Wednesday, January 30, 2013

1/30/13 - AM Swim + PM Test

Swim 25m on the min for 36 min (900m) @85% effort

Done this morning, fasted BCAA's. Averaged :22-:23. Feeling faster. Found a good rhythm for each split. Streamline + 3 breaths right, 2 full stroke, 3 breaths left, 2 full strokes, 2 breaths right. I'm not over rotating as much now either. I can tell because when I turn my head to breathe, half my mouth is still in the water. I have to spit some out during my exhale. My kick is feeling stronger as well. Small adjustments. I like this phase of practice. Great technique work. Recovery was great in between sets.

Power clean 185#
Box jump 30"

Power cleans were 6/5/5/2/1/1/1, 3/then singles, All singles. 

Box jumps, bounded each one with a slight pause at top.
I wanted to have done more tng on the power cleans but the gas just wasn't there today. It would have slowed me on the box jumps. I feel like I handled it in singles well though. I'm no very happy with how my motor felt on this. I don’t feel like this would be very competitive with the top fellas.

Tuesday, January 29, 2013

1/29/13 - AM Airdyne MAP + PM EMOM Intervals

Airdyne 5 min z1
Airdyne 30 seconds @85%
Airdyne 30 seconds @50%
Airdyne 5 min z1

Done. AM Fasted. Averaged 1800-1850 during 85%. Felt fine. Got a lot of sleep last night. Woke up feeling great. Back on track. Excited for PM.
On the minute for 22 min
Odd- 7 power clean 140#
Even- 8 toes to bar
On the minute for 22 min
Odd- 7 TnG deadlift 295#
Even- 10 CTB chin ups

Done. All unbroken. Two tears in the same spot as last week. Even wore grips and taped up, still tore. Humidity is pretty high tonight. Hands were really sweaty. That has a lot to do with it. I never tear when its cold and dry. Good energy tonight. Deadlifts felt easy. Glad to feel good again.

Monday, January 28, 2013

1/28/13 - AM Row Intervals + PM Training/Test

Row 500m @85%
Rest 2 min

1:40.8, 1:39.5, 1:40.3, 1:39.5, 1:39.2, 1:39.5, 1:38.6, 1:38.5
Felt good. These flew by. It's warm here today so warmup was easy. Last set started to get spicy on the legs.

Had pretty bad sore throat this morning when I woke. Still felt good though. A few hours after training though it hit pretty hard. Throat worsened and body is extremely achy and feverish. Went to the doc for a strep test. Came back negative which is a good sign. Going to rest tonight and see how I feel in the morning. I hate to miss tonights session. Looked really fun. Oh well, Onward.

A. Squat snatch 2, 2, 1, 1; rest 3 min
B. 1 1/4 back squat 5, 4, 3, 2, 1; rest 3 min
50 hang squat clean for time 135#

Sunday, January 27, 2013

1/27/13 - Rest

Got up early and had our cooking done before church this morning. Great feeling having the whole day ahead of you. Cleaned the house a little bit, work on Mobility Kits for a while. Now time to relax.

Last week after the competition, during my deload, it was nice to have some extra time to catch up on some projects I've wanted to knock out for a while. Several months ago I found this 1950's vintage RCA Victor home stereo console at my dads cabin.
Do you see what I see?

I thought it would be a neat restoration project. It was pretty much stripped down from all the original components, so replacing the dial am/fm radio could be pretty difficult. Instead, I had the idea of retrofitting something modern into it. I love music and am constantly playing from my iPod Touch so why not go with something that I will use everyday. I had originally bought a big bad Pioneer home stereo receiver. It turned out to be more than I needed and was just too big to fit in the face of the radio. I wanted to keep it as original as possible. After several weeks of patience and the help of Brandi surfing the web we found a small Sony micro system with a wireless bluetooth connection. It turned out to be a perfect fit! Great sound too! I already had a set of home speakers I was going to use but this stereo came with a set of small components that sound great! Bluetooth pics up from across the house. I now roll over in bed when I wake and can turn on jams that fill the house from my ipod.

Dry fit. Looks good!

First coat of stain.

Second cut, before urethane. 


I already had some stain and urethane, plus I used a piece of scrap wood from another project for the front trim. For just over $100 this bad boy is up and running, doing what it was originally built for, home entertainment. Feels good to bring something so old back to life. Looking forward to having it for a very long time.

