Froning's fundraiser for Mustard Seed Ranch.

Waterfall start:
750 row
50 Wall Ball
30 DB Snatch 75

I went 2nd. Rowed hard and easy on everything else. 2nd place in event.

30 MU - me
(We pick who does which)
Sub 2 on Bmu's. Tore my hands very badly. Did 17 UB then had to drop and break up. These felt great though. Would love to retest this one day.

Total time 4:44, 2nd place.

Run - approx 430m
30 Sync Burpees to a plate

Run - approx 430m

8th, felt really fast on the run.

Final event:
:60 amrap S2O @ 135 per person. 

rest 2 min

For Time:
60 TTB
60 DL 315
60 TTB
60 PC - 225

40 for me. Broke once. Tri's weren't locking. - Our total score was 4th
8: something for workout. 3rd.

Ended up 4th overall. Great weekend!

4/11/14 - AM Row Intervals + PM Training

AM - Row intervals

Row 250m @1:34 pace
rest 90 sec
x 14
- rest 4 min b/t sets 7,8

Done. :47 for all sets. No issues. Pretty easy. Felt great.

PM - 

A. Emom - HC + Clean + FS (build per min from 255#)
325. failed 335. This got tough. Heavy breathing. Knocked it out with Rich and D-Rob. Fun.
B. for time: 25 PS (155#)
1:24, 12/5/2/2/1/1/2. More there for sure.

AD 3 min for max cals
rest 5 min
7 min time cap - 5 rounds for time:
5 PC (225#)
5 S2OH

5 burpee bar MU

80 cal
3 rounds + 3 PC's. Grinder. Didn't feel great on this today. Really winded, strong, but winded. Good day over all though. Body feels good.

4/9/14 - AM Track 400's + PM Training


Track style warm up

Run 400m @90%
rest walk 3 min
x 10
- same pace as previous week, rest 5 min after 5 sets

Went to track and started my warmup then shut it down because of knee. The pounding really bothers it. Did this instead.

Assault Bike: 1:20 @ 90-95%; walk/rest 3:00
x 10 sets. Averaged about 10 cal per set. Got pretty tough. Good sub.


A. FS @20X1 - build to a heavy double
390. Felt really strong. Gotta be some kind of a pr. Best ever is 400# for a single.
B. Emom 12 min - 
odd - Tng clean (255#) x 3
even - AD 20 cals

Done. Got pretty tough. Back was ok on this. Usually blows up. Just kinda tired.

6 min @80%:
5 DB thruster (70#)
5 burpee box jump over
30 DU

rest 5 min

12 min @90%:
Run 200m - 20 cal instead
3 Hang snatch (185#)

rest 5 min

6 min @100%:
3 HPC (225#)

Row 200m

3 rounds + 10 DU's, this one was tough.
5 + 10 cal, 14" phspu. Just grinded.
5 + 10m, this one felt good. Powerful on HPC. Good pop.

I am dog ass tired and beat up. Can't wait to rest.

Wednesday, April 9, 2014

4/8/14 - AM Airdyne 30/30 + PM Training


AD 30 sec @90%
AD slow spin 30 sec @50%
x 36
- rest 3 min after 12 sets

Done. Felt good this morning. The rest every 12 definitely helped. Kept it powerful.
Between 15-17 cal per set.


A. SJ - build to a heavy single
375, 390X Soooooo close. I will jerk 400# soon. 375 was solid.

B. Push press; 3,3,2,2,1,1; rest 2-3 min
225, 255, 275, 285, 295, 305

Felt pretty good. Hips are tired. I was really having to jump.

