Saturday, March 30, 2013

3/30/13 - Double Testing

Slept close to 9 hours last night. Feel pretty good. Kinda fuzzy feeling from the intense work yesterday.  Didn't end up doing part 1 until about 11:30am. Started warming up around 10:30 am.

for time:
Run 800 m
30 squat snatch - 135#
Run 800 m

First 800m around 3:12

Measured with wheel but lots of turns and it's rainy and slippery. Not ideal conditions.
Snatches - 3/3/3 then all singles. Tried to stay cool and control breathing but these kinda lit me up today.
I think I was out the door under 7:00. I wanted to push harder on the snatches but I knew I would be shit on the run. Didn't matter, I was still shit on the run. Tried to stride out the last 400m, energy was there but back and legs were cramped. Not very happy with the effort on this one. Recovered very fast. Should have pushed more.

for time:
10 MU's
30 DB snatch - 90# - 15/arm
7 MU's
20 DB snatch - 90# - 10#/arm
4 MU's
10 DB snatch - 90# - 5/arm
1 MU


Done around 3:30 PM
Muscleups, 5/5, 4/3, 4 UB, 1 unbroken obviously. Snatches were slow during the 30 and 20. Tough breathing. This movements gasses me. The last 10 I pushed hard. Not very happy with the 30 and 20. But, where I was slower on the snatches I feel like I caught up on the muscleups. Energy was good. Ready to eat and relax for a day. Glad to have Easter Sunday off. Excited to spend some time with my family.

3/29/13 - Triple Testing

Woke up expecting a rest day for some reason. Schedule was changed in a drastic fashion. Feel great today. A little buzzed from the work last night but body feels loose.

part 1:
thruster - 95#
pull ups

2:04, PR 
Sub 2 is there. I broke last 9 pullups
Couldn't hold on, dropped and did 2 singles.
The difference from this and the 2:10 I did a few weeks ago was my thrusters. I tried to go bananas on the  first 21. I was a little too amped up, cuz my first 21 pullups were all out of wack. Cost me a few seconds. Would be cool to get a sub 2 next time. This was pretty spicy afterwards.

rest 3 hours

part 2:
3 rds for time:
FS - 225# from ground x 12
21 DU's

3:27, All Unbroken.
Front squats felt good. Slow and steady. Could have pushed more. Doubted myself. HSPU's kinda slow, first 2 rounds were strict then 5 strict/ 5 kip on last round. DU's fast. Fun workout. Didn't really hurt.

rest 3 hours

part 3:
for time:
Row 1K
50 burpees
Row 1K


3:39 - first row
2:02 Burpees
3:25 - Second row

Tried to stay about 85-90% on first row. Didn't waste any time starting the burpees. Tried to push about 90% on those. My goal was to save plenty for the final row. I finished strong but I might have been way too conservative. Just didn't hurt as bad as I was anticipating. Feeling pretty good.

Thursday, March 28, 2013

3/28/13 - AM Airdyne + Max Snatch/13.4 Open Workout

Airdyne 30 min. Z1

Felt good. Around 400 cal total. Energy is good today. Body feels good. Stretched for a while.

Max Snatch
13.4 Open Workout
Ascending Ladder
3 C/J's - 135#
3 T2B
6 C/J's - 135#
6 T2B
9 C/J's - 135#
9 T2B…

255#, 265#, 270# PR, 275#PR, 280X
Felt GREAT! Technique didn't feel amazing, but I feel fast and strong. Very happy. I think there's a lot more there.

112 reps

3, 3,
Singles x 15
Singles x 18

6, 6

T2B still need some work. I think the set of 15 cj's was slow and that's what cost me. I should have also one some tng on 18. Could have given me 15-20 more seconds for the t2b. Oh well. We'll see how this holds up. 




Wednesday, March 27, 2013

3/27/13 - AM Swim + PM EMOM Training

Swim 25m @90%
rest 30 seconds

Done, AM Fasted. BCAA's. Felt great, averaged :20-:21
EMOM for 18 min:
Odd- 3 power snatch 155#
Even- 3 muscle ups
EMOM for 18 min:
Odd- 3 squat clean 225#
Even- 3 parallete hspu
EMOM for 18 min:
Odd- 30 seconds airdyne @90%
even- 10 knees to elbow

Done. Took a while to get warm. Body is pretty stiff. Energy is good though. Did some tng with the 155. Squat cleans were all singles. Felt good. Averaged about 20-21 cal per :30 on the airdyne.

