Sunday, March 30, 2014

3/29/14 - AM Training + PM Training


5 sets @ increased effort per set:
300m row
50 DU
AD 25 cals / 5 Cal Assault Bike
Run 200m
rest walk 2 min
- record times to show changes


DU's UB. These felt good. Running felt great. Just a little faster on each movement each set. Last 2 were tough.


A. 5 sets - Snatch balance + Heaving snatch balance (115-135#, feel good); rest 90 sec
Done. Good practice. Felt sharp and fast.

B. Emom 10 min - PC Tng x 3 (build from 205 - 245#, mod, perfect mechanics)
Done. Felt pretty good.

C. for time: 10 legless RC
2:50. 13' rope with no jump or reach. These felt realllly strong. Good improvement.

7 min amrap: - have upbeat tempo here to push muscle endurance
3 bar muscle ups
2 HPS (155#)

1 med ball 2 shoulder (150#)

7 rounds. Pretty tired at this point. Didn't have a medball so I used brandi for stone to shoulder. Actually pretty tough haha.

Brandi 2 Shoulder:

3/28/14 - AM Training + PM Training/14.5

Emom 12 min - 
Odd - AD high effort 15 sec
Even - Run 200m

Done. A/D got a little tough. Run about 100m down and back in about :35-:40.

rest as needed

3 sets for times of:
AD 30 cals
15 box jump (24")
Row 300m
60 sec FLR on rings
rest walk 3 min
- same times per set


FLR unbroken. Got kinda tough with the quads burning. The time difference is the rower not starting for the first and last.

A. BS @20X1 - build to 85%, then complete 3 singles at that weight
390#. Light. Strong

B. 10 sets - every 45 sec - PC x 1 (build heavy)
Started at 225. Ended at 345. 10#/set. Huuuuuuuuuge PR.



350 Miss:

C. Emom 16 min - 
Min 1 - AD 20 cals
Min 2 - burpee x 6 over bar
Min 3 - Thruster x 5 Tng (135#)
Min 4 - DU x 35 unbroken

Done. Felt fine. Good and loose.


Open 14.5

Thursday, March 27, 2014

3/26/14 - AM Run Intervals + PM Training


Track style warm up

Run 400m @90%
rest walk 3 min
x 8
- decrease pace .5 sec from previous week


Much more consistent this week. Felt great. Definitely saved some. Legs still get pretty tired by the end. Really tight like I have been back squatting.


A. FS @20X1; 2,2,2,2,2; rest 2-3 min
345, 355, 365, 375, 385. Felt strong. All easy reps except 2nd at 385. Pretty tough.
B. Clean - tough single

Stopped at 315. Tech felt good, felt a little heavy off the ground though. I guess front squats took a little out.


C1. Ring push up; 20,20,20; rest 30 sec
C2. Legless RC x 2; rest 90 sec
RPU's - UB and fast.
LL climbs done in about 20 sec. These felt pretty strong today.

for time:
15 thruster (155#)
20 CTB chin up unbroken
20 thruster (135#)
20 CTB chin up unbroken
25 thruster (115#)
20 CTB chin up unbroken

8:12 This hurt. Lot's of rest in there. Not super happy about that but basing how I felt when I was done. I'd say I pushed pretty hard for the day. My forearms were LIT UP after this was over. 15's @ 155 were heavy today. 135's felt great. Butterfly most CTB's. Actually about half. Smoked now. Feeling good though!

Wednesday, March 26, 2014

3/25/14 - AM Training + PM Travel

A. BS @20X1; 2,2,2,2,2; rest 2-3 min

374, 385, 396, 407, 418; Felt really strong this morning. 418 for a double is some kind of a PR.

B. High hang Snatch + Hang snatch below the knee + Snatch; 1.1.1 x 5; rest 2-3 min (drop after each piece)

Up to 205. Weird setup at facility so didn't push it. Felt a little out of element. Good practice though. Ready to start snatching again.

