Sunday, June 29, 2014

6/28/14 - Training

A. Power Split Clean: Tough tng double
295. First leg is fine, swapping to the second gets ugly.

B. EMOM x 10:
Even - 6 Wtd pistols (3/leg) - 70# DB
Odd - 12 TTB
EMOM x 10:
Even - 3-5 Thrusters - 70# DB's
Odd - 5 PHSPU - 10"

First EMOM was pretty tough. Never done pistols that heavy. They felt great. Did them in flats too. TTB Felt great. Could have 15-18 each set. Felt good to move with shoulders though. 
Second EMOM I was pretty smoke from 1st. Felt strong though. 

For Time: w/ partner
20 Burpees over wall - 6.5' wall
20 Tire Flips - big boy

Not sure on time. Probably 15'. My buddy was learning to flip the big boy for the first time so I had to pick up a few more.

This was fun! Felt great to just goof around today and do some different stuff. 
Played around with Medball PHSPU's also with a 14# ball. Getting the hang of it. 

Some clips from todays training!

6/27/14 - AM Training + PM Tester


A. BS: heavy single
Built to 405

B1. Sn Pull + 2 x Hang Sn Pull; rest 10 sec.
185 for all sets. Work on speed

B2. Wtd Pullup - strict x 5; rest 2:00 x 5 sets
35# for all sets.

3 Rounds for time:
100m Farmer Carry - 70# DB/ hand
4 Rope Climbs - 15'
60 Double Unders - Heavy Rope


This was fun! Broke once on 2nd and 3rd set of Farmer carry. Smoked grip for rope climbs. Shoulders were lit up during double under. Broke once on first and second set to keep shoulders in tact. Unbroken on last set. Felt good to play around today.

Tuesday, June 24, 2014

6/24/14 - AM Training + PM Run

A. PC + Tng PJ x 10 - build to one tough set
Up to 245. Easy but did not feel good. Wrist hurt pretty bad.

B. CGBP; 2-3 x 4; rest 2 min
245, 250, 250, 255

C. Amrap 3 min - unbroken sets of 5 ring push ups
11 sets, good technique.

3 sets @HIGH effort:
10 squat clean thrusters (135#)
rest 30 sec
20 unbroken CTB chin up
rest 30 sec
10 burpee box jump over (30")
rest walk 2 min
for time:
Sprint 100m
rest 2 min
for time:
20 pHSPU

:51, UB didn't feel sharp
6:00, 15" depth. Shoulders were smoked. Really struggled today.

Started to warmup the ctb's and squat cln thrusters. Moved on. Shoulders and wrist did not feel good.


25 min jog easy

Done. Felt good.

6/23/14 - Am Training + PM Training

A. Snatch - build to 80% fast (perfect mechanics, good speed)
- then Emom 5 min @ A weight x 1

Done. Feeling good today. Tried a good warmup and wanted to snatch using flats. Felt pretty strong. A littl different.

4th EMOM snatch

B. BS @20X1 - build to a moderately tough double (when the concentric slows down, call it)

365. Felt strong.

C. for time:
3 L rope climbs
50 DU
15 MU
50 DU
3 legless RC

7:16, L-sits took about :90-2:00. 15'. They blew me up big time. Mu's were tough. 4,3,2,singles. DU's UB, legless a few minutes. Grip was smoked.


AD 20 sec @97%
rest walk 2:40
x 8

- rest 5 min b/t sets 4,5

Done. Used assault bike. Felt powerful. 

6/21/14 - Training/Recovery

A. Hang snatch - build to a tough set of 5 (bar cannot drop)
Called it at 185# power. Right wrist was not feeling good at all.

B. Snatch pull; 1.1 x 3; rest 2 min (280,285,290)
Done. Felt strong.

C. CGBP - build to a heavy set of 3 
275#, tough for the day.

for time @95%:
15 Tng DL (315#)
rest 30 sec
3 L rope climbs
100m sprint
rest 1 min
3 legless RC
100m sprint
rest 30 sec

Row 15 cals

Doubled this with a partner vs another 2 fellas in a race. Fun.