Monday, March 25, 2013

3/25/13 - AM Row/AD/DU + PM Training/Test

Row 30 seconds @85%
row 30 seconds @50%
Airdyne 30 seconds @85%
airydne 30 seconds @50%
Double unders 30 seconds @85%
rest 30 seconds

Done this AM. Fasted, BCAA's.
Row - Averaged 150m, 1:40 pace
Airdyne - Around 84 rpm, a little less than the last week of 30/30's
DU's - 30,55,50,50,50,55,55,55,55,60 = 515 total

Fun session. Transitions were tricky trying to keep the breathing cool.

Good sleep last night. Feeling better today. It's a much brighter day out.

A. Power snatch; 3 reps on the min for 10 min @65% 1rm
Done. 155#. All singles. Fast and easy.

B. Back squat 2, 2, 1, 1, 1; rest 3 min
385 x 2, 395 x 2, 405 x1, 415 x1, 430 x1 +

395 x 2:

405 x 1:

415 x 1:

430 x 1:

For time:
30 TGU 2 pood
20 wall walks
10 rope climbs


TGU's, about 8:20, slow and steady. Tried to keep rest minimal.
Wall Walks, around 4:00.
Rope Climbs, about 5:00, Tried to attack these. Last 2 were really tough.
Tough workout. Fun though. Crappy movements, but fun.

3/23/13 - AM Training + PM Testing

Pretty sore this morning. Quads and adductors are tight. 
A. Power Snatch - heavy single with perfect form every 60 sec for 12 min
220 x 9, 225 x 2, 230 x 1
These felt great! I felt like I could have pr'd today.

B. Clean pulls with straps clusters - 1.1.1 x 3; 10 sec b/t reps; 2 min b/t sets - each set heavier
319, 330, 340. Felt good. I think I'm doing these right.



C. KBS ladder - 88# unbroken - 5-10-15-20-25-20-15-10-5 for time; perform 1 pHSPU b/t each set

Whoa! This was epic. All unbroken but some big rests in there. A lot harder than it looked on paper.

for reps:
max HSPU in 3 min
rest 2 min
for time:
FW - 135#/h - 50 m
stone to shoulder x 15 - 100#
15 bar muscle ups
10 man makers - 45#/h
rest 2 min
max HSPU in 3 min



For Time:


Farmers walk was easy. Only had a 90# stone so did 20 reps. 10/10. Bar muscleups 5/4/2/2/2 took about 1:30, way too long. Man makers unbroken but ugly. HSPU's felt rough today. Shoulders were a little tired from AM session.

Thursday, March 21, 2013

3/21/13 - AM Z1 Airdyne + PM Training

30 min. Airdyne @ Z1
Movement/Mobility Work

Done. About 370 cal. Around 700-800 cal/hr. Practiced some wallball and double unders. Feeling good

A. Max clean and jerk
305, 315, 325, 340PR
Felt easy. Way more there. Jerk was stupid as usual.




Opens workout 13.3
12 Min. Amrap:
150 Wallball
90 Double unders
30 Muscleups

Wallballs were 30/30/15/15/15/15/10/10/10.
DU's UB and fast
MU's 5/3/3 2's then 10 singles.

Wallballs felt easy. Breathing was SOLID. Took very short breaks and kept pace fast. Double Unders I caught my breath back. MU's did a few long sets then tried to keep rest short. Last set of wallball was TOUGH. Broke twice on last 26. Needed to be tougher here. Could have broke 300.

Happy with results tonight. It's hard to ever be please with an open score when you are comparing to the world. I am happy that I performed well and I can focus on my training for the weekend. Hopefully this score will hold up.

Tuesday, March 19, 2013

3/19/13 - AM Swim + PM Training

Swim 25m @90%
rest 30 seconds

Done. Around :20-:21.
Pushed the pace a bit more on these. Recovered just fine. Felt more like a MAP session for once. Breathing was getting heavy but sustainable. Feeling good this morning.