Thursday, January 24, 2013

1/25/13 - AM Training/Test + PM Test

A. Split jerk clusters; rest 20 sec/rest 3 min
305, 315, 345X (4/5)
Felt slow and choppy today. Didn't feel sharp.Missed last jerk at 345. Hips were tired.




B. Push jerk; build to a tough single
305, 315, 325, 335, 345x
These felt good. Never gone that heavy on a push jerk. 345 actually pushed me down. Never failed like that.



345 Miss:

For time:
50 hspu
25 muscle ups

HSPU's were weird today did 10/10/5 strict and fast then kipped in sets of 5 for the rest. I need to practice kipping. Muscleups felt good. 5/5/3/2, then 10 singles I kind of doubted my ability on this. I know I can do it faster.

Back squat 315#
Weighted chin up 44#

Strange workout. Felt like I wasted to much time putting a dip belt on and off for the pullups.
Also watching video, doesn't look like I was fully extending at the bottom of the pullup. Brandi said something to me almost toward the end and I fixed it. Back squats and pullups felt strong.

Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Tuesday, January 22, 2013

1/23/13 - AM Swim + PM Test

Swim 25m on the min for 32 min (800m) @85% effort

Done. Felt good. About :25 average. No soreness today. Just a little stiff.

5 rounds for time:
5 power snatch 155#
7 hspu
14 pistols

First two round of snatches tng, then fast singles
HSPU were to an abmat between 45# plates. Broke last set. Felt tough today.
Pistols were slow and steady.

I've been battling some sinus pressure in my head. I don't feel bad but my ears are constantly full of pressure. It's more annoying than anything. I just feel like my head is a balloon  I don't have any drainage or anything. Just ear pressure. 

1/22/13 - AM Airdyne + PM Training

Airdyne 5 min z1
Airdyne 30 seconds @85%
Airdyne 30 seconds @50%
Airdyne 5 min z1

Done. 8 am. Fasted. Averaged 1800-1850 cal/hr. 

Felt it in the quads for sure. It's been a few weeks. Head was pretty cloudy this morning. I've been battling some sinus pressure between the ears. I feel fine, but my ears just wont stop popping.

On the minute for 20 min
Odd- 7 power clean 135#
Even- 8 toes to bar
On the minute for 20 min
Odd- 7 TnG deadlift 275#
Even- 10 CTB chin ups

Done. All unbroken. Small tear in the middle of right hand on LAST set of pullups. Wasn't bad tonight. Felt good. Good Energy.

Saturday, January 19, 2013

OC Throwdown Events

Event 2:

Event 5:

Event 6:
Part 1:

Part 2:

Part 3:

1/19/13 - MMM Training

7 min amrap:
7 kbs 1.5 pood
7 burpees
28 double unders
Rest 4 min
7 min amrap:
Row 150m
10 power snatch 75#
10 box jumps 20"
Rest 4 min
7 min amrap:
7 deadlift 155#
7 hr push ups
Run 100m

Done. Fasted at 9 am.
7 + 1 Burpee

4 + 100m

7 + 25m

Felt great to move for a while. My body was craving something aerobic. Felt nice to pass through several different movements. Still recovering. Mental intensity isn't back yet. Started to come back during the last interval though.

1/18/13 - Training

Airdyne sprint 15 seconsd @100%
rest 2:15

Done. Felt good. AD was only counting about 6-7 cal per sprint. 

Prowler push 15 seconds @100%
Rest 2:15

Done. Tough. Was covering about 45-50m per set. This got pretty lactic. Ate too close to this training session.

1/17/13 - AM Swim + PM Training - Deload Week

50m @ 85 % x 8; rest 60 sec.
Done. Felt good.

A. Front squat 10, 8, 6, 4; rest 2 min
255, 265,275,285
Felt heavy and tight. Set of 10 was tough.

B. Strict muscle ups; amrap unbroken x4; rest 2 min
These were tough as it is difficult for me to hold a false grip in full extension.
Hurts in the lats and shoulders.

C1. OHS 155#; 10 unbroken x4; rest 1 min
Done. Unbroken. Felt like crap.
C2. 15 unbroken CTB chin ups x4; rest 1 min
Done. Unbroken. Felt pretty good.

1/16/13 - Recovery


Out of bed fasted.