For Time: One person working at a time.
30 DL’s - 315
6 L-Sit Rope Climbs
8 x 25m shuttle (down and back = 25m)
6 LL Rope Climbs
8 x 25m shuttle (down and back = 25m)
Row 15 cal/each

Around 7:30, tough. Pretty tired today. Still coming back. 

6/16/14 - 6/18/14 - NPFL Las Vegas Combine

Sunday, June 15, 2014

6/14/14 - Training

A. Snatch - heavy single (Fast and snappy feel, not an RM)
255, Felt great. Body feels healthy.

B. C&J - build to a heavy single (Fast and snappy feel, not an RM)
335, Squat clean and push jerk. Just playing around with push jerk. Felt great! Clean is feeling reallllly strong.

C. FS - build to a tough single for the day
385, it was pretty tough

D. AD 2 min - 30 sec @85%, 30 sec @90%, 30 sec @95%, 30 sec @100%
79 cals Felt strong on this. good pacing

Body feels great. Ready for the combine!

6/13/14 - Training

A. Power snatch + Hang snatch - build to a tough set
215. Called it there. Didn't feel great today. Still feel a little fried from yday training.

B. Snatch pull; 1.1 x 3; rest 2 min (275,285,295)
Done. Felt strong.

C. Split jerk (from blocks) - build to 335# fast
Done. Easy. Built really fast.

Row 300m @97%
rest walk 4:00

x 3

:52.6, :52.5, :52.4 
Faster each set. Feeling good on these.

6/12/14 - Training

A. Clean and jerk - build to a heavy set of 1
135, 185, 225, 255, 275, 295, 305, 325, 350PR
Didn't plan to go that heavy but it just felt good that day.

B. BS @20X1; 1,1,1; rest 3-4 min (85,87.5,90%)
385, 395, 405. Felt pretty heavy.

C. Emom 10 min
odd - pHSPU x 7
even - PS Tng x 3 (215#)

Done and ROUGH. This zapped me. Happy with it though.

3 rounds for time:
10 Bar MU
10 alt DB snatch (100#)  

rest 5 min

3 rounds for time:
AD 30 cals
6 S2OH (225#)

6:00 on first part, played it a little easy on Bar MU as I didn't want to destroy hands.
7:00, All UB and easy on S2O but A/D was slow. I was grinding by this point. Smoked. Great session. I'm feeling good.

Tuesday, June 10, 2014

6/10/14 - Training

A. PC&J - build to a tough single
225, 255, 275, 295, 305, 315, 325.
Felt amazing. Was not a RM. More there for sure. Body feels healthy today. Makes a WORLD of difference.


B. CGBP; 2,2,1,1; rest 2-3 min

255, 275, 285, 295
Felt pretty good.

4 sets @HIGH effort:
5 thrusters (225#)
rest 30 sec
15 CTB chin up
rest 30 sec
50 DU unbroken
rest walk 2 min

Done. All UB and sharp. Felt really good. Thrusters were great!


3 sets @97%:
5 HPS (135#)
5 burpees
AD 20 sec HARD

rest walk 4 min

Done. Feeling sharp as hell. It's coming back. Each set around :38-:40 sec.

Last set.

Monday, June 9, 2014

6/9/14 - Training


A. PS + HPS + HS - build to a tough set
205, felt pretty good. Really tight overhead. 


B. BS - build to 385 fast
Done. Felt good. quick build. 225, 275, 325, 365, 385

for time:
15 DB thrusters (70#/h)
5 MU
15 DB deadlifts (70#/h)
10 pHSPU
15 DB thursters
5 MU
15 DB deadlifts

Tough. Deep on PHSPU's. HAd some trouble there. 3s and 2s. 14"
First DB thr quick and UB. Shoulders were smoked on 2nd set. MU felt fine. Heavy breathing. Crazy humid right now.

AD 35 sec @HARD effort
rest walk 4:15

x 3

Done. Did this at Michelle's gym with the weird airdynes. Didn't bother looking at output, just hit it hard. Great recovery on these. 

Practiced some 25' rope climbs too right after sets. Felt good. Getting up in three pulls.

