Sunday, November 6, 2011

11/6/11 - Neera Complete!

Neera Cleanse Complete

Weight: 186.5#

I literally jumped out of bed this morning and ran down stairs like it was Christmas morning and tore into a shake like it was a present wrapped under a Christmas Tree!

It was glorious...

Welcome Back Shake:
14oz. Coconut Water
2 Bananas
1 Scoop Almond Butter
26g of Max Protein Powder (Goat Formula)

I plan on training today but going at it easy to ease back in to it. I'll probably rest tomorrow then hop back on the Big Dawg Blog Tuesday, Wednesday, & Thursday. Then, It's off to ATL to hang out with some of the coolest people! Asked Steve Mullen what he did for training the day back after the cleanse and it was very similar to what I had in mind. Will probably look a little something like this:

A. Back Squat: 5,3,2 @ 85-90%; rest 3 min.
B. CTB Chin Ups: 3 x 10; rest 1 min.
C. Run 400m @ 90%; rest 5 min. x 2
D. Double Unders: 20 sec. AMRAP; rest 30 sec. x 3

Took some after pics this morning. Unfortunately I don't have any before to compare them to. Don't make fun, I'm NOT posing. Just wanted to track how freaking skinny I feel.

This is for you Robert...


I'm glad it's over. I highly suggest anyone serious about their health and fitness to try it out. It's really not that bad. I plan on tracking my weight the rest of the week to see how long it takes for me to gain it back. Then to see how much of it I keep off.

Know the love of Christ which surpasses knowledge, that you may be filled up to all the fullness of God.
-Ephesians 3:19

1 comment:

  1. What brand goat formula do you use? And do you just drink that for breakfast? And do you think the neera cleanse is applicable for a college student? Wondering if I will be able to sit in class long enough w/o having to go to the bathroom
