A. Back Squat: 5,3,2 @ 85-90%; rest 3 min. 315#, 345#, 365# - Felt Really Heavy
B. CTB Chin Ups: 3 x 10; rest 1 min. Fast and Unbroken. Felt GREAT
C. Run 400m @ 90%; rest 5 min. x 2 1:19, 1:10, Felt very winded.
Mentally feel great. Body is still catching up. Have to ease the calories back in. Going to rest on Monday and eat like a champ, then back at it full force Tuesday.
Weight: 192#
Mood: Feel great. Almost back to normal.
What brand goat formula do you use? And do you just drink that for breakfast? And do you think the neera cleanse is applicable for a college student? Wondering if I will be able to sit in class long enough w/o having to go to the bathroom