30 min. Airdyne
120-130 bpm
20 min. stretch/ foam roll

1/15/13 - Rest

1/14/13 - Rest

Wednesday, January 16, 2013

1/13/13 - OC Throwdown Day 2

Day 2

Woke around 7am. Slept like a baby. Probably around 9.5 hours. Body is a little stiff, but not bad. Mostly the quads above my knees and my calves. Upper body is fine though. Ate a big breakfast and left for the venue Event 4 starts around 9:30 for men.

Event 4: Clean Ladder Every 30 seconds perform ground to shoulder starting at 245#.
Tie breaker is double unders on last set/ after failed attempt.

Warming up I felt pretty good. Cleaned up to 275#. Did a few squat clean as well. Legs feel fine.

Event 4 Result: 315# + 23 double unders, 17th place

Not very happy with this result. I missed 325 because of a lazy pull. Just didn't feel sharp. But, on the upside, The best I think I could have possibly done was 335#. Still never would have expected 17th place on a clean ladder.

Probably 2 hour break until #5

Event 5: 30 Wallballs (20/14 lbs.)
15 Power Snatch (135/95 lbs.)
30 Wallballs
12 Power Snatch (155/105 lbs.)
30 Wallballs
9 Power Snatch (185/125 lbs.)

Warming up I felt pretty good. Power snatched up to 185 a few times for some quick reps. Did some tng at 135#.

Event 5 Result:
8:27, 5th place

This heat included Tommy Hackenbruck, Marcus Filly, Moses Cordova, Kevin Ogar, Neal Maddox, Kenny Leverich, Travis Mayer, Adrian Conway, Bryan Miller, and Zach Forest.

Might have been one of the most stacked heats I've ever been in during a competition.

First set of wallballs unbroken and fast. Did the 135 in 5/5/ then fast singles. Next 30 wallball, broke once, but was just a split second rest. Fast singles on the 155. Same story on the last wallballs, split second rest once. then went to town on the 185#. I think it took me 80 seconds to finish all 9. No missed reps. Any my
goal was to push pace that I had to start squat snatching. Felt great. Recovered fast. So much fun and the crowd was awesome during this. Most fun I think I've had in an event.

Had about a 2 hour break then on to the grinder for event 6. They cut the field down to the top 16. I am honored to have made it this far. I currently sit in 7th. 1 point out of 5th. My goal is to make top 5.

Event 6: For Time:
25 deadlifts - 315#
30 thrusters - 115#
30 box jump overs - both feet touch top
30 KB swings - 2 pood, games standard
30 Cal Row
30 HSPU's - standard
10 burpee bar muscleups
50m OH Walking Lunge - 45# plate
50m run
100 Double Unders - Heavy Rope
200m run
10 burpees over rower

Event 6 Result:
19:25.09, 5th place

Deadlifts were done in quick sets of 5. 
Thrusters done in quick sets of 5. 
Box jumps medium pace and steady
Swings done in 3 sets of 10
Row was about 85%, used to recover a bit. Felt great.
Hspu's - 15/5/3/3/4, These were slow. First 15 strict and fast. I kinda lost composure on these. Should have kipped in 3 sets of 10. Felt weird on wall. Needs work.
Burpee bar musclups were fine. No missed reps. Slow and steady. Tired by this point.
OH walking lunge broke 5 or 6 times. Really painful. A few people caught me on this.
Double Unders were tough, broke like 5 or 6 times.
Run was an ugly dragging trot but push as hard as I could.
Burpees over the rower were very, very fast.

Only 8 of 16 finished this in the 20:00 time cap. Blown away with how I felt and handled this workout, but not surprised with the confidence I had going into it. It was just another Saturday night workout for me.
I enjoyed it. Really fun.

Finished that event in 5th moved me into 5th place overall for the weekend. I am pretty freakin' stoked with the outcome and motivated to a whole new level. 

Good from the weekend: -Built a ton of confidence.
-Tough competitors.
-Didn't even taper or stray from training for the event.
-Events were extremely well rounded in my opinion.
-There wasn't a single on that "catered to my strengths" I feel.
-Roundedness definitely paid off at this competition. My best finish was a 5th place on 2 events.

Bad from the weekend:
-My worst finished was the 7k run. 22nd place.
-The next worse finished was my clean ladder. 17th place. This will only get better
come time for regionals. I would have never expected to score this low on a strength event.