EMOM for 16 min:
Odd- 3 power snatch 155#
Even- 3 muscle ups
EMOM for 16 min:
Odd- 3 squat clean 225#
Even- 3 parallete hspu
EMOM for 16 min:
Odd- 30 seconds airdyne @90%
even- 10 toes to bar

Done. Easy. Singles for all BB movements. Felt sharp today. Averaged 21-22 cal during :30 of airdyne. T2B felt great. Fast.

Monday, March 18, 2013

3/18/13 - AM Row + PM Training/Test

5K row easy - weird...

Done. 20:30
Felt good to get going. Body is stiff. Neck and calves are sore.

A. Power clean; 3 reps on the min for 10 min @65% 1rm
Done. 205#. Felt sharp and easy. Alternated TnG each round.

B. Front squat 4, 3, 2, 1; rest 3 min
315, 335, 365, 390 PR, 400x
Was not expecting a pr tonight. Just felt really strong. 390 was easy so went for it on 400. Just missed it. Big confidence boost considering there hasn't been much squatting. Felt good. 

365# x 2:

390# PR:

400# Miss:

4 rounds for time:
50 meter front rack carry 155#
20 pistols
3 rope climbs

Front rack carry was easy. Pistols were smooth and steady. Faster than they have been in a while. They felt great. The passed several weeks of practice has helped in the test. Rope climbs were done on 17.5'. Felt great tonight. Feeling more confident with technique. I was able to push. Fun workout tonight. Great session over all. Feeling awesome again. Needed that. Fired up for the week.

Sunday, March 17, 2013

3/17/13 - 13.1 redo

Crossfit open workout #2 - Redo
Bounded box jumps first 2 rounds at :50/each then went to step ups. So much easier to control the breathing. Happy to have done better. Not happy to have thrown the rest of my weekend training out the window. Onward.

3/16/13 - AM Airdyne + PM Recovery

Row 500m @1:37
rest 3 min

Skipped to recover for 13.1 redo. AM
Airdyne 30 seconds @85%
Airdyne 30 seonds @50%
Held 450-500 watts. Felt fine. Stressed right now.

30 min. Airdyne + Skill practice

3/15/13 - AM Z1 Airdyne + 13.1

Airdyne 30 min z1

Done. Feeling good.
Practiced a few rounds of 13.1

A. Squat clean; 6 sets of 2 @90% effort; rest as needed
Used 275#, Didn't want to over do it before the test. So backed off a bit.
Felt amazing.

Crossfit open workout #2
Bust. Went out way too hard.

3/14/13 - AM Swim + PM Recovery

Swim 50m @90%
rest 45 seconds
x25 sets

Done. Felt great.
About :51-:53 Average

Hike 120 min unloaded

Done. Beautiful day out. Feeling awesome.
Had a massage after the swim this morning.

Wednesday, March 13, 2013

3/13/13 - AM Run Intervals + PM Test

Run 10 min z1
Run 30 seconds @high tempo aerobic pace
rest/walk 1 min x7
Hill run, 30 seconds run @high tempo aerobic pace
walk/rest down 2 min
Walk 10 min cool down

Done. 8 am Fasted, BCAA's. Same course and hill as usual. Running felt great this morning. Shoulders are pretty stiff this morning.
A. KB juggling play 10 min
10 min amrap:
10 power clean and jerk 135#
10 burpee box jumps
30 double unders

4 + 10 cj's
Bleh. 5/3/2 on first cj's then all singles. Felt winded and out of shape tonight. Breathing was very heavy. Tough workout for me.

Tuesday, March 12, 2013

3/12/13 - AM Airdyne Intervals + PM Training

Airdyne 30 seconds @85%
Airdyne 30 seonds @50%
(increase avg watt from week 3)

Done. 7:30 AM Fasted, BCAA's
Held 86 RPM this week. Getting pretty tough, but finishing and recovering strong. Feeling good this morning. 86/87 Next week.

A. Muscle ups; 1 set amrap unbroken
PR by like 4 or 5 but really wanted 20. I think with some practice for sure. My abs and pecs were
smoked after that attempt.

B. Squat snatch; build to a 5rm TnG in 10 min
215, 225
Pretty happy with the 225. Felt a little awkward on the tng but still felt strong today. 
Emom for 24 min
Odd- 30 seconds max distance hs walk
Even- 3 TnG power snatch 175#

Done. Averaged 45 feet per 30 seconds. Broke once per set.
Sets were: 40', 40', 50' 50', 50', 50', 50', 45', 40', 50' 50' (UB), 35'
550' Total = 167 meters

Power snatch were easy.