C1. Ring dip; 15,15,15; rest 10 sec
C2. Axel Bar pendlay row; 6-8 x 3; rest 2 min

Done. UB & 8 reps/set at 205, 215, 225. Grip felt strong.

for time:
3 Tng clean (full, 225#)
4 bar MU
3 Tng clean (235#)
4 bar MU
3 Tng clean (245#)
4 bar MU
3 Tng clean (255#)
4 bar MU
3 Tng clean (265#)

4 bar MU

5:10. Done with ring musclups. No bar at gym. Felt pretty good. Can go soooo much faster. Just not this morning at 6am. Tng's felt strong. All UB excepty last set of MU's 3/1 for some reason.

3/24/14 - AM Row Intervals + PM Off

Row 500m @85%
rest walk 3 min
x 10

- same times per set, if more than .5 sec off, terminate workout

Done early this AM. 1:43.00 for all sets. Plenty more there.

Work. No time.

Saturday, March 22, 2014

3/22/14 - AM A/D + PM Training


AD 25 min@Z1
AD 30 sec @85%
AD 30 sec @50%
x 30
10 min walk cool down 

Done. All good. Felt strong.


A. Russian step up; 6-8/leg x 3; rest 90 sec between legs
185, 195, 205. Felt strong. Right leg is stronger than left. OR it was first and wasn't tired? 

B. Pendlay row; 6-8 x 3; rest 2 min
235, 245, 255. 6 reps for each set. Felt strong.

C. For time: 50 HSPU

1:12. Big pr. Way more there.

Emom 20 min
Min 1 - AD 20 cals
Min 2 - burpee x 10
Min 3 - DU x 50 unbroken

Min 4 - 30 sec OH double KB carry

Done. No problems. A/D about 40-45 seconds.
Burpees less than 30 to 6" target
DU unbroken and sharp.
Don't have two consistent KB's so I used 65# dumbbells. Tough because of mobility.

3/21/14 - AM Training Intervals + PM 14.4

AD 30 sec @85%
rest walk 30 sec
Run 30 sec @85%
rest walk 30 sec
FLR 30 sec
rest walk 30 sec
x 8

rest as needed

3 sets for times of:
Row 500m
30 unbroken DU
AD 30 cals
10 burpees
rest walk 3 min
- same times per set

30/30's done. Running felt great. This was an awesome warmup. 
3:53, 3:55, 3:47 for intervals. Tried to keep them as close as possible. Felt really food. About 1:45 on rows, DU's ub. 

Vid of last one.:

A. BS @20X1; 3,2,1; rest 2-3 min (3@80%,2@85-90%,1@90-95%)
350, 390, 415. Easy peasy.

B. Emom 8 min - PC&J (225#) x 1
Done. Bop bop cj's.

C. 12 min - 
Min 1 - Wall ball x 15
Min 2 - MU x 3
Min 3 - AD 15 cals

Open 14.4

Wednesday, March 19, 2014

3/19/14 - AM 400m Repeats + PM Training

AD 10 min @Z1
Track style warm up

Run 400m @90%
rest walk 3 min
x 4

rest 5 min

Run 400m @90%
rest walk 3 min
x 4

Tired this morning. Great warmup though. 15 min A/D + 10 min. of drills.
1:25, 1:21, 1:23, 1:19
1:21, 1:21, 1:15, 1:12 

Same track as last week. The odd sets are a bit slower because it's slightly uphill coming back. Makes for a tough ending. Next week I'll probably hit a fast 400 for warmup then rest 5 min and do drills. I tend to use my first as a warmup apparently.

A. FS @20X1; 3,3,3,3,3; rest 2-3 min
315, 320, 325, 330, 335
Felt pretty good. Just didn;t have the fire to go crazy tonight. Body is tired.

B. Gauntlet - Emom - Tng clean (full) x 5 (build from 135#, max 8 sets)
135 - 205. Suck. This lit my lower back up big time. Pretty tough. Felt smooth though

7 rounds for time:
7 thruster (115#)
7 burpees AFAP

7 MU


It took a lot to get this done tonight. I was smoked. Tried to make thrusters smooth and easy, then hit the burpees hard as written, then take a good rest before mu's. Shit just hit the fan after round 2 and I held on. There's a lot more there on this one. Just tired tonight.