-Rope climbs need a lot of work. They are a huge limiter for me. Luckily it only cost me a
13th place finish and not a 40th. But I feel if I master the techinique I could have take 3rd in that event.

-CTB pullups could still use some work from event 2. My motor wasn't near compromised during that event.

All in all I am happy with the progress and ready to get back to it. It was a well run event, fairly judged.
I was proud to represent Memphis, Faction, and OPT. Extremely proud of my girl friend Brandi for stepping up to the plate with some big names and holding her own. Also very proud of the other Big Dawgs that competed this weekend. There was a lot of OPT talk going on. It was so much fun battling next to Marcus Filly on that final event. I loved ending the day in a grind. Love it.

1/12/13 - OC Throwdown Day 1

OC Throwdown
Day 1

Woke around 4:30 am. Got up for a little bit and ate some burger meat and sweet potato.Went back to sleep for another hour or so until 6am. The women start at 7am and the men around 8am. Got up, got ready and headed to the venue. Arrived about 7:15 am. They had a nice open athlete area setup for everyone. Most of the other OPT athletes and friends were already there getting setup. Excited to hang out with this crew for the weekend.

Body is feeling good. Not full, or hungry. Just right. Had a few bites of a larabar around 20 min. before the start.

Event 1: 8:00 am
7K run
The run is split into 3 legs.
First leg - run
Second leg - pick up 70# bag and run
Third leg - drop sand bag and run leg for a final turn.

My confidence was pretty high going into this. It was taking the women about 40-45 minutes to complete, so I had an idea of how long this might be.

The run was broken into about 7-10 heats. I was the 2nd to last heat. I liked having people in front of me. Gives me something to chase. Anyone you pass is extra points.

First leg I took fairly easy. I was really comfortable when I got back to the start. I think first run was around 12:00. Picked up a sand bag and started the second leg. The sand was hard and the bag split in the middle. More like a bag with two large balls on each end. It actually sat quite nice on my shoulder…for a bit.

I knew this would be a good chance to catch some spots. I have learned with long sessions like this, to excell, you have to kick a notch or two higher than what is comfortable. I am just used to being uncomfortable for this long. I had a smooth trot going with the bag. The only pain was in the upper back. The bag wanted to pull your back down from your neck and trying to resist it made your t-spine pretty tired. Just kept thinking, one more foot in front of the other. Passed a LOT of people during the second leg. At some points I could postion the bag right so I could swing both my arms. Definitely helped stride out a little bit.

Finally made it back to the start again to drop off the back and start the third and final leg. Not sure of the time. Maybe 30:00 in. As soon as I dropped the bag, it felt like such a releif! Running felt AWESOME. I had to remember to lean forward and open up my stride. Last leg, here we go. I still felt very in control.

My goal was to hold a fair pace until the halfway point of the final leg and then go for it with about 4:00 left.
I tend to hold out for a sprint until the last :60 of a race. My goal this time was to treat the last 10 minutes like the airdyne. Just go and hold on!

After the turn, my body felt so good. I was moving at a speed I didn't know I could hold for that long. It felt like a shiny new toy I was opening up Christmas morning. Hunger kicked in like I have never experienced before while training. I could feel everything starting to burn up. But it felt good. Like I had literally some fumes left and I'm approaching the finish line. Efficient.

With about 2:00 left I kicked it a gear higher. And with about 400m left I turned it on and passed like 8 people. Then ended in dead sprint. Hurt like hell but recovered quickly. Legs were smoked.

Event 1 Result:
40:12.81, 22nd place

Not a bad time I felt. I did the best I have ever done during a race that long. I felt amazing. Energy is good, legs are smoked. Short rest then Event 2 starts around 11 am.

Event 2: For Time:
10 Muscle ups
4 Rounds:
12 C2B Pullups
8 Box Jumps
10 Ring Muscle Ups

Event 2 Result:
5:34.89, 7th place

Broke the first round of muscleups 6/4.Short breaks. First two rounds of c2b's unbroken, then 8/4, 4/4/4 on the last two rounds. Box jumps steady and fast. Bounded with a slight pause at top. Then quickly into the muscleups. 2,2, then fast singles. Just tried to keep the rest short on this. Was barely winded when this was over. All muscular endurance for me. Felt good.

Had a long rest before event 3. Almost 4 hours. Had a fair amount of food and a good nap on the ground.