Fun session tonight. Feeling good.

Monday, March 11, 2013

3/11/13 - AM Z1 Row + PM Training

Row 5k out of bed fasted @z1 pace (1 sec faster than week 3)

Done. 8 AM Fasted.
1:57 pace. 19:30.
Spent 5 minutes rolling and stretching prior. Helped. Felt great this morning.
EMOM x 10:
1 x 17' rope climb. Varied techniques. 

Starting to feel back to normal. Energy is slowly creeping back. Excited for later.

A. Power clean and push jerk 3 reps on the minute 185# for 10 min
Done. Easy. Half TnG, half singles.
B. 50 hspu for time
Kipping needs practice. Use to PHSPU's

7 min amrap:
8 toes to bar
4 burpees
8 ctb chin ups
4 burpees

6 + 3 T2B
Tried for round/minute. Not today. Breathing felt great though.

Sunday, March 10, 2013

3/10/13 - AM Row Intervals + PM Training

Row 500m @1:40
rest 90 seconds

Done. 10 am fasted, BCAA's. Feeling much better today. Slept like 10 hours last night.

These felt good. Lower back started to get a little tired and cramped.
Felt a little lactic at the end. Body is still recovering or it's just harder than I think it is.


A. FS @ 30X1; 2-3 x 5 - 3 min rest - working sets, not maxes
305 for all sets. Felt good to squat. Weight felt pretty heavy.
B. 3 MU's unbroken - emom - 10 min
Done. Easy. Felt good.
for time:
50 thrusters - 155#
100 toes to bar
150 DU's

Skipped. Getting ready for the week.

Saturday, March 9, 2013

3/9/13 - 13.1

Crossfit open workout #1
17 Min AMRAP:
40 burpees, 6" reach
30 Snatches - 75#
30 burpees, 6" reach
30 Snatches - 135#
20 burpees, 6" reach
30 Snatches - 165#
10 burpees, 6" reach
AMRAP Snatches - 210#

3 sets of 10 on the 75#
All singles after that. 
Felt good warming up so went for it. 
Felt smoked and winded after the first 30 snatches at 75#. Weight didn't feel heavy I was just soo out of breath today. Body could not catch up. I'm grateful I had enough energy to get this done with.
Ready to move on and get back to training. It felt like this was the first tough test I've done in months. I was on the ground for 30 minutes after it was over.

3/8/13 - Sick

3/7/13 - Sick

Wednesday, March 6, 2013

3/6/13 - AM Run + PM MMM

Run 10 min z1
Run 30 seconds @high tempo aerobic pace
rest/walk 1 min x7
Hill run, 30 seconds run @high tempo aerobic pace
walk/rest down 2 min
Walk 10 min cool down

Done. 7 am fasted, bcaa's. Traveling this week, so no hills. Did 15 sets of 30/1:00 rest. Felt great this morning. Been battling a bit of a head cold. Felt a little run down the past few days. Actually felt good to get out and clear my head running in the cold. Lots of traveling this week but I'm back home now and I'll get a good rest tonight.

A. KB juggling play 10 min
10 min amrap @95%
10 burpees box jumps 24"
10 kb snatch 2 pood (5 per arm)
200 meter row
rest 10 min
10 min amrap @95%
15 burpees
60 double unders

4 + 5 snatches
Probaly closer to 90%

6 + 2 burpees. Did hand release burpees tonight. Not really harder but slower. DU's felt good. Only tripped once on round 4. Felt great on this one. Could have gone a while.


Felt kinda trained warming up for this. Hard to get going. Body feels 100% but energy is low. Not sure if it is the previous days training/traveling or a little bit of the head cold. Looking forward to a good rest tonight. Just watched Brandi do 13.1. I'm ready for it.  