C. Emom 12 min - 
odd - PS Tng x 3 (225#)
even - burpee MU x 4

Done. Excellent. Cowabunga. Tubular. Snatches were tough but got em. Burp MU's took about :30.

for time:
6 alternating DB Snatch (70#)
10 unbroken TTB
6 alternating DB Snatch (80#)
10 unbroken TTB
6 alternating DB Snatch (90#)
10 unbroken TTB
6 alternating DB Snatch (100#)
10 unbroken TTB
6 alternating DB Snatch (110#)

10 unbroken TTB

Highest DB is 85#. Couldn't add more weight to it today. I was out of duct tape. Instead did:
5 Rounds for Time:
12 alternating DB Snatch - 85#

6:40. Felt pretty good. Could have gone with a bit more urgency. Doubted myself a little bit on the TTB. I was not going to fail.

Tuesday, April 8, 2014

4/7/14 - AM Row Intervals + PM Training


Row 500m @ 1:37
rest walk 3 min
x 12

Done. Average 1:37.3

I wasn't sure if I was going to be able to finish this without a halfway rest. Last 3 were tough, not lactic but lower back was getting really tight. Feeling good. Took some ibuprofen prior and knee is feeling better.


A. BS @20X1; 2,2,2,2; rest 2-3 min (85-90%)
375, 380, 385, 390. Felt a little heavy today. No pain in knee.

B. Hang snatch + Snatch; 1.1 x 5; rest 2 min (build to a max complex)
235, 245, 255, 265, 270X(it;s there. needed to walk with it and there's not room in gymmy)
Good warmup. These felt strong. Healthy.




C1. Power Clean and push jerk; 2,2,2,1,1,1; rest 15 sec
275 x 2, 285 x 2, 295 x 2, 305 x 1, 310 x 1, 315 x 1
Power clean felt decent. No records today. Push Jerk was soo easy today.

C2. Wtd. chin up; 1,1,1,1,1,1; rest 2 min
70, 75, 80, 85, 90, 100, Pronated grip for all.
Felt pretty good.

310# pc/pj:

315 pc/pj + 100# wtd cu:

For time:
200m FW (100#/h)
10 pHSPU
5 RC
100m FW
3 RC
50m FW
1 RC

10:23, This was fun! 
125#/hand on FC. Used t-handles.
14" parallettes, tough.
15' rope climbs

Broke 100m/50m/50m on first carry. Blew up!
5/5 on phspu's
RC's quick. Getting muuuuuuch better at these.
Broke 50m/25m/25m
6 phspus' UB
RC's quick

Great energy tonight. Awesome session. Knee didn't affect training and that fired me up. Not really painful just feels a bit inflammed. Almost like it was hyperextended and it's a bit unstable. Working hard to take extra care of it.

Monday, April 7, 2014

4/5/14 - AM Recovery + PM Training

60 min aerobic - Easy (your choice)

Done on spin Bike. Felt good. Got off every few minutes and did some dynamic stuff.

A. Split jerk - tough single
365, 375X 

365 felt great. 375 I was just getting tired. Took this from a squat rack. Not used to that.

B. for time: Unbroken squat snatch - 5,4,3,2,1 (155#)
:49, Felt fast.

20 min cap:
175 DU
20 pistols
20 burpee bar MU
20 med ball 2 shoulder
20 OHS (185#)

175 DU

14:23, subbed 20 power cleans @ 185 for med ball 2 shoulder.
DUs - 100/75
Pistols - felt not so great. KNEEEES
BBMU's - slow and steady. short break after 10.  Got breathing pretty high.
Quick singles on PC's
OHS - 8/7/5
DUs- 70/30/75, These were tough. I was WINDED! 

4/4/14 - AM Training + PM Spin Bike Intervals

A. Clean Gauntlet - every 75 sec - 1 rep (start @255#, increase 10#/set)
355. 5# PR. Felt really easy. 365, just a little forward. Gotta catch it perfect at that point.

355 Clean:

B. Emom 8 min - Tng power snatch x 3 (build)
145-215 x 2 sets. Felt pretty  good. 

6 min amrap:
2 power clean (185#)
3 ring HSPU

4 bar facing burpee

8 + 2 power cleans, rings 3' off of ground. This was fun. Messed around in the foam pit afterwards and did some sprints. Right knee is bugging. Patellar pain. Not terrible, just feels unstable. Did this session with Nate Schrader. Good Times.