Event 3:
3 Rounds of
8 Shoulder-to-Overhead (190/125 lbs.)
14 pistols
Then 3 Rounds of
8 Front Squats (190/125 lbs.)
16 GHD Situps
Then 3 Rounds of
4 Ground-to-Overhead (190/125 lbs.)
2 Rope Climbs (20’)

Event 3 Result:
15:05:00, 13th place

First couplet was unbroken at a steady pace. S2O were easy and pistols smooth.

Second couplet was unbroken and smooth as well. Just took my time but no breaks. Easy breathing. I was feeling good going into third part.

I think I fninshed part 2 in around 7-8 minutes. Last couplet, did the first round of g2o in fast singles
The rope climbs were slow. I could not get my techique down. I was heavily pulling with my arms and starting to panic. Came down to the final round of rope climbs and I was almost shot. With about :30 left I get to about 3' from the top of the rope and can't finish. My grip gave and I had to come down. Very frustrating as motor didn't feel that compromised but my arms/grip were gone. Need a lot of work on rope climbs. This will NOT happen again.

At the end of the day I was extremely dissapointed with my finish. I have the motor but not the skill to do well enough on #3. I was sick at the thought of rope climbs screwing me up again. Had a good meal and spent 10 minutes in the hot tub to loosen up my legs. I only feel sore from the run, not from anything else. I have a pretty bad rope burn at my ankle but other than that I'm good to go.

1/11/13 - Travel/Rest

Got to the house in OC around 7pm. Went for a 5 min. jog and had a good meal ready to rock!

Thursday, January 10, 2013

1/10/12 - AM Swim Recovery + PM Hike

Swim 50m @90%
Rest 1 min
Rest 3 min

Done. 7:30 AM fasted. Swimming felt good this morning. Hit :44 for the first 3 then had to back it off. Never swam that fast.

Set my alarm for 6:30 PM and woke up late. But, I did go to sleep at 9:30 PM last night. Slept awesome! Feeling great today. Body feels good. I guess that happens after 9.5 hours of sleep. Dinner was a big NY strip, mashed sweet potatoes with butter and cinnamon, some quinoa with cinnamon, and some sauteed spinach. 

Practiced some pistols and rope climbs last night. For not doing pistols in 6 months they felt pretty good. I was trying them in my weightlifting shoes and regardless of which ones I was wearing my knees hurt. Switched to my flats and they felt as good. Strange. I guess I'll go with those for Event 3 since I'm comfortable climbing in them.

60 min hike unloaded

Done. This felt great. No music. Just walked. It stopped raining long enough for me to get this done. It was pretty warm out too so no jacket or long pants. Went step by step through the entire weekend in my head. Helped clear up some of the unknown areas. I feel ready.

Wednesday, January 9, 2013

1/9/12 - AM Track Intervals + PM MMM

Run 400 @90%
Rest 1:1

Done at 8 AM. Fasted, BCAA's

1:29, 1:25, 1:24, 1:23, 1:22, 1:22, 1:23, 1:23

Rest was 1:1 for all. Body was pretty tight. Ran for 5 minutes, then about 5-7 minute dynamic warmup. Felt great after the first interval. Legs felt better this week except my soleus is wrecked on both legs. Feels like I did 1000 box jumps. Motor felt great, recovery was awesome.

3 min amrap @80%
10 power clean 95#
10 calories airdyne

2 + 7 calories

rest 5 min

6 min amrap @90%
6 power clean and jerk 135#
12 box jumps 20"
24 calories airdyne

2 + 20 calories
Felt ok. I paused at top of box jumps. Joints are sore. Body feels beat up.

Rest 5 min

3 min amrap @100%
Row cals

1k would have been cool and a pr. Hitting 974m after the previous work and being dog tired, I would love to do a 1k time trial. I think I would crush it right now. This flew by. Very tired. Going to eat and sleep a lot.

Tuesday, January 8, 2013

1/8/12 - AM Airdyne Recovery + PM Training

Airdyne 30 min @125-135 bpm
Done. Felt good. Around 130 average. Had to stay at 800 cal/hr to achieve this HR. Stretched and foam rolled for a bit. Body feels good. Fired up for later.

A. Clean and jerk; 2, 2, 1, 1; rest 2 min
275, 295, 305, 315
Felt like a different person than from Saturday. Clean still doesn't feel as strong but much better.