Tuesday, March 5, 2013

3/5/13 - AM Airdyne Intervals + PM Training

Airdyne 30 seconds @85%
Airdyne 30 seonds @50%
(increase avg watt from week 2)

Done. 6 am fasted, bcaa's. Averaged 85+ RPM today. Felt tough. Pretty tired this morning. Haven't slept great lately.
A. Muscle ups; 2 reps on the min for 12 min
Every 45 seconds for 15 sets; 1 squat snatch 200-225#
Emom for 16 min
Odd- 3 ring hspu
Even- 6 TnG power snatch 135#
Amrap in 10 min:
2 leg less rope climbs
50 meter prowler push - heavy/grinder weight

Muscle-ups done. Felt good.
Snatches done. First at 205, then all at 225. Felt GREAT!
RHSPU's Done. Rings were set above waist level. Snatches done. Easy. Felt sharp and smooth tonight.
3 rounds even. 12' rope starting in a seated position. Prowler was out back on concrete. Started way too heavy. Had to drop weight the first round. I coundn't budge it. I was SMOKED after this. Great session.

Monday, March 4, 2013

3/4/13 - AM Row + PM Training

Row 5k out of bed fasted @z1 pace (1 sec faster than week 2)
Done. 1:59 pace. Felt great. Did about 10-15 rope climbs afterwards practicing some new techniques.

Warm up with TnG box jump practice 50 reps maxiumum non fatigues (24, 30 inch)
A. Clean and jerk; 2 reps @70-73% 1rm on the 90 seconds for 10 sets
Done at 245#. Felt sharp and strong today.

B. 10 TnG S2O on the minute for 10 min 115#
Done. Easy. +
5 rounds for time:
10 CTB chin ups
30 seconds L-sit (perfect form)

Pullups sharp and fast today. L-sit was terrible. I knew it was coming. Was breaking into :5 - :7 intervals.

Saturday, March 2, 2013

3/2/13 - AM Row Intervals + PM Testing/Training

Row 500m @1:37
rest 3 min

Done. Fasted, BCAA's - 9:30 AM


Felt good. First one is always the worst. Gets better from there. Had my shake, then at some quinoa and chili. Having trouble getting food down in between sessions like this. I think I'm just wound up and ready to go and get the rest done on Saturdays. Need to learn to relax a bit more after part 1 is done.

PM - 12:00 PM
A. 5 TnG deadlift on the minute beginning at 275# adding 20# per
minute until failure (stop at 90-95% effort, protect low back)
Rest 10 min
5 rounds for time:
10 stone to shoudler 150#
20 meter hs walk
Rest 15 min
20 min amrap @90% effort
15 toes to bar
20 thrusters 95#
30 calories airdyne

A. Completed 375# easy, stopped on 3/5 at 395#. About 90%
Could have gotten 405#.

Rest 10 min.

B. 15:20
Used a 150# sandbag instead of a stone. Pretty tough. Need work on these types of tests. Hard for me to push. Constant worry about the next round. HS walks were ok. Would love some feedback.

Rest 15 min.

4 + 20 cal

Just kept chipping and moving. Felt much better than last weeks amrap. Grip was tired and sore, but T2B felt pretty good. Airdyne was weak. Around 2:00 per 30 cal.

Was pretty tired after this. Going to eat a lot of food tonight. Already getting prepared for Monday. Can't wait.

Friday, March 1, 2013

3/1/13 - AM Z1 Airdyne + PM Training

Airdyne 30 min z1
Done. Slept great. Feeling awesome. Body is 100%

A. Squat clean; 6 sets of 2 @90% effrt
296# for all sets. About 3 minute rest bt sets. Felt good. Good practice

B. Squat clean thruster TnG gauntlet; 5 reps on the 75 seconds
beginning @135#, adding 10# per minute until failure
205, 215X (3/5) Just flat ran out of gas.
I need some practice on a slight pause coming down in the hang. I think
I could rest in the hang for a split second after each rep and get more done.

C. Amrap unbroken COVP chin ups x3; rest 5 min

Wimped out on the first set. Wasn't ready, hands were hurting and it got in my head.
These just felt off tonight.

Soft performances tonight. Flushing it from my head and coming back to attack tomorrow. Looking forward to it.

2/28/13 - AM Swim + PM Hike

Swim 25m @90%
rest 30 seconds
x30 sets

Done. Fasted, BCAA's.

Around :23-:25 per set. Felt good. Body feels great. Lats got a little tight in the beginning.

Hike 120 min unloaded

Done. Only had time for 90 minutes. Walked at Shelby Farms. Just about finished listening to "A Short history of Nearly Everything" by Bill Bryson. Neat book about the history of science topics.

Part 1 was easily the most interesting. Topics on deep space and theories of the creation of the universe. Has a pretty good explanation on Einsteins Theory of Relativity.