Run 10 min z1
Run 30 seconds @high tempo aerobic pace
rest/walk 1 min x7
Hill run, 30 seconds run @high tempo aerobic pace
walk/rest down 2 min
Walk 10 min cool down
Done. Fasted BCAA's. Same loops and hills as last week. Felt better this week but legs are still feel heavy during this. Might be last two days of work. Good session though. Not sore anywhere. I ate ice cream last night and it was good. Unfortunately, it wasn't a lot. Plus it was coconut milk ice cream. Going to eat more tonight. Made me feel good.
A. KB juggling play 10 min
10 min amrap @90%
5 burpees
15 power clean and jerk 75#
30 double unders
rest 5 min
10 min amrap @90%
10 box jumps 24" (step down)
10 toes to bar
10 calories airdyne
rest 5 min
10 min amrap @90%
Row 250m
15 unbroken wall balls
Run 200m
15 unbroken wall balls
6 + 3 cj's
6 + 5 t2b's
3 rounds even
Felt great tonight! Energy was a lot better than last week. Felt much more in control this week. Could have gone all day. First AMRAP was the most difficult, the rest were fine. Body feels good. Took vid of each one tonight and would love some feedback if any.