B. Split jerk 1, 1, 1, 1; rest 2 min
345,355 PR, 365 PR, 375 PR
Really fired up right now. Still not splitting much. So much more there.




EMOM for 10 min:
Odd- 3 squat clean 225
Odd- 6 muscle ups
EMOM for 10 min:
Odd- 3 squat snatch 185#
Even- 12 toes to bar

Done. All unbroken. Did a few sets tng. Grip feels good. No hand rips or tears. Last set of T2B was a liiiitle painful but I think I had 3 more sets until I would have had to break.

1st 10 min.:

2nd 10 min:

Monday, January 7, 2013

1/7/12 - AM Row Intervals + PM Training/ Test

Row 250 @94-97%
Rest 1:30
(rest 5 min bw sets 4/5)

8:00 am fasted, BCAA's



Felt better this week. It still hurt but goes away fast. Great sleep last night.

A. Clean and jerk 2 reps x6 sets; rest 90 seconds (moderate effort)
225, 235, 245, 255, 265, 275
Felt great. Did power clean and jerk+ Squat clean and jerk.
Jerks felt SOLID. Clean still doesn't feel super strong.



B. Squat snatch clusters 2.2.2x3; rest 15 seconds/rest 3 min
185, 205, 225x missed last rep.
These felt great. 2nd pull still needs work in my eyes. 



Games workout:
3 rounds for time
8 stone to shoulder
100 foot walk w/ stone
7 parallete hspu
100 foot walk w/ stone

10:55, with 175-180# stone, 8" deficit.

Stone cleans were tough.
PHSPU's felt great. Struggled the last round. Missed 3 reps. I was locking out but feet kept coming off the wall.

Saturday, January 5, 2013

1/5/12 - AM Airdyne MAP + Oly Max + Test + Z1 Row

Airdyne 30 seconds @85%
Airdyne 30 seconds @50%

Done at 9:30 am fasted. BCAA's. Felt great. A little groggy this morning. Really tough to get up and going. Averaged 1800-1850 during 85%. 
A. Build to a 1rm snatch
235, 245, 255X, 255X



B. Build to a 1rm clean and jerk
285, 296, 308X, 308X, 308

I can't put into words the frustration with these numbers. I felt sharp and fast during warmups, but hips had no power. Weight just felt sooo heavy today.

For time:
75 power snatch 75#
75 thrusters 75#
75 box jumps 24"
75 calories airdyne


Monotonous. Did 15 Snatches then sets of 5 after that for everything. Wanted to keep the reps and rest very short. Lower back was pretty tight during the thrusters. Airdyne was a grind but I felt like I handled it well. Took me around 3:40 ish.

Row 30 min z1
Done. Around 7k. 2:05 pace. Every 10 minutes performed a 20' rope climb.

Ready to rock. Feeling good.

Friday, January 4, 2013

1/4/12 - AM Row Intervals + PM Training/Test

Row 500m @1:37 pace
rest 2 min
(rest 6 min b/t sets 4/5)

6:30 am fasted. BCAA's


28-29 strokes/min

Felt great. Only the last one got a little spicy. These were flying by. Settled in great this morning.

A. TnG squat snatch; 3 reps on the min for 12 min @65% 1rm
Done with 175#. Felt great.

B. TnG power snatch 3 reps x10 sets @185#; rest 45 seconds bw sets
Done. Not bad. Started to get a little winded. Hands tore up pretty bad.

C. Build to a max clean deadlift in 4 attempts
405, 455, Shut it down after that. Both pecs started to pull pretty bad. Did not feel right. DL felt strong though.

Power clean 185#
Bar facing burpees (goal is sub 2:45)

My hips and grip were pretty smoked at this point. Broke power cleans on round of 6,4,and 2. Not happy with that. Went as fast as I could on the burpees. This hurt pretty bad. Lots of cough and a headache afterwards.

Thursday, January 3, 2013

1/3/12 - AM Swim + PM Hike

Swim 50m @90%
Rest 1 min
Rest 6 min

Done at 7:30 am fasted. Good sleep last night. Warm up was 50 m with the kick board. Legs were screaming!

Did the first 12 with fins to help work on kicking and over rotating issue. Averaged :40/50m

The next 12 were normal. Felt good to practice. I was easily hitting :48 each 50m. Cool down was some flip turn practice. Good session. Body is damn near 100%. Abs are a liiiiittle sore still but not bad. Fired up for tomorrow. Really looking forward to the hike later. 