Saturday, June 7, 2014

6/7/14 - Training

A. Clean Gauntlet - start at 205#, build 5#/rep, must increase - complete as many reps at loads in 3 min

205-290, 19 bars (did 275 twice with weight change mistake) 
This felt pretty good. About 1 bar every 10 sec. Could get a few more if there were bars out.

Went as fast as I could while weight was changed. Had two bars, one started at 205 and I added until 270, then another bar had 275 and I added from there.

B. C&J - build to a moderate PERFECT form single
300#, felt good. 

C. FS - build to a ONE heavy set of 1
345 quick. Didn't feel great.

D. AD 25 min @Z1
Felt niiiiiice.

6/6/14 - Training

A. Hang snatch + Hang snatch below the knee + OHS - build to a Moderate set


Felt good. Sharp. 

B. Snatch pull + Snatch high pull; 1.1 x 3; rest 2 min 

265, 275, 285

C. Emom 5 min - SJ BTN + SJ (2 min @245, 3 min @265)

Done. Easy. Worked on some tng with the weight.

5 burpee box jump
15 DU
15 sec HARD on AD
rest walk 3:30
x 3

rest 8 min

Row 225m @97%
rest walk 3:35

x 3

:38 (12 cal)
:38 (13 cal)
:37 (13 cal)

Lifting felt pretty good today. Wrist and shoulders are still healing up a bit. Felt really fast and sharp on BBJ/DU/AD intervals. Row is feeling strong again as well. Last I could barely pull below 1:20, 1:17-1:18 today. Power is coming back.

5 BBJ 15 DU's :15 A/D

225m Row - 3rd set

6/5/14 - Training Deload

A. Clean + FS + Jerk - build to a challenging set with perfect mechanics
then Emom 5 min - @85% of A

Up to 295. Felt cruddy today so called it. 

Emom @ 250#, easy.

B. BS @20X1 - build to ONE heavy set of 1
405 easy.

C. Emom 10 min - 
Even - 35 DUs
Odd - 6 Wtd pistols - 53#

Done. Felt good. 

HAd to back off on volume. Not feeling sharp and healed up.

Tuesday, June 3, 2014

6/3/14 - AM Training + PM Intervals


A. Emom 10 min - PC&J x 3 (build from 225#) 
225 - 270, Got pretty tough on breathing but not heavy.

B. CGBP; 2-3 x 5; rest 2 min
215, 230, 250, 260, 265
Felt pretty strong.

C. for time: 50 ring push ups

5 sets @HIGH effort:
8 Tng PS (155#)
rest 30 sec
12 unbroken knees to elbow
rest 30 sec
10 burpee box jump over
rest 30 sec
12 TTB
rest walk 2 min

3 sets done and unbroken then shut it down. Things started to get pretty sloppy.

PM - 

3 sets @97%:
3 rounds for time:
5 KBS (2pd)
5 burpees
rest walk 4 min

rest 10 min

3 sets @97%:
AD 15 cals
8 Tng HPS (95#)

rest walk 4 min




Felt great to go fast. Feeling sharp again.

Monday, June 2, 2014

6/2/14 - AM Training + PM Intervals

AM -

A. Hang snatch + OHS - build to a moderately tough set
215. Called it there. Felt pretty good but wanted to let shoulder and wrist heal up.

B. Snatch pull; 1.1.1 x 3; rest 2 min (265,275,285)
Done. Felt strong. 

285 Sn Pulls

C. BS @20X1; 2,2,1,1; rest 4 min
365, 385, 405, 410, Felt pretty tough but healthy.

for time:
100 DU
15 MU
75 DU
20 pHSPU
50 DU
25 bar MU

11:00 @ 90%. Wanted to go easy as this is the first gymnastics back on track. Feeling really healthy now. 

100 DU's UB
15 MU - 5/5/3/2
75 DU's - 2 sets
PHSPU - 5/5/4/3/3 
50 DU's UB
25 BMU - 5/5/4/3/4/3/1 Tore on last rep. Damn.

PM - 

Sprint 200m
rest walk 3:30
x 4

rest 10 min

Row 150m
AD 15 cals
rest walk 3:30

x 4

Each :26 in the street
:50, :50, :50, :47
Yahoo. Row felt much more powerful than last week.

Last Sprint: