8 AM:
Row500m @ 1:37, rest 4-5 min, build to max press during rest sets.
225 for press. Went for 235 as 225 went really easy on the first try. Should have done it before my last row. I got a little tired after the last row. Still happy to hit 5# under max with shoulder hurting a little bit and fatigued.
Part 2: build to max power clean/jerk with no reset.
Basically power clean immediately into the jerk. No reset.
255, 275, 295, 305x, 305x, 305, 315
This was hard for me to get the hang of. I mean, the jerk was super easy. I just struggle catching the power clean perfectly upright and tall setting me up for a strong jerk position. Tried to split some, it was ugly and I ended up push jerking 315 pretty easy.
Part 3: partner Isabel. 60 snatches for time 135
2:34, ME 15, 8,7 Tng felt super strong. This was a blast for me.
Mike Fitzgerald and I partnered for this one. Second fastest time.
Part 4:
For Time:
21 CTB Chinups
9 Thrusters 95#
15 CTB Chinups
15 Thrusters 95#
9 CTB Chinups
21 Thrusters 95#
2:32, broke 9 chinups. 5/4
Did the last set of thruster as fast as I could. Hurt really bad. This was wayy more painful this way than Fran. Stoke with the time though.
Part 5:
12 min amrap:
10 dl 155
20 air squats
30 double unders
Rest 15
12 min amrap
60 bar facing burpees
S20 115
10 + 9 air squats. Felt great on this. Only DL's were tough. Squats and DU's were easy. Lower back was crazy tight on DL's . Happy with the push on this.
13 T2B into the round of 21. Could have gone much deeper if it were opposite order at the end. T2B didn't feel great today. S2O were cake. Burpees were around 5:00. Should have gone a little faster. I was fine. Not pumped with score on this.