Row 300m @2k pr pace
rest 90 sec
x 12
- rest 4 min b/t sets 5,6

Done with a spin bike. No rower. Completed with Jason Leydon. Felt great.

4/3/14 - Recovery - Power Monkey Camp

Didn't sleep great last night. Bad thunderstorm here at the camp and it kept me awake. Luckily not much to do today but play, eat and sleep. 

Went on a long hike with the crew this AM. Goofed around on some obstacles. 

Long nap.

Later on, Nate, Wes and I took out the canoe's for a bit. Jumped in a swam about 100m back from the boats. Freakin cold water but felt good on the body. Feeling recovered. Knees are still tender though.

4/2/14 - AM 400m Repeats + PM Training

Track style warm up

Run 400m @90%
rest walk 3 min
x 9
- same pace as previous week

Done. 1:18 average on a track. Felt pretty good. Better each week. Hips and knees are really tight.

Short clip of the end of a repeat:

A. FS @21X1; 3,2,1; rest 2-3 min
325, 335, 355

Not too bad. Could have gone heavier throughout. Tempo was a little tough.

B. Emom 10 min - 
odd - Tng clean (225#) x 4
even - TTB x 10 unbroken

Done. Smooth. Played around with slowing down the tng cleans to help with easy breathing.

5 min @80%:
5 KB snatch/arm (2pd)
7 burpees
35 DU

rest 5 min

10 min @90%:
Row 250m
3 thruster (185#)
6 burpee box jump over

rest 5 min

5 min @100%:
5 HPS (155#)

5 CTB chin up

4 rounds
Skipped. Long day, tired. And no rower.
5 + 1 CTB

Heavy breathing. This session didn't feel great. Pretty smoked. Did this with Bill Grundler. Good times. That dude is impressive.

Tuesday, April 1, 2014

4/1/14 - AM AB 30/30 + PM Training

AD 30 sec @90%
AD slow spin 30 sec @50%
x 30

Done. Used the Airbike. Averaged 75 RPM. Feeling good today. Body was trashed last night but slept great.

A. Emom 8 min - Paused Jerk + BTN SJ + SJ; 1.1.1 (build)
B. 5 sets - PC x 1 + Push press x 5; rest 2-3 min
C. for time: 30 pHSPU
for time:
Row 1k
40 GHD sit up
30 PC (185#)

20 manmaker (35#/h)

3/31/14 - AM Row Intervals + PM Training

Row 500m @90%
rest walk 3 min
x 6

rest 6 min

Row 500m @90%
rest walk 3 min
x 6

- decrease pace .5 sec from prev week

Done. Went a little faster than .5 from last week. 90% felt comfortable at 1:41 pace for all sets.

A. 1-1/4 BS; 3,2,1,3,2,1; rest 2-3 min (tough)
315, 325, 335,   325, 345, 365. Not tough enough. More there. for sure. I can go tougher.

B. High hang Snatch + Hang snatch below the knee + Snatch; 1.1.1 x 5; rest 2-3 min (drop after each piece)
185, 195, 205, 215, 225
Felt better than last week. Tech isn't still super sharp yet. Better though.


C1. WCU; 1,1,1,1,1; rest 15 sec (heavy)
70, 80, 90, 100, skipped last set. Did something weird to lat.

C2. Legless RC x 1 (15'); rest 2 min
Done. Strong. Only 4 sets. Tweaked left lat a little. All good now.

for time:
5 snatch (135#)
5 unbroken MU
5 snatch (155#)
5 unbroken MU
5 snatch (175#)
5 unbroken MU
5 snatch (195#)
5 unbroken MU
5 snatch (215#)

5 unbroken MU

8:36. One missed sn at 195. Just a little forward. They got a little heavy. Changed weights myself. Fun workout. More there.