Clean and jerk 225#
Bar muscle ups
CJ's all singles. Felt pretty easy. Missed 1 bar muscleup on round of 2. Got lazy and form fell. Cost me like :20. First time doing these in a test. Really fun! Would like to have this near 3:00.
Felt better today. Spent a while warming up. Rode the airdyne for 10 min prior. 150 cal. Help wake up and get my body warm. Temperatures are dropping pretty quick.
5 min amrap @85%
Row 200m
5 burpee over rowers
Rest 2 min
5 min amrap @85%
Run 200m
10 wall balls
Rest 2 min
5 min amrap @85%
Airdyne 10 cals
20 double unders
Rest 2 min
5 min amrap @85%
Row 200m
5 squat snatch 95#
Rest 2 min
5 min amrap @85%
Run 200m
10 ring dips
3 + 5 wall balls
5 + 3 double unders
3 + 3 squat snatch
4 + 75m
Had a bad headache before the session and was feeling a little sick. Ended up feeling awesome though during the entire workout. Breathing was great. Body felt good. Just felt on tonight. Pushed the pace on all of these. I was recovering so well during the 2:00 rest. This session FLEW by.