3/18/14 - AM A/D 30/30 + PM Training

AD 30 sec @90%
AD slow spin 30 sec @50%
x 36

Done. Felt ok this morning. Around 14-15 cal's each set. A little tired.

A. Split jerk cluster; 1.1.1 x 3; rest 15 sec, rest 2 min (build to a heavy set)
315, 325, 345 Felt pretty good. Way more there. It's a little cold in the gym today so tough time getting warm.

B. Emom 8 min - Push press x 1 (build from 225#)
225-305#. Easy. Very easy.

5 min amrap @85%
5 PC (135#)
10 S2OH
15 cal AD

rest 5 min

10 min amrap @90%
8 DB ground to OH (DB in both hands)
10 burpees
12 TTB

rest 5 min

5 min amrap @100%
Row 500m
100m FW (HEAVY)

Amrap AD cals in remaining time

4 even, Felt smooth
5 Rounds + 7 burpees, This was brutal. 45# stacker dumbells. Just awkward. Did the tap between feet and swing overhead technique.
32 cals, 170# each hand. This was BRUTAL! haha About a 1:40 row. Broke twice on the farmer carry. Tried like hell to only break once. Heavy! Airdyne was just torture but I felt powerful. Great session tonight. Pretty smoked.

3/17/14 - AM Training + PM Testing

A. High hang clean + Hang clean + Clean - build to a heavy complex (not Tng)

275, 285, 295. Stopped there. Felt pretty good. Pulling just doesn't feel super sharp today.

B. BS @20X1; 3,3,3,3,3; rest 2-3 min
365 for all sets. Felt strong pretty good.

for time:
AD max cals in 2 min (90%)
rest 3 min
Snatch (185#)
14 CTB chin up b/t each set
rest 3 min
AD max cals in 2 min (90%)

4:00 even. Singles on snatches. 2 rounds of CTB's butterfly UB. 7/5/2, then 4/4/3/3 on the last.
This felt really good. Totally forgot to do the Airdyne before and after. Never happened before.

for time:
100 wall ball
75 unbroken DU

25 burpee box jump over 24"


WB's UB. Took about 30 seconds rest before DU's. 
Went UB but counted 85. 
10, then 5's and 3's on HSPU's. Wayyy to slow.
BBJ Overs really slow grind.
Could have definitely paced this differently but it's good to know where I'm at after 100 UB wallball.

Sunday, March 16, 2014

3/15/14 - AM A/D + PM Training


AD 1 min @ 85%
AD slow spin 1 min
AD 30 sec @ 90%
AD slow spin 30 sec
x 14

Done. Felt good. Sluggish this morning. Definitely helped wake up and loosen up.

A. Press; 3,3,2,2,1,1; rest 2-3 min
185, 190, 200, 205, 210, 220. Yeah this felt good!

B1. CGBP; 2,2,2,2; rest 15 sec
255, 260, 265, 275. Felt decent today. No shoulder pain. Healthy.

B2. Single Arm DB Row; 6-8/arm x 4; Rest 90 sec.
85# for all sets. 8 reps.


10 sets:
8 Double KB Push Press (2pd/arm)
1 Legless RC
20 Cal A/D
Rest/walk 60 sec


These were fun. Tough. Grip was a little tired from last night.

Last set:

3/14/14 - AM Training + PM 14.3


AD 30 sec @80%
AD slow spin @50%
x 16

rest as needed

3 sets for times of:
Row 500m
15 KBS (2pd)
12 burpees over bar
rest walk work time


These felt awesome! 1:40 and faster each set. Feeling good today.

3rd set:

A. BS @20X1; 3,2,1; rest 2-3 min (3@80%,2@85-90%,1@90-95%)
350, 390, 415. Felt strong.

B. Emom 6 min - Tng PC&J x 4 (135-185#, no rest on shoulder)
Done. Felt sharp and fast.


Open 14.3

3/13/14 - AM Recovery + PM Recovery

AD 60 min @Z1

Done. Slept great. Feeling good.

RTW - "round the world"
1 min AD easy
1 min FLR on floor
1 min row easy
1 min crawl
1 min run easy
1 min jump rope 

x 7 - all easy pace flush


3/12/14 - AM Recovery + PM Recovery


AD 10 min @Z1
Track style warm up

Run 400m @90%
rest walk 3-4 min
x 7

Good warmup. Had my buddy Von come by and we did some running drills. Good warmup.

Same track as last 2 weeks.

Wind was fine. Legs were smoked.


A. FS @20X1 - build to a heavy double
365 Felt pretty good today.

B. Gauntlet - every 75 sec - Tng thruster x 3 (start @155#, increase 10#/set, max 10 sets)

10 sets was 245. Way more there.


For time:
100 wall ball
50 TTB

25 MU

12:25. 30/20/10/10/10/10/10 WB's, 10/5's TTB, 3s and 2's on MU's then 6 singles.
Felt pretty good. Always learning on these. Need to be faster at singles. And should have gone a bit deeper on WB's

Wednesday, March 12, 2014

3/11/14 - AM A/D 30/30 x 30 + PM Training


AD 30 sec @90%
AD slow spin 30 sec @50%
x 30

Done. Felt good. About 14-15 cal's per set. 83-85 rpm. Legs are a little tired today but recovering well. Had a buddy of mine come out this morning. Always fun knocking these out with someone else.


A. Split jerk cluster; 1.1.1 x 3; rest 15 sec, rest 2 min (build to a heavy set)
305, 325, 335. Tech felt good, but weight felt heavy. Still happy with how sharp they felt.

B. Emom 8 min - Push press x 1 (build from 225#)
225, +10#/minute. Stopped at 305#. Felt really strong. 

5 min amrap @85%
10 S2OH (115#)
10 Box jump (24")

rest 5 min

10 min amrap @90%
15 cal AD
10 burpees - 6"
5 ring dips

rest 5 min

5 min amrap @100%
100 cal AD

Amrap burpee box jump over in remaining time

5+1, Felt smooth. Jumped on the tired in the back yard. Step down each rep. Tire is about 28". All S20 UB and fast.
5 + 8 burpees, used a 6" target on burpees. This one felt really good today. Smooth. Breathing was great.
17 BBJ overs, 24" box. Finished the 100 cal in about 3:50. Went to town on the jumps. Tough. Great push though. Awesome way to end it. Great training session. Feeling good.

Tuesday, March 11, 2014

3/10/14 - AM Training + PM Testing


A. BS @20X1; 2,2,1,1; rest 2-3 min
365x2, 385x2, 405, 425. Felt really strong today. 

B. Emom 6 min - Tng PC x 4 (build from 155#)
155-205. 10# minute. Felt sharp

for time:
100 cals AD
30 burpee box jump over
150 DU

9:10. 100 cals in about 5:15. BBJ overs in 2:00. DU's in 2 sets. 49/101.
Felt pretty good on this. A little slow and sluggish breathing wise but in control.


A. OHS - build to a moderate single
245. Felt ok.

B. Emom 6 min - PS + OHS (build)
up to 195. Felt sharp.


Open 14.2

255 reps.

Sunday, March 9, 2014

3/8/14 - AM A/D 60/60 + PM Grinder


AD 60 sec @85%
AD slow spin 60 sec
x 20
- rest 5 min after 10 sets

Done. On reg A/D. Felt good. Had a big breakfast and did this around noon so I was awake for a while. Around 70-72 rpm each set (27-30 cal). Legs are tired.


100 double unders
90 walking lunge
80 ghd sit ups
70 kbs (2pd)
60 cal AD
50 back extensions
40 ring dip
30 burpee box jump over 24"
20 power clean (155#)
10 - 50 yard shuttle run (0-25,0-50)

27:15 - At Power cleans. Had to stop 5 shuttle runs in. Quads locked up so bad I could barely walk. I felt great in everything else though. 

lunges quick and steady. non stop
GHD's - sets of 11. a little slow as I haven't done these in a long time. Really need to get one. 
KBS - quick sets of 12, These were strong.
A/D - about 3:30. A little rough.
BE - 5 sets of 10. quick
Ring Dips - 5/5, 5/5/, then 10 sets of 2 real quick
BBJ - steady. Pecs and triceps locked up a few times on the burpee. PRetty aweful, but it subsided after about 15 reps.
PC's - singels with a few tng's in there. I was all kinds of locked up at this point. Quads were starting to lock and lower back was tight. Just kept moving though. 
Shuttles - Rough. So rough. Did 5 in about 3-4 minutes. Which is about 700m. Quads were locking from the start, but got way worse so I called it. I was just walking by set 5. A little frustrating as I wanted to end strong. Energy was there, but body has had it.

3/7/14 - AM Training + PM 14.2


AD 30 sec @80%
AD slow spin @50%
x 14

rest as needed

3 sets for times of:
Row 400m
12 burpees over erg
60 unbroken DU
rest walk work time

30/30 done on Assault Bike. Felt good. Powerful. 
All sets UB DU's. Felt great on these. Held around 1:40 on row. Burpees were smooth and fast.

A. BS @20X1; 2,2,1,1; rest 2-3 min (2s@75-80%, 1s@85%)
330, 350, 370 x 2. These felt REALLY strong tonight. Took a lot to hold back and not go for 1rm. I know I would have nailed it.

B. 6 sets - every 75 sec - Tng Clean x 4 (build from 135#)
135-160. Done. Felt good. Knees are a little tender. 


Open 14.2

3/6/14 - AM A/D Recovery + PM Recovery

AD 60 min @Z1

RTW - "round the world"
1 min AD easy
1 min FLR on floor
1 min row easy
1 min crawl
1 min run easy
1 min jump rope 

x 7 - all easy pace flush

Done. Feeling good. Legs are pretty tired, but not too sore. 

Thursday, March 6, 2014

3/5/14 - AM Run Intervals + PM Training


AD 10 min @Z1
Track style warm up

Run 400m @85%
rest walk 2:30 
x 7

Done. Averaged 1:33. 1:27 on last. Measured 400m with a wheel at my house. I now have a consistent track. These felt wayyyyyy better today. Did 20min A/D warmup. Felt great. Breathing is fine on these. Legs are still coming back. Good morning session.


A. FS @20X1; 3,3,2,2,1,1; rest 2-3 min 
325, 335, 345, 355, 370, 390. Felt strong. 


B. Emom 10 min - C&J x 1 (225-255#)

Done. Half at 255. Bop bop style c/j for most.

For time:
30 thrusters (95#)
30 chin up
20 thrusters 
20 chin up
10 thrusters

10 chin up

3:53, unbroken. Could definitely speed this up. Wasn't sure on some things. Last 10 on thr/chin should have been more urgent. 

Wednesday, March 5, 2014

3/4/14 - AM Row Intervals + PM Training


Row 500m @90%
rest walk 3 min
x 8

Averaged 1:39.6. I based it off 90% as I could have done 20 of these.

Done. Felt good. Spent a good while getting warm. Pretty sore from yday. Shoulder pain kept me up throughout the night.


A. Paused jerk + Split Jerk; 1.1 x 5; rest 2 min

275-315, Felt really really good. Good long warmup for the shoulders. Paid off.


B. for time: 75 S2OH (115#)

2:43. 15/15/10/10/10/8/7 
Triceps were limiter on locking out. Felt really good and smooth though. Used a small push jerk the whole time. Tried to make reps perfect.

5 min amrap @85%
5 HR push up
9 box jump

rest 5 min

10 min amrap @90%
25 Cal AB
25 burpee box jump over
15 Cal AB
20 burpee box jump over
5 Cal AB
Amrap burpee box jump over in remaining time

Rest 5 min

5 min amrap @100%
2 cal AB
10 bar facing burpees

10 PC (95#)

5 + 1 BJ, Great. Smooth. Step down on BJ's
15 Cal AB + 15 BBJ's - 24", Used A/B and probably used too many calories. Was supposed to be 75,50,25. This was tough. If I we're going to finish it, it would have been beyond 100%. Still pushed great.
3 + 2 Burpees, Damn I felt great on this one. I was moving. Great session tonight. Was tired earlier but got it together and had an amazing night.

