Tuesday, December 4, 2012

12/3/12 - Z1 Row + Training/Test

Row 45 min @easy pace

Done. Fasted 7 am. Around 10,500 m. Felt ok. Back was getting stiff. 2:00/pace

A. Squat clean x2/Front squat x3; rest 2 min x3 complexes
275, 295, 315
Felt great! Didn't know what to expect. Would rather had made smaller jumps and had heavier working sets.




B. Hang squat snatch from below the knee; 2, 2, 1, 1; rest 2 min
225, 235, 245, 265X
Felt fast and sharp. Wasn't aggressive in the third pull on 265. Caught it overhead but just lost it forward. Pulled it plenty high.

225 x 2:

235 x 2:

245 x 1:

265 x 1 Miss:

6 min amrap:
10 power clean and jerk 135#
10 ring dips

4 + 7 ring dips
First set unbroken, second 5/5, then singles and short sets on ring dips. Felt ok. Hips were pretty tired from previous work as usual.

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