60 min hike unloaded
Unfortunately, didn't get to do this today. Bummed out. Pool table movers were late and I had to coach. I was looking forward to it. 

1/2/12 - AM Track Intervals + PM MMM

Run 400 @90%
Rest 1:1
(rest more as needed b/t sets 4/5 and 7/8)


Warm up was 5 min. run + 5 min. dynamic stretch. Felt pretty good. Rest stayed 1:1 for all sets. It was really cold this morning. Breathing was AWESOME. Legs were pretty tired by the end. My legs definitely feel like a limiter when I run. Body is feeling good! So grateful to feel like this.

5 min amrap @80%
10 power clean 95#
30 double unders
5 + 4, felt good. Broke cleans last 2 rounds

rest 5 min

10 min amrap @90%
10 power clean and jerk 95#
20 bar lateral hops
30 calories airdyne
3 + 16 calories. Hard to push on airdyne. Legs were tired.

Rest 5 min

5 min amrap @100%
10 kbs 2 pood
10 burpees
150m row
3 + 7 Burpees
Felt great. Damper was set too low. Could have rowed harder. I was pulling hard but pace just wasn't dropping fast enough. Burpees and swings felt good. Much better than last week. Great session
Then I saw a new heaven and a new earth, for the old heaven and the old earth had disappeared. And the sea was also gone. And I saw the holy city, the new Jerusalem, coming down from God out of heaven like a bride beautifully dressed for her husband. Revelation 21:1-2 

Wednesday, January 2, 2013

1/1/12 - AM Airdyne + PM Training

Airdyne 30 min @125-135 bpm
Done. Felt great. Spent 20 min. rolling out and stretching too.
A. Clean and jerk; 2 reps x12 sets; rest 45 seconds bw sets (light/moderate load)
185# for all sets. Mixed and matched squat clean and jerk, push jerk power clean and jerk 

B. Split jerk 2, 2, 1, 1; rest 2 min
305, 315, 335, 355X
335 felt awesome so went for it. Ugly miss today. Body was just not getting under it. A little frustrating. 

305 x 2:

315 x 2:

335 x 1:


EMOM for 10 min:
Odd- 5 squat clean 145#
Odd- 5 muscle ups
EMOM for 10 min:
Odd- 5 squat snatch 145#
Even- 10 knees to elbow

Done. Felt great. Squat snatches were a little tight at first but started to feel smooth.

I discipline my body like and athlete, training it to do what it should. Otherwise, I fear that after preaching to others I myself might be disqualified. 1 Corinthians 9:27 

12/31/12 - Row Intervals + Training/Test

Row 250 @ best 500 m time trial pace (1:20/500m)
Rest 1:30
(rest 5 min bw sets 6/7)

:41, :41, :41.8, :43.1, :44.3, :44.8
:43.6, :44.6, :45, :45.3, :46.5, :45.2

Yeah these were tough. It was pretty much a sprint for me in the beginning to hold a 1:20/500m pace. Only made it through three sets at 1:20. Then started to fall. Different workout than last week. The cool thing is, is that I was able to pretty much run my self into the ground 12 times and I feel like I could have kept going. I just kept recovering.

A. Clean and jerk 2 reps x6 sets; rest 90 seconds (moderate effort)
225, 235, 235, 240, 240, 245 
Felt good. Full Squat clean and split jerk. 

B. Snatch deadlift x3/Power snatch x2/Squat snatch x1/OHS x2/Snatch
balance x3; rest 2 min x4 complexes
135, 160, 170, 185
Could have gone a little heavier. Good practice though. I liked that complex. 


12 min amrap:
50 meter farmers walk 2.5 pood/h
5 parallete hspu
8 + 25m, Used 90# dumbells, 10" depth on parallettes

Paced too much in the beginning. Farmers carry fried my shoulders but was not affecting the PHSPU. Fun workout. Learned some.

Went and hung out with some friends for a bit tonight. Was pretty smoked though and decided to call it a night pretty early. I was in bed by 11:00 pm. Great sleep.

All scripture is inspired by God and is useful to teach us what is true and to make us realize what is wrong in our lives. It corrects us when we are wrong and teaches us to do what is right. God uses it to prepare and equip his people to do every good work.
2 Timothy 3:16