Tuesday, March 4, 2014

3/3/14 - AM Training + PM Intervals

A. Gauntlet - every 75 sec - HC + Clean (255# start, 10#/set)
255 - 325. 335X(Basically deadlifted it haha)

B. BS @20X1; 3,2,1,3,2,1; rest 2-3 min (second wave more difficult)
325, 345, 365,   355, 385, 400
Felt pretty good. Not super strong today. 

13 min amrap @open pace:
50 wall balls
10 PC (135#)
40 wall balls 
10 PC (155#)
30 wall balls
10 PC (175#)
20 wall balls 
10 PC (195#)
10 wall balls
amrap MU in remaining time

9 MU's. Did first part in 11:13. 25/25, 20/20, 15/15, 10/10 on WB. 5/5, 3/3/3/1, singles, singles on cleans. Just tried to keep moving at a decent pace. Not a ton of fire this morning. Previous work zapped me a bit. Right shoulder started hurting in the cleans.


2 sets @100%:
AD 30 cals
20 KB swing
20 CTB chin up

rest walk 12 min

Done with Assault Bike. Monitor acted up on first set and probably only did 5+ cals. Second set I just started the monitor and went to 6. Went way harder on A/B and cleaned up KBS too. Couldn't butterfly ctb's tonight as the pullup bars I was using were really slick. Plus, shoulder is hurting quite a bit from AM session. Pretty tired tonight.

Set 1:

Set 2:

Sunday, March 2, 2014

3/1/14 - AM A/B Intervals + PM Training

AB 30 sec @85%
AB slow spin @50%

x 40

Done on the assault bike. CF Olive Branch, a few minutes from my house, bought one a few weeks ago. Will try to use it as much as possible. This thing is so awesome. 

Averaged 75 rpm. Don't remember wattage. I'll pay more attention to it next time. Felt strong today. 

A. Paused jerk + Split Jerk; 1.1 x 5; rest 2 min
275, 285, 295, 305, 320X
Felt good. Good practice. The 320 miss was weird. The pause jerk FLEW over head, then I had a brain fart on the split jerk. 


320 Miss:

B. Push press; 2,2,2,2; rest 2-3 min
255, 265, 275, 285
Not tng. Reracked from blocks. Shoulders felt a bit beat up.

C. Pendlay row; 6-8 x 3; rest 2 min
185, 195, 205. Felt great.

12 sets:
4 MU
5 burpees
6 box jump (30")
10 cal AD
rest walk 60 sec


Great session. This was fun. Maybe paced a bit much in the beginning, but I was happy to have speed up. MU's ub and easy, burpees to a 6" target, BJ' bounding and fast. 

Pretty tired now. Shoulders are pooped. Great week.

2/28/14 - AM Training + PM 14.1

AD 25 min @Z1
rest as needed
3 sets for times of:
10 cal AD
10 burpee box jump over
10 cal AD
rest walk work time


This was pretty tough. 10 bbjo's fast will smoke the quads. Last 10 cal were sluggish. Feeling good today though. Ready to rock.

A. BS @20X1; 2,2,1,1; rest 2-3 min (2s@75-80%, 1s@85%)
330, 350, 370, 370
Felt suuuper strong. Amped up tonight.

B. Emom 6 min - HPC x 1 (75-80%)
235,235, 240, 240, 245,245 Easy. Strong. Sharp. LET"S GO ALRAEDY!!@#!


Open 14.1
10 min AMRAP:
30 DU's
15 G2O - 75#

2/27/14 - AM Recovery + PM Recovery

AD 60 min @Z1

RTW - "round the world"
1 min AD easy
1 min FLR on floor
1 min row easy
1 min crawl
1 min run easy
1 min jump rope 

x 7 - all easy pace flush

Both done. Feeling good. Quads are recovering